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Posts posted by DarlaS

  1. I've had to be a good sport about tons of 'spot Brits by their bad teeth' comments in my life. And the number of times my country has been described as 'socialist' on this board - it's not a word that I particularly object to, but the people using it definitely don't see it in a positive light.


    Nothing I wrote was rude: I answered an honest question honestly.





    By other Brits? Because that is what is rubbing me the wrong way. Anti-American sentiments by other cultures really don't hit the same as the self-loathing that has become so rampant among Americans in recent years (or maybe I'm just noticing it.).

  2. I haven't been exercising much because quite honestly I hate exercise.


    Hope some of this helps.



    The good news is that too much cardio makes you more efficient at conserving energy. IOW you end up burning less calories while exercising because your body gets used to it. This is the opposite effect we hope for, but it makes sense if you think about it.


    Cutting calories has the same effect (reduced metabolism).


    What I am doing is cutting calories very moderately, doing some weight lifting (with weights that will not fit into my purse. ;) ) and limited cardio. I've only lost a little so far, but this is something I can live with. I'm tired of losing weight only to gain it back. I no longer care how long it takes. I've only been doing the weight training since May and keeping track of my portions about a week or so.


    The thing that makes me happiest so far? Less pain. I can go barefoot in my house on my hard floors again and not have sore knees before breakfast. That happened FAST. (I'd only been doing this about two weeks when I noticed.)


    Oh, and intense short period of cardio are supposed to be more effective at fat burning than the old "target heart rate for 30 minutes" method.

  3. IMNSVHO, what an obnoxious thread.


    I'm thinking it would go over like a lead balloon if the title were "How to spot a/an__________."


    (Fill in the blank with the conspicuous foreign tourist of your choice. We have them here too. :rolleyes: )

  4. Just curious how Europeans (and others) can spot an American? Just in case I ever find myself abroad.


    I've always assumed it's because we are generally loud and mannerless but I am guessing there are other signs as well. :)


    I've heard that the ability to be an a$$hole is pretty much global.

  5. We like to hike/camp but I am not sure if it is too rustic for everyday use. Do you think I could modify it somehow to make it more girly? DH has a bigger version and the thing is a tank which is why I am considering one. http://www.amazon.co...keywords=Noatak (I'd get black I think)


    That looks a lot like my purse:




    Except there's really no where for a pistol in mine (Guess I better not do any hiking near bear country or any prisons. :tongue_smilie: ). Or a large water bottle. I think a slim one would fit in the mesh pocket though. I've never tried.

  6. Me, too.


    Super-competitive sports dads bent on "training" and "bulking up" their 8 year olds are drawn to our free weight area like moths to a flame during the football pre-season.



    If you're going to have a younger kid do any strength training, best to do it at home. Mostly because people will not understand. No reason (within reason--no maximal lifts, and NO power cleans!!) they can't do it though:




    My 16 year old started weight training a while back and naturally, his younger siblings are intrigued. They do a little work with dumbbells (When they help with groceries, they're lifting more...), and not regularly. Google has put my mind at ease. :001_smile:

  7. Nice! I love the colors--especially your desk!


    Is that TV up by the ceiling going to be used much? That's the one thing that would bug me (the height). (Oh, I see you're getting rid of it... nevermind! lol!)


    LOVE all the shelving. Love it!!!

  8. Hand to God, I would get arrested if anyone tried to pat down my infant. I would not deal with that well, to say the least.



    They would have to tranquilize me to strip search my baby--and he's 9. Even more so actually since he's old enough to know what's going on and be completely freaked out about it. It would not be pretty.

  9. I'm working my way through the 60 lecture Joy of Science course with Professor Hazen. It's self-ed with a purpose; I'm teaching Apologia's General Science at our co-op next year and wanted more background info and a better science overview for myself first (and refreshing my taking notes from a lecture skills).


    Also skimming and skipping through Starting Strength and The New Rules of Lifting for Women along with trying to rehabilitate a bad shoulder, and learn Tang So Do (just started again).

  10. I used R&S with a different kid. It takes a while to do all the activities in the TM. It's really a very traditional American program with a lot of rote memorization and a LOT of practice. If your child needs that much practice, they will probably be overwhelmed by SM. If your child loves SM, R&S will bore your child to tears.


    I would consider getting the drill books if you'd like, but honestly you can do the same thing with downloading free math practice sheets (MUS has a nice generator) and using flashcards consistently, especially the triangular flash cards that show number bonds the same way as SM.





    And Singapore Math has facts practice scheduled into the home instructor's guides. Ideally you would use the instructor guide, supplement with flash cards and drill sheets, or choose another program.


    Some kids may not need more than what's in the workbook, but most will--as you've already discovered.

  11. This shows exactly why implementation is what makes all the difference when it comes to common core. Interesting that the new methods for teaching sounds like what a lot of unschoolers I know do!


    Sounds like inquiry-based science. A good thing for students whether or not it has anything to do with the standards.


    There will be an adjustment period for sure. I have some inquiry teaching books around here and making sense of them is a bit challenging. Very different from the classical or any kind of traditional approach.

  12. I like stainless *except* for an 8" and 10" skillet. I like to have a good non-stick in each of those sizes for a newbie cook to be able to make eggs or a grilled cheese sandwich etc. Saves us all a lot of headache.


    I would not buy a set. Maybe a very small one if I knew I'd use every piece. Just get the type of each size most suited for what you do with it.

  13. Just wondering...Aren't there seperate issues the video is conflating. There's CC and then there's the specific Zane-Bloser book used in the video. Is the emotional language and term "nag" something dictated by CC? Is it ZB's responsibility entirely? Is it a misreading of CC?


    I have no opinion on CC (up here each province comes up with a province-wide curriculum. Some work together with other provinces to reduce the costs of development and textbooks though) but there seem to be some errors in the approach of the video. I'd be interested in CC objections that made clear and reasonable arguments and I'm pretty sure they're out there.



    That was a grade 1 reading/lit book. Standards never dictate specific content. ONLY specific skills. If you read the standards, you can see that they can be met with any book.


    FYI, looking at the list below, it should be quite apparent that a good many publishers supplying homeschoolers would align with Common Core.


    These are the actual standards for gr. 1 taken directly from Common Core Website:




    English Language Arts Standards » Reading: Literature » Grade 1


    Standards in this strand:

    Key Ideas and Details

    Craft and Structure

    • CCSS.ELA-Literacy.RL.1.4 Identify words and phrases in stories or poems that suggest feelings or appeal to the senses.
    • CCSS.ELA-Literacy.RL.1.5 Explain major differences between books that tell stories and books that give information, drawing on a wide reading of a range of text types.
    • CCSS.ELA-Literacy.RL.1.6 Identify who is telling the story at various points in a text.

    Integration of Knowledge and Ideas

    • CCSS.ELA-Literacy.RL.1.7 Use illustrations and details in a story to describe its characters, setting, or events.
    • (RL.1.8 not applicable to literature)
    • CCSS.ELA-Literacy.RL.1.9 Compare and contrast the adventures and experiences of characters in stories.

    Range of Reading and Level of Text Complexity

  14. DuoLingo? It's challenging, but it's free and supposed to be pretty effective.


    My nine year old is doing the French. Slowly, but he's doing it and seems to like it okay.


    I would not recommend it for a kid who was not pretty strong with spelling and reading in English though. They expect you to get the foreign spellings down pretty quickly.

  15. Today I will be taking a karate class, and weightlifting with my son (just started). He has us lifting on M/W/F. I think I may need a lighter bar for me since I have had a shoulder injury. Overhead presses and bench presses could easily cause it to flare up again. :sad:


    I have no excuses for not doing squats though. :tongue_smilie:


    Last night I downloaded this book:


    http://www.amazon.com/gp/product/B004IE9RGC/ref=kinw_myk_ro_title Interesting stuff!

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