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Posts posted by KristineIN

  1. I don't have a problem with extended nursing, I only nursed until 18 mos because my kids were back to back and I needed a break. I do however hate it when a toddler comes up and demands to nurse. We know a mother that is like that and her son comes up and practically lifts up her shirt to nurse, he's usually not hungry or tired, just knows that he can. That's when I don't care for it, I think if a child is over two then it should be done more discretely.



  2. Our current co-op, which I am even a board member, has about 80 families, that's about all the church can hold. However, I am constantly hearing about things that are happening (broken foosball table, pop taken from the youth room, we aren't sending out new registration until these matters are resolved, but still things keep happening, I'm really surprised that the church is letting us return) and it's mostly just stupid stuff. I really think it's due to the size, but another board member feels we need to reach out to anyone that we can. How do you find a happy medium? Does your co-op limit the size? I loved it when it was about 40 families.



  3. the only think I ever remember stealing was this booklet of stickers (had like 5 stickers and the lots of pages with the same stickers) I don't think my parents ever found out, I was probably 7 or 8.


    My youngest son is the only one who has taken something, once from a Christian bookstore he took a small key chain. I made him take it back and apologize, he's never stolen anything else that I know of since then.



  4. I do this not for economy but because of my environmental principles. Too much plastic in the landfill, you know?


    But I'm with the coffee crowd. And PG Tips tea. These are necessities of life for me.




    I rinse out bags too, only if they've had something like crackers, or something dry in them and only if they are heavier bags like freezer bags. My MIL has been doing this for years. Everyone in our family does it. It's more for the environment, not to really save a lot of money. I try and use containers to save things whenever I can.



  5. I could never live in a house again that I didn't truly like. Our first house, was a terrible layout, we had no money to expand and make changes, plus dh is a contractor, so who wants to work construction all day and then do the same thing on the evenings and weekends? We moved last summer by the grace of God and I LOVE our house, love the location and love the neighborhood. We wouldn't be here if we didn't feel it was right. Yes, you can change a house, but is takes time and money, we either have the time, and no money, or money and no time. I would probably keep looking.



  6. I don't balance our checkbook, but I know the balance all the time. I use our banks website and Quicken, when stuff has cleared, I mark it off in Quicken and know what our current balance is. When I get a bill, I set it up to pay with billpay for the date that it is due and enter it into Quicken for that day also. I haven't used the Quicken online to be able to do things automatically, I like my method just fine.



  7. One more thing.....



    Does anyone want to agree with me that it is probably time for Dolly Parton to retire?


    Between the horrible, horrible, outfit and the not quite on pitch singing, I was feeling sorry for her. Add to that the fact that she probably should have stopped seeing the plastic surgeon some time ago, and she is just a caricature of herself now.


    I think it is a shame because even if you are not a country music fan (I'm not) she is a legend. Her rags to riches story is inspiring and I hate to see her legacy become a joke.


    It reminds me of young Elvis Presley vs. old Elvis Presley.



    I totally agree. The whole time I'm watching, I'm just thinking, lay off the plastic surgeon. I don't watch Dancing with the Stars, but I just happened to turn it on the other night and Priscilla Presley and Dolly need to hook up. She looks terrible to as far as I'm concerned.



  8. Sorry you are having problems, I had three preemies (34 weekers and no idea why they came early) and all are fine and healthy, but yes, when you were spotting, you probably should have gone in. Chances are you may be either too far along now to stop anything or you will be on bed rest for the remainder of the time. Sorry to be a downer, just stating the facts.



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