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Posts posted by abrightmom

  1. I'm considering Omni for Jr High/High School. As for the Elementary level, I didn't find it open and go. I even found it a pain to order (even the rep couldn't tell me which books were used regularly). But, that was before the Scholars program. I received my catalog yesterday, and it looks like I stand corrected. They have changed A LOT!!! I still find the catalog confusing and cumbersome. It's a pet peeve of mine though. I want the catalog to be simple, and easy to figure out (now there will be someone that tells me they think it's easy:lol:). Oh well! To each their own!





    Have you looked here http://resources.veritaspress.com/SL_Resource_Download.asp ? :D You are SO right that it isn't the easiest catalog or website to figure out!!!! I think if it was easier to see how things fit together and how they work then more folks would be inclined to choose VP.


    Anyhow, if you go to VP's home page and click Resources at the top . . . scroll down past the spectacles :001_smile: and click on Downloads . . .scroll down quite a ways (there are many helpful files here) and you'll see a section listing each year of history and the resources used (It will read something like this: "2nd Grade: Old Testament and Ancient Egypt Resources"). The files are super helpful and detailed: names of resources listed on the backs of the cards, the # of times they are used in the year, and what priority VP gives each resource (from 1 to 3). I find these lists to be very helpful. Here's a descriptor: "This PDF lists the resources found on the bottom of the flashcards, how many times each one is used, and the priority we have assigned it."


    Maybe this info will help or inspire someone . . .


  2. Ladies,


    What will you use to teach cursive first? I'm intrigued. . . are you going to use Cursive First which is, I think, from the SWR people?


    My kids have done well with HWT (not cursive yet but I'm going to break their rules and use it earlier than suggested :D) and it is an easy to teach program. I don't LOVE how it looks although I realize that we all end up with our own "style" in the long run anyway!


    I'm definitely curious about options though! Please share!!!

  3. Veritas isn't really about combining (unless they've changed their approach). Each child would be in their own year unless you choose to modify and combine. Also, VP doesn't work on a 4 year cycle. They move VEEERRRRYYYYY SLLOOOWWWW through history. I think it takes a total of 6 years.




    Actually, Veritas DOES combine :D . . . it's just not really easy to figure that out via the website or catalog. They cover history in 5 years instead of 4. I have their Scholars plans for the Old Testament/Ancient Egypt year and it's NICELY laid out with reading and activities for the Older (4th to 6th) and the Younger (to 3rd grade). SilverMoon uses VP with her crew and there is quite a range of ages there. They love it. She does just fine with it and doesn't use their Scholars lesson plans. She's a fantastic resource for info. on VP.


    Omnibus, VP's Logic and Rhetoric stage history/lit/theology program, runs in two three-year cycles. I'm not positive about this but I do believe that Omni I - III are written at the same "level" (so you can combine if needed with kids close in age) and that Omni IV - VI (not out just yet but coming) are also written at the same level.


    Anyhow, hope that helps clarify VP just a little. :001_smile:

  4. :lurk5: I am debating the same thing now. I do see TOG being totally unnecessary for the young kids I have. However, if I even *think* I want to use it then I'm also considering it "now" to have plenty of time to play with it, think about books, learn from it, get ideas, etc. before it really matters. :D


    Would love to hear from other TOG users and how they feel about it/what they think.


    ETA: Just today I printed up the samples for Year 2 and I am going to do a mini unit with those (Colonial America). Perhaps that will be enough to get a good feel for how it works?

  5. Jenn,


    That is very helpful! I do LIKE the fact that LBC's guides don't give specifics for reading . . . allows a child (or a Mom) to set the pace which appeals to me. I also like that you felt as though it was gentle but see that you accomplished a lot! This is more food for thought in this journey of "deciding" . . . I do like those history cycles too and that has been my hang-up with LBC. I have four kids to consider right now (they are closer in age than yours but there are 7 years between the oldest and youngest). I DO like the idea of keeping us all in the same time period . . . it looks very difficult to do that with LBC while making sure that the younger students aren't missing out. Big sigh as I think the program is well done!!!!!


    Thanks for shedding some light!


  6. Jenn,


    :001_smile: Would you share how much of the reading is done by the student using LBC's plan in the older grades? I can't figure out how many of the books on their plan would be RAs and how many would/could be assigned to the student?


    Did you find it a problem jumping into the history mid-stream? I do like how they have two streams going at the same time but I think it might be difficult to skip some of it. Perhaps your olders (those using 5th grade LBC) were on track to jump in.


    Why are you piecing your own together versus continuing with LBC??


    THANKS so much!!!

  7. :lurk5: I am not a TOG user (yet) but I think you can research this by going to Bookshelf Central and peeking at the books used for each Year Plan and Unit. Here's a link https://www.lampstandbookshelf.com/ZC/index.php?main_page=login


    You do need to create an account and log-in on this page. Then just follow the instructions to look at year plans and units. It's very helpful in seeing the books used and needed.


    Hopefully a more experienced TOG user will chime in . . . :D

  8. This is actually very helpful! I do feel that I have the confidence to go it on my own so we can finish a brief sweep through history (and save some $$). I will also pay attention to reviews on the read-alouds and consider readers in their place. THAT is a fantastic idea as well . . . . Using the library is a good idea too, especially with the RAs. If we don't need to read them in any particular order then the library would work out just fine.


    I'm liking this option more and more. :D


    THANKS so much.

  9. I still think that having kiddos in two different time periods in history would be tough . . . including the youngers with the olders would work for a season but then they have to start over at the beginning and one would have to purchase first grade for them and beef it up while also tweaking all of the other subjects to make them grade/age appropriate. I think it would/could get really messy for a Mom with multiple kids. :glare: Oh bother!! LBC just looks so so so so so wonderful in so so so so many ways.

  10. Oh no! I was all sold on PR (SWR has been a bomb here!) and I thought that was covered. Rrrrr! I also want DD to understand how we break words into syllables. While I understand it, I have come to accept that I need a little help when we get into the nitty gritty thins she considers boring. Now what will I do? Sigh.

    Hey Mama,


    Take a look at Linda's blog, per Tina's suggestion. Here is the link:



    I also believe that PR is a strong program and that syllabification is NOT a hill to die on. Have you also looked at Megawords? It does teach this and is appropriate to use around 4th grade depending on the kiddo (I think . . . memory may be sketchy here). You can always fall back on that if you see the need!! OR you could use it and then transfer that teaching to your dc. :D I just might do that myself. Once I understand the skill I think I could naturally teach it to my children while using PR as Tina has wisely stated.


    Another suggestion that just occurred to me is to look at Elizabeth's website here: http://www.thephonicspage.org/ She has a wealth of information on the syllabary and how to use it. It is worth a deeper investigation on my part as well. I may be able to incorporate what I learn from her into my use of PR.


    Good luck Mama!

  11. Many thanks ladies! After my melt down over the past few days I'm feeling good about starting PR. I AM, admittedly, overwhelmed by it for some reason. I have to watch the DVD and try to understand HOW to begin. I'm sure it's there and once I start it will click. It's just this starting thing . . .


    I will check Linda's blog! Thanks so much Tina! You are one of my hive heroes!!! I am so thankful for you and often think about how faithful you are to your kiddos and in your home! I praise God for your example. Now, if you can just get me through TOG that would be awesome! Ha ha. :grouphug:


    Megawords looks like a fantastic option to keep "waiting in the wings" if needed. I appreciate the insight and the suggestions. Big sigh and I have swallowed the :chillpill:. Hee hee.

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