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Posts posted by MorganClassicalPrep

  1. One of my high school students told me that the local cc utilizes a software program designed to identify plagiarism. I have no idea how it actually works, but apparently the students seem to believe it does.


    My college has it's own program for identifing plagiarized passages. When it is time to submit papers, we have to upload them to the school's website and it will come up with a percentage score. That percentage is how much of the paper can be found in other sources. I'm not sure what all it searches, but it does seem to pick most everything up, at least on my papers! Then it highlights these passages in green and the professor can check to make sure there is a cite after it.

  2. We aren't using an open and go curriculum. I am planning all of our subjects right now, so I need to plan things out.


    In the fall, we'll be using some open and go and some self-designed, but I still need to plan. Books to read, activities to do, worksheets to do, pages to do... I'm a full time student myself, so I need to plan our days out and make sure everything gets done.


    If we don't finish a lesson or don't get to it I just bump it to the next day. My plans are on google documents and written on looseleaf sheets of paper, so it's easier to cross out and move stuff around! :D

  3. I agree with French before Latin. It makes much more sense to do a living language where pronounciation and accent matters. It is easier to pick up the written mechanics of a language when you are a bit older.


    My daughter is 4. Our first language is English and we are both currently studying French. I'm starting German next month and she'll start German next year. Then once we have a solid foundation in both of these languages we'll add on Latin, hopefully around late elementary/middle school.

  4. In all of my classes, on the first day, the professors go over what plagiarism is plus there is an almost 1 page section about it in all of our syllabi. PLUS when they had out assignments they typical remind us to cite all sources, etc.


    I think this is epidemic of people just flat out not being able to write. Each semester I have multiple people asking me for help. They don't know how to start, how to finish, how to find sources, how to make an argument, etc.etc. It really is quite sad.

  5. DD was just diagnosed with it last week, but I don't believe she had it. She had a red, inflamed throat for about 3 days and 1 day of fever. The dr. did the strep test, it came back negative, and he said it was HFM, even though DD had NO sores anywhere.


    Anyways, he gave us magic mouthwash and said if she wouldn't swish and spit I could put it on a qtip and swab it on the ulcers (that she didn't have....) So maybe you could do that.


    Hope they feel better soon!!!

  6. I agree with Peela.


    The rising divorce rate is caused by many things, but not all of them are negative. Sometimes the person we marry doesn't turn out to be the person we thought they were. Or addictions/abuse could come into play, and in those type of situations it is better for the children to leave.

  7. I'm not exactly sure what you're talking about but I take mine to an office supply and have the spines cut off and then have them hole punch (drill) them. I keep them in 3-ring binders with dividers with the other materials used for the class.


    For example, for math she has a section with her books, a section for notes, one for completed homework, and one for blank notebook paper. She can take out the pages to work on them or not. It's just a lot easier to manage for us.


    For English she has sections for her wkbk, vocabulary, notes, journal, completed homework.


    It just keeps everything together, neat, and organized.


    Now, if you mean something else . . . I don't know.


    Ok. This makes sense to me. I wasn't understanding at all why people would have workbooks torn apart! lol.


    If I understand what you are asking, one lesson finishes on the front side and a new lesson begins on the back? In that case I put the lesson in the folder that comes first and when we finish that I move it to the following week's folder. Not sure if that is clear or even if it is really what you are asking. :tongue_smilie:


    I have been making a copy of the page. The new copy goes with the lesson that comes first and then original goes with the lesson that comes next. I put an X on the original so it doesn't get done twice. Does that make sense?


    A real example: lesson 4 ends on the right side of the page and lesson 5 starts on the back of that page. I copy the lesson 4 ending page and put it with the appropriate file. I take the original worksheet page, mark the lesson 4 page with an X and file it with the next week's stuff.


    OK. I get it now! I kept reading about how pages were being torn and and put in filing systems, and I was lost! I guess I need to stop thinking of my daughter's little kindergarten and first grade workbooks, where each page is something new and think of older books that have a couple pages per lesson!! :D


    Wondering if I can work this into my binder system now... seems much easier than dealing with the workbooks!

  8. On a serious note, no naming the guy on the bc.... and look into what your state will do with getting his rights terminated. I wish that I had figured out how to have my parents adopt my child.... so her dad would be out of my life forever! That is what your daughter deserves... to one day be able to marry and have a life that's not with a child divided!


    Everyone was pushing for child support, so I wasn't going to chime in, but... I agree.


    OP: You and your daughter should spend some time in prayer about this issue. What kind of guy is this kid? Remember that if he is on the birth certificate and paying child support, he also has rights to the child. He will get visitation. Will he stay regular with the visitation, or will he leave his child waiting with anticipation by the door every other time, for Mommy to explain why Daddy just didn't show up? Will he be responsible when caring for the child, or will he let just anyone babysit so he can go out and have fun?


    I do agree that guys *should* be responsible. But for me, the health and happiness of my child came before that. I'm not saying don't go for child support, but... consider what else comes along with that!

  9. If you are letting your daughter read this::


    Congratulations sweetheart. I know you didn't plan for this, and I'm sure you are a little scared right now, but remember that from here on out, everything you do affects your child. Go ahead and cry a little, but then straighten your shoulders and be *happy*. You are bringing a precious little baby into the world!! Don't let others get you down, the only thing that matters now is your baby, and s/he will love you even if you are only 16.

    You will have an amazing life with your baby. Any dreams you had before need to be changed a little, but you can still achieve anything you dream of!!

  10. I use the library, heavily. We currently have 53 books out... 3 books over our limit!


    What I do to prepare is about 3 weeks before I'll need them, I start looking for books on a specific topic. I use amazon and google to find books. Then I use my librarys online site to search for the books. Anything that needs to be shipped from another library or anything that is currently out, I request. Everything that is currently in stock I pick up right away.


    The 3 week time period means I can be done with the books before they need to be returned, but also leaves time for the checked out books/requested books to come in.

  11. :grouphug: for you

    and :grouphug: for your daughter.


    I haven't been in your exact position, but I have been a 19 year old, barely able to support myself, and found out I was pregnant. The father was no where to be seen (and in fact, to this day has never seen my daughter). I wasn't in school, only employed part time, still lived at home with my parents, and was drinking alcohol and doing other things on a daily basis. Great situation to bring a baby into, huh?


    Well. It's been 4.5 years. My daughter has been the greatest blessing in my life. I quit drinking (and other.. :glare:), got myself in school, and have been getting a 4.0. I'm in the honors program, and have recently been invited to apply as a Presidential Scholar. I homeschool my daughter, and spend all of my time loving her. Chances are, I won't be able to have any more biological children, since I wasn't supposed to even have her, and my fertility is declining as I age.


    My point is... no one's life is over. In fact, a beautiful new life is beginning. Things will be much easier if you look at it that way! Yes, your daughter's life will be more difficult, but she will still be able to finish school and go to college. Especially with family support, which it seems she has. Don't let her spend too much time thinking of how sorry she is, or thinking about what could have beens. Regret isn't worth anything. As far as I know, no one has invented a time machine, so all there is left to do is move forward. Support her in any way you can, but make sure she knows that SHE is responsible for this child, and that she either needs to be fully supporting the baby, or working to improve her situation so that she can eventually support the child (as in, college, or a job with advancement prospects).


    As far as ministering to others... Is there anyone alive today who is perfect? We all sin. We all face the consequences in some way or anything. It just so happens that your daughter's consequence is much more visible than others. If anything, the fact that your family is accepting this gift from God (and make no mistake, this IS a gift) makes you so much more credible than the family who sneaks their child off for a secret abortion.


    Again.... you did NOT go wrong!!! Remember this, especially in the tough times. You did everything you could, you did what you thought was best for your child, and most importantly, you are still loving your child even after a mistake. I don't see anything wrong. Your daughter slipped up and made a mistake, at some point all children have to become responsible for their own decisions.


    :grouphug: again. It's okay to feel sorry for ourselves a little, but don't let that feeling rule your life. You can be happy about the child without being happy about the situation.

  12. I use binders, but I also have a master binder for me. I keep all of our schedules in it. I have a list for each subject of what I want to accomplish that quarter, then a weekly overview of what we'll be doing each week, and then each weekend I make up daily schedules for each day. The daily schedules are really just a list of what I want to do that day, then I check it off as it's completed. If I don't finish everything in one day, I just don't check it off and add it to the bottom of the next days list.


    Sounds sort of complicated, but it really isn't. Right now I have about 6 weeks of worksheets printed up, and I have our weekly plans through the summer.

  13. I've never been to that particular park, but from having been to many, many theme parks over the years, I'd agree that midweek is the best time to go. Definitely don't go on a weekend, I've waited for hours in line before (for ONE RIDE!). And Mondays and Fridays are often slightly busy from people taking 3 day weekends.


    Also, check the website for the park first and make sure there are no special events scheduled for that day, since those tend to be busier days.


    Have fun!

  14. Ok. I'm so confused. Maybe I'm making this harder than it has to be but..


    We live in MD. I'm keeping a portfolio for this year. I don't actually have to report until next year, but I figured I could get one year experience under my belt, then I won't feel so stressed when I have to do it for real. I am keeping binders for DD in most subjects, with a couple being combined into one, and then a binder for me where I write a short paragraph about the day. These are records that I want for myself, but I figured I could easily turn all of that into a portfolio at the end of the year.


    In MD, the required days of instruction is 180 days for public schools. Under the portfolio option, it says that "such instruction should be of sufficient duration to implement the instructional program". But what is sufficient duration!?!? Could it be any less clear? I mean, if I were using an actual curriculum, I would figure, finish the year. But I am building my own curriculum in about half of our subjects.


    Anyone from MD, I'd be so grateful for an explanation of how you do it.

  15. Oh... just the thought gives me happy chills! hah.


    Modern foreign languages. French and German. I can do the classical ones, but it would be nice to have a tutor help with accents and speaking, since I'm slow to pick up on speaking (but get reading and writing quickly!)


    Music. As in, lessons. DD has already expressed interest in learning how to play an instrument and the money just isn't there.


    Reading. Seriously... I can teach anything once someone can read. For as long as I can remember, people have come to me for help in various subjects and I can almost always explain it in a way they get it, no matter how they learn. But reading.. ugh. It trips me up! No idea how to teach it, even though DD is definitely ready and wants to learn. I think it's because I never had phonics instruction, plus I have some hearing problems which make it harder to distinguish individual sounds. At least, that's what I'm telling myself!

  16. I didn't know you could request books! How interesting...


    Although, the librarian hates me right now, so, she probably won't be ordering anything for us. :glare: We went in Friday to get DD a library card of her own, and the librarian wouldn't give it to her because we don't have a local address. What? The address on my license is in the same state, and I am a student in this town, but our permanant address remains back home. She said unless I had the right address on my license or a lease, no going.


    I understand that rules are rules, but... Why did they let ME get a card then last summer?? And she didn't have to be so rude. I mean, DD was actually in tears, and the librarian was just cold.

  17. Wow. Reading TWTM is what convinced me I really could do this! If I hadn't read it, DD would probably be getting ready to start preschool this year, just because of my own insecurities over teaching her.


    I check it out from the library every other month or so just to read it again. I like feeling like I'm on track. I only plan for the upcoming quarter, so I always check it out while planning. I don't follow the suggestions to the letter, but it gives me a starting place.


    Oh, and reading TWTM led me here, which has been an unimaginable resource for everything from curriculum choices, to scheduling, to keeping a home and parenting, to... well, I think I've read about almost everything on this board!

  18. hm. Well, it's just my daughter and I, and we both flush, so I don't see this being an issue I'd likely come across.


    BUUUUUUT.... I would DEFINITELY flush first. Ew on the splashes.


    Then again, I am super crazy about putting the toilet sit down before flushing, and only flush in public places once DD is out of the stall and I'm halfway out of the stall, so I can flush and run.


    I have problems. lol.

  19. Yes. DD plays soccer, and *loves* to score. (What kid doesn't?) Buuuut, she's usually the smallest, and often only girl, on the team. So she really has to work hard out there. I get so excited when she gets close to the goal, and if she doesn't actually score, I do get disappointed, but mostly because I know she'll be disappointed in herself for not going all the way.

  20. If you have the time and inclination, you could box them up into subjects/time periods/age level. (Your pick! lol) Then you could sell an entire box instead of just 1 book at a time for people like me who are just starting out in our journey to buy. :D


    Sadly however... (well, maybe not so sadly..) I already have the problem of too many books, just not the ones I'll need for my daughter (at least, not until she reaches late middle school/high school age!)

    Quite possibly as a result of buying boxes of books from people.... :tongue_smilie:

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