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Posts posted by MorganClassicalPrep

  1. :glare::boxing_smiley::thumbdown::ack2:


    Not you. Him. I really can't stand animal abusers. Especially dogs. (Animal abuse period bothers me- but there's something special about dogs. Man's best friend and all.)


    You did the right thing though. You are vulnerable anyways, with your physical state, and then being pregnant on top of it. Calling was the right option.

  2. I will never use glue traps myself, but snap traps aren't necessarily the best answer either, and I will never, ever use one of those. When I was 17 or so there was a mouse at my parents house so they set a snap trap. I was laying out on the couch watching TV when I heard the trap snap- and then listening to the poor mouse struggling to get free. It actually had me in tears, and I ended up waking up my parents to do something about it. Horrible experience.

  3. Nope. Our lab mix was rescued from the side of the road during hurricane Floyd and could not care less about storms.


    Unless it's raining on her. Then, she is highly offended.


    My lab doesn't like rain either. Her mother hated rain also. Both dogs will/would refuse to even go outside if it was raining.


    Of course, these two dogs also played in the snow for hours, and would go out to go "potty" and come back soaking wet because they'd been for a swim in the pool... at midnight. :glare:

  4. :grouphug:


    What is she interested in now? Before the pregnancy, what was she planning on doing this fall? Is there a reason she isn't registering for classes?


    Depending on the baby's due date, she could still take classes this fall. (I'm thinking you said January? But I can't remember! :tongue_smilie:) If the baby is due during the semester, she can work it out with her professors to do the work before, or alternately, take an incomplete and finish up next semester. Many community colleges offer online courses that would be a really good option for after baby is born.


    Does she have any current interests that she could explore further? Does she like to read and write? Could she start a novel or blog? If she is athletic, there are activities that can be done during pregnancy (not sure what they might be, since all I wanted to do while pregnant was sleep and rest :lol:).


    I'm not much older than your DD (I mean, 7 years, but really. :D) I tried to pick up knitting... it was fun while it lasted, but much like all the OTHER projects I start ended up shoved in a drawer. BUT- I did really like it. Would she?


    more :grouphug:. I hope she finds something useful to her! I know how alienating it can be to be pregnant so young, have friends who are out living life, and feel like you are just sitting there watching things happen.

  5. Kymmie, did you join the social group? Are you up for a Thursday night dinner? Details are in a thread in the social group. I'm making the reservation next week.


    No I didn't. Going to look for it now.


    ETA: Forgot to say, I'm definitely up for dinner Thursday night! I'm going to try and get in to Philly early that morning, there's some sights I'd like to see! But I'm sure I'll be plenty hungry by dinner time. :D

  6. Thanks to a giveaway on this blog by another WTM member... I'm going! :D

    Dorm and meal plan for me also. I can bring our curriculum, but, I don't really have anything that is particularly rare. Very interested in looking at what everyone else has though! :D


    (FTR: the stuff I have is- Elemental Science Intro to Science, Galloping the Globe, Miquon Orange and Red plus all the teacher's books, Singapore 1A textbook workbook and extra practice, L'art de Dire, All About Spelling level 1, Lollipop Logic.... I think that's all! :tongue_smilie:If you're interested in seeing anything LMK and I'll be sure to bring it.)

  7. As far as academics go, homeschooling is one of the most efficient methods of schooling out there. Yes, it has required my attention when I am doing better to identify those areas where we did fall behind and to work more diligently in those areas. And yes, it has required my discernment to see where there were some gaps in teaching and a commitment to fill in those gaps. I think that if you have either times of acute illness or a chronic illness you have to "work smarter" to meet the educational needs of your children.


    This is why I was specific in my response to say *if there is no reasonable plan to catch up*. :D The OP was asking as if catching up wasn't possible, and that is what I was basing my opinion on. I agree that homeschooling is much more flexible and more able to catch up than public school

  8. IF the illness is temporary (as you stated- a month or so), and the children really can't catch up, I think the time should be made up. Vacation time, summer, weekends, etc.


    If the illness is a chronic illness, and the children begin falling behind with no reasonable plan to catch them up, my personal opinion is that keeping the children home is doing them a disservice.


    I know this will be unpopular, but I feel the same thing about multiple pregnancies. If children end up a year or so behind because siblings are being born, then either the children need to go to school or mom needs to figure out which is more important- to keep increasing their family, or to home school the children that she already has.


    I understand that many families will get behind at some point or another, but if the children are falling further and further behind... well.

    And this changes depending on the ages of the children also. It is a lot easier to make up a year when the children are young elementary, and I'm a little more flexible on whether I believe they should be sent to school. By high school, it is difficult to make up a year, and something should be done before it gets to this point.


    (I feel that I should clarify- this is all my own personal opinion, and of course there are people for whom there are extenuating circumstances. Children with learning disabilities who need more time, when it is the children who are sick, etc. all bring up completely different issues.)

  9. My DD is 5, so just at that age where strangers ask her if she's in school yet, and then start to say something about starting soon. The moment the question "Are you in school yet?" comes out of their mouth, I say "We home school." For a time, DD went through a period of really, really wanting to go to school, and I felt like this was just getting her hopes up when people said something along the lines of "Well, you'll be starting soon, right?"


    Recently though, DD will tell them herself that she is homeschooled. :D

  10. Really? We're in the middle of a worldwide conflict in the Anglican communion on issues of homesexuality and women being ordained and it's appropriate to go off on Catholicism?


    I love the Anglican church but we're not so perfect that we can be contemptuous of other denominations.


    But... I personally think it is a good thing that there is at least a conversation going on regarding homosexuality and women being ordained. Unlike in the RC Church, where the answer is just no.


    FTR: I left the Roman Catholic Church for the Episcopalian Church because of some of the issues that divide the two. I *love* the RC Church, and only really ever felt at home there, and really, really miss it. But there were some major theological issues I couldn't pass up. I'd be very upset if all Episcopalian Churches merged with Roman Catholic Church.

  11. Well, I'm only 25, and DD is only 5, so hopefully we are a long, LONG way away from this but... :D


    Growing up I had a Maw Maw, Paw Paw, Granddaddy, Nanny, and Pop Pop.


    My parents are Nana and Granddaddy.


    Maybe because I'm so young, but none of those feel like me. :tongue_smilie:If DD has children in her 20s, I'll only be in my 40s, so- still young! I imagine I'll probably end up going by grandmother in some other language.

  12. Oh, shoot. I forgot that I'm gonna look like a real loser if nobody responds to my thread about the use of the ignore list! LOL


    "Poster learns the hard way that entire board has her on 'ignore.' Cries buckets."


    :lol: This made me laugh.


    I didn't actually know how the ignore button worked, as I've never used it. There have been a very, very few people who have annoyed me enough to even consider it. For the most part, when I've disagreed with someone on the boards, it is someone I respect. I like to broaden my horizons by reading posts from people coming from different perspectives than me. I've seen some posters be awfully rude to others- so I see the purpose of an ignore button, but I've never experienced it myself!


    ETA: And I was taught my lesson anyway. One of the times when I really did get "annoyed" with another poster and wish I didn't have to read her posts, I ended up liking her in the end. So, poo on me.

  13. However, the more I think about it, the more I feel like I *might* be being somewhat unreasonable. When the kids were younger, they wrote letters to their favorite authors for grammar class. They were thrilled when they received replies. It was fun for everyone.


    I would let her send it. I think it is much like sending a letter to your favorite author.


    No one has necessarily "vetted" authors before they publish books. They are just as likely to be whacko as an internet vlogger. I don't see a vlogger as equal to some old(er) man trolling chat rooms looking for young girls to talk to.

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