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Posts posted by angela&4boys

  1. TOG is truly beautiful and I'm amazed at how very rich it is. I love it in theory, but the samples alone overwhelmed me. It's just not practical enough for our family of active boys.


    Don't lament for too long. You'll find something that fits you and yours. There's certainly a plethora of options to choose from. :)

  2. Beginning in August we will be using:





    • HOD's Bigger Hearts for His Glory






    • HOD's Bigger Hearts for His Glory - Learning Through History with extensions for Bible, character, and history




    • & Hearts for Him Through Time: Creation to Christ - Learning the Basics for Language Arts and Science



    After 11 years of home schooling, I am sooooo thrilled to have everything planned out. It has all the elements of traditional and CM components I desire. The only exception will be that we'll continue to use Math U See in place of the suggested Singapore. I'm over tweaking, rearranging, modifying, substituting, etc etc.... :blink: [Me doing lesson planning.]


    Carrie is truly gifted and I look forward to using something as it is designed.

  3. Edited to say that I just saw this is for your 5yo and I'm much less familiar with the younger programs. Sorry! I hope my comments didn't cause any confusion.


    Like you, I want (and need with an active 2yo) everything planned out for me this coming year. I also want to keep my guys together for Bible and history. I was drawn to HOD and with the help of the author and the ladies on the HOD boards, I figured out a plan.


    We'll be using Bigger Hearts in it's entirety with our 9yo and the left side or Learning Through History only with our 11yo next year. As you probably already know, it includes Bible and history. I'll beef up the American history for our 11yo.


    Our 11yo will be using just the right side or Learning the Basics (with the exception of Bible Study because it's in Bigger)of Hearts for Him: Creation to Christ. It includes all language arts (dictation, grammar, writing, poetry) and a wonderful study of life science/biology.


    So, the short answer is yes, I definitely think it can be done. If you're unsure, you can email Carrie. She is so helpful and helped me sort everything out.


    And fwiw, I felt such a strong pull towards HOD and let go of the history-cycle. (Did I just say that on the WTM forum???)


    hth :),

  4. At 16, and in his junior year, our eldest ds decided he wanted to quit school and we fought it for some time. However, he began skipping school and we did everything we could (including contacting school authorities), but to no avail. He was on the A-B honor roll and was starting to receive letters from colleges. Unlike your son, he had no work ethic and would think it was beneath him to work on a farm. (I'm ashamed to even say that, but it was true at the time. :blush:) I sincerely give your ds kudos for that. It speaks volumes.


    After more serious rebellion issues surfaced, we ended up letting him quit, but not without insisting he get his GED. As another poster stated, he "owned" his decision. He has learned the harsh reality that a GED won't get him very far. However, a strong work ethic will.


    He is now 19 and has come to regret his decision although he takes full responsibility. He knows that we tried our best. We gave him consequences, spoke to the school, and had many talks with him about his future over the course of nearly a year.


    In summary it sounds as if you're going to allow him to take the GED and the other posters have given you some great advice. There are some good resources, even online, to help prepare him. I don't blame you and my heart goes out to you mama. It's tough, but they will find their way.



  5. We love MUS too! Sometimes I waiver in my thoughts because it is unconventional in it's sequence (although very logical). But it seems as if every time I do, one of my guys has a lightbulb moment and tells me how much they love it.


    We're sticking with it until we hit a brick wall... hopefully never!!! I can hardly wait until we purchase the next levels with all of the upgrades.


    And thanks for the heads-up on the online support! Another reason to love MUS. :)

  6. I'm confident we'll be using Bigger Hearts from Heart of Dakota with our 9yo ds. However, I'm still deciding for our (almost) 12yo ds.


    We will likely use the left side of Bigger (Bible, devotional, history, and geography) and beef it up with an additional U.S. history text and literature. I'm still trying to decide about language arts and science for him, but I'm leaning towards the right side of HOD's new program... Hearts for Him: Creation to Christ which includes grammar, writing, dictation, poetry, and science and I know I'm forgetting a subject or two. I love how she incorporates the CM and traditional approaches and especially appreciate her book choices.


    I'm over planning it all on my own and I feel HOD has been a literal answer to prayer. Our 2yo ds is just too active and needs some mommy time.


    I'm close to a decision and will be excited to be done with it! :D

  7. I will be using HOD this coming year. I am very excited because I think it looks a lot deeper and yet less reading than MFW. I used MFW for K, 1st, RTR & Exp.-1850. I almost never liked a craft activity or recipe suggested by MFW and almost all of their hands on crafts were cut and paste.


    I suggest you print out samples of both programs and thoroughly read through both plans. It will really be an eye opener.






    Would you mind sharing what program(s) you're using from HOD? I'm in the midst of trying to decide.



  8. Okay Ladies, this helps a lot.


    I'm starting to narrow my options. Since we just finished a Creation through Early Church study, I'm not inclined to do the HHTT history program. It would be very repetitive.


    However, I'm really liking the idea of using either BHFHG or PHFHG for my 9yo and using the right page of HHTT for my 11yo. Is that possible without too much tweaking and confusion? I really want something planned out as their 2yo brother is very active. I'm also excited about the independent parts that will help wean them from having me instruct every subject.


    I'm not entirely opposed to seperate programs, but want some togetherness with Bible and history if possible.


    Please keep the ideas coming. Thanks so much! :)

  9. I'll give it a whirl.


    Scripted, to me, is verbatim what the parent/teacher should or could say. I think it's good for those who lack confidence in certain subject area(s) or prefer not to reinvent the wheel. One advantage, imho, is when you are teaching upper level maths, the language is consistent and a dc may become easily confused if the terms are varied.


    We used Saxon Math in the past for lower elementary years and I found it somewhat helpful, but it grew to annoy me. We use FLL now, and I don't read it word-for-word, but when I do, it sounds natural.


    My 2 cents, :)

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