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Posts posted by PiCO

  1. Dee-aitch showed me
    earlier. :001_huh: Wow.


    What do you think? How do you view Facebook's privacy policy? Is it just a bunch o' legalese or something more sinister?


    I'm not surprised that FaceBook is selling information. "Free" services usually have strings attached.


    The video seems to be implying that a venture capitalist making money is sinister. Oh, and people who work at the cutting edge of internet technology have connections to many internet companies and the government. Again, not surprising.


    I don't like that everythink I do electronically can easily be monitored, but I'm not motivated enough to live without internet and use cash for everything.

  2. I have successfully returned rancid pecans (and was compensated for the cost of the cake into which I had dumped them), pork tenderloin, filet mignon, ground beef (several times), clementines and milk. I don't always return the actual article--just the wrapper if it's smelly meat (though frankly, I think they should have to smell it if I did), but I've never had a problem.

    I don't know what's going on, but lately, I've had more stuff go bad sooner than it should. Perhaps grocery stores are being more aggressive about marking "sell by" dates.



    Could be a shipping problem- maybe some refridgerated trucks are not properly cooled. Or maybe food is sitting on the loading dock too long.


    I've had a problem this summer also.

  3. Do the people who create schedules like this not know/understand teenagers? Sheesh.


    The theory behind having high schoolers start school earlier than elementary schoolers is so they can watch the younger kids after school. It has nothing to do with when they work best.


    I wish I could still homeschool her so she could sleep in, but I don't think it will be harmful for her in the long run to do the early to bed, early to rise thing.

  4. Good news on that 6:10 bus pick-up- the bus driver told her it would be easier for him to pick her up last- I just need to call transportation and tell them that, and her pick-up will be at 6:45! Another half hour of sleep!


    After school, she had cross country practice, so she didn't get home until 5:30. That was a long day. I think her brain is fried. She said it was confusing. Haha! A little different that 15 kids I guess. ;) I think she liked it overall though.

  5. This is actually what the whole thing about the Presidential nominee who has no prob with leaving babies out to die is about. If you didn't have a prob with John McCain before, I don't see how you can't after this. I find this not only deceitful, but the most disgusting of the political lies I've seen.




    Now, if that article had stuck to refuting the smear video, I would have had some respect for it. But no- the article had to first smear the video's producer. Ad Hominem, anyone?


    I'll join y'all in the bubble!

  6. ... But I will admit that the video lost a bit of credibility for me with their reinactment -- the babies they showed are obviousy full term babies. While leaving any baby out to die like that, regardless of term, is just sickening, it is not an accurate picture to show that Obama supports what was shown. ... I just tend to be sceptical of such youtube videos on the internet -- you never know who is telling the truth -- it is like the campaign ads on tv. The group that put out the video is nohussein.com (obvious emphasis on the hussein part of his name) -- so they are very anti-Obama.


    I agree with kailuamom here. What is depicted in the video is obviously a horrendous practice. BUT- the video drastically underplayed the age of these infants. What else about the case was underplayed, or simply left out?


    For the record, I am not an Obama fan. I am, however, appalled by blatant propaganda for any agenda.

  7. I'm guessing this will be a long day for you! Let us know how she does.


    Yes, it will be a long day- but I have all kinds of stuff planned to keep myself busy. ;) She also has cross country practice after school, so I won't see her until 4:00!


    She was planning to get up herself, make herself breakfast & pack a lunch all by herself, and she figured I would still be asleep when she left. I'm hoping I can stay motivated and keep getting up to make her breakfast, then I'll have an hour to workout before the little one gets up. We'll see how that goes when the sun doesn't get up until 7:30.

  8. My dd started high school today! The bad news is the bus picks her up at 6:10 AM. She's the first stop- school starts at 7:25. The good news is the bus picks up right in front of our house, so she can wait inside when it starts getting cold out.


    I think she's a little nervous- she was homeschooled through 6th grade and then went to a small school (15 kids in her grade) for 7th and 8th. The high school is HUGE- but she's in the pre-IB program, which is "only" 150 kids per grade. Fortunately she already knows a lot of people in her class, and she's very social. I do feel like I'm sending her to the wolves though. :001_huh:

  9. What say you?



    I say men and women give drastically different directions. Some women will tell you every landmark between one place and the next... that really bothers me. I had one woman tell me, "at the stoplight, there will be a Conoco station on the closer right corner, a 7-11 on the far right corner, a Payless shoes on the close left corner, and an Applebee's on the far left corner. Go straight through that light..." and the directions went on, giving me tons of insignificant landmarks. Hello- I'm trying to write these directions down. Please just tell me to turn left at the McDonald's.


    I much prefer "man" directions. When I give directions, I give both n-s-e-w and r-l at turns.

  10. My friend brings her baby to work, and nurses in a semi-public area. She likes this type of cover because she can still see her baby, her baby can see her face, and no one else can see what's going on in there.


    Yes, the cover makes it obvious that she's nursing. But if she was just nursing discretely people will come over and want to see the baby- she would never get the baby properly fed. Also, the baby is not as easily distracted by what's going on around him, because he can only see mom. If she used a blanket to cover, she would not be able to make eye contact with the baby.


    I think it makes sense in my friend's situation to use a cover.

  11. A friend called me quirky a couple of days ago. I guess I can be. I mean, if I go to your house and your toilet tissue is on the wrong way (yes, there is a right way and a wrong way to display your tp on the roll - the paper should come over the top - easier to tear off that way), I WILL correct it. Same with paper towels, too, but since I would probably get caught changing that one, I try to restrain myself.


    Maybe I should say I'm anal retentive. Quirky sounds nicer and cuter.



    I'm quirky, and proud of it.


    Quirk is defined by Merriam-Webster as: 1 a: an abrupt twist or curve b: a peculiar trait :idiosyncrasy


    I am not, however, anal retentive. My quirkiness is demonstrated more by my tastes in movies and general lifestyle. (But I do prefer the TP to come over the top.)

  12. Not trying to squash you're thinking but I'll tell you what popped out at me. I think its great Joe can go to Moes house, but what if there isn't enough room on the bus for Larry to get to his own house b/c Joe is having an Xbox party after school? Or if you think Larry will be home at a certain time so you plan baseball or a doctors appointment around that, yet..becuase of the any bus deal- hes 45 minutes later then normal?


    Actually, the concept is interesting and sounds good. Are you in a small town? I can't see that working here... :confused:


    I agree. They said they haven't had a problem with this. The buses are never full after school due to after school sports, so it seems to work out.


    As for expecting your kid home at a certain time- this is high school, they need to be responsible for getting where they need to go.


    My town is not small- about 80,000 I think-- and I think this school has about 2,000 students.

  13. There was a thread a while ago about a bus driver not letting a child on the bus, because he wasn't on the "list." The buses in my area evidently don't run that way at all.


    My older dd is starting at the public high school this fall (In the pre-IB program, I'm so proud!) Anyway, at the back-to-school meeting they said any student can get on any bus at any stop and get a ride to the school. This also works the other direction- any student can get on any bus. That way, kids can go to friends' houses after school. I think this is a great arrangement (It's only for the high school buses.)

  14. Frankly, I believe that as a civilized nation, we can come up with a much better standard of moral behavior than what is espoused in the bible. Several of the ten commandments deal with thought crimes. Only a few of them deal with behavior that can be harmful to other human beings. Plus they are vague. Thou shalt not kill. There is no mention of self-defense, war, or other circumstances in which killing could be the best course of action. So let's formulate our laws using reason and logic, not a book written over centuries in the bronze age at a time when most people were illiterate.


    If we want to experience the life under a theocracy firsthand, let's move to Iran.


    I agree with you, tibbyl. And you said it much better than I would have!


    Does that clear things up any?


    Yes, thank you.



    I don't think it's possible to legislate any state.


    I think legislation of any kind is only possible within the framework of an established state. That state may be established by Decree from a Proper Authority or Force of Arms. If you know of another way of establishing a state, I'm curious to learn about it.


    Surely we can all agree that in a Catholic state it would be right and just to issue legislation in accord with the teachings of the Catholic Church. Whether that would include an obligation to be Catholic, I defer to greater ecclesiastical minds than my own. I have my own opinion on the matter, but it is neither here nor there.


    The question of Constitutionality is really only applicable to the particular example of the United States. As the United States is, sadly, not a Catholic country, the question is moot.



    You're welcome.



    I agree with everything you've said here. I would be more than happy to live in a state that required beliefs similar to mine, also- but you're right, that's not going to happen in the US. Moot point.

  16. quotes from clwcain in Kate's thread:

    [INDENT]But, if love is self-sacrificial, as Christ demonstrates by reigning from the Cross, getting along isn't loving. In fact, it can be a sign of despair. To love is to will the best for someone.


    This is why I, unapologetically, will and pray that all become subject to the Roman Pontiff.[/indent]



    [INDENT]Depends on the legislation, but I have no qualms or reservations in principle about a Catholic state, whether republican, aristocratic, or monarchical (as defined by Aristotle).[/indent]




    I don't have time to go back and read the previous thread, but I would like clarification from clwcain.


    When I read the quotes above, I hear you saying that you would prefer everyone was Catholic, and you would prefer a Catholic state. You will pray for that to happen.


    I do not hear that you intend to fight for laws *requiring* this to happen.


    Which is your real stance? Do you think it would be right and/or constitutional to legislate a Catholic state?


    Thank you.

  17. I grew up in the northeast, so I learned to drive in rat race conditions. Aggressive, swearing at everyone, not letting anyone in, cutting my way in without a turn signal (because if you used your turn signal, people would shut you out.) The first person to stop at a red light was "chicken".


    Then I moved to the midwest- people thought I was insane! I learned a calmer approach. Now I live in Colorado, and about half the people here are calm, and half are not. I stay calm and let people in, etc.- unless they are being jerks. Tailgaiting me? I'll slow down w/out using the brakes until you back off. Trying to weave in and out of traffic? I'm going to casually block you off if you try to weave past me. Oh, and I actually stop at yellow lights here. Mainly because there's no delay between my red and your green.

  18. My dh is considering applying for a job in Aurora, Colorado. Is anyone familiar with that area? Just finding it on a map doesn't tell us very much, so it would be great to hear from one who knows the 'flavor' of the area...homeschool friendly, cost of living, just anything. We are a 'get a fixer upper in the country' sort of family, but it looks very urban. Then again, it would be great to be near shopping, libraries, people... :D Thanks~



    Aurora is very urban. I think it would be a long commute from any fixer-upper in the country.


    Close to Denver, though- great museums, zoo, parks, etc. Colorado is pretty homeschool friendly.

  19. Since you all are so upset about the beach volley ball outfits, what about the swimming ones? Yes, they cover more "skin" - but nothing is left up to the imagination in those space-age suits. You can see all the bumps and bits very clearly.


    Those don't bother me. Part of the reason they don't bother me is probably because I grew up around swimming and gymnastics and I'm just used to them.


    But what really bothers me about the volleyball outfits is the skimpiness of the bottoms. And I think a big part of why it bothers me is because men are not held to the same standard. When I first saw the women's outfits, I thought- "wow those are small." When I saw the men this morning, I thought "that's not fair!"

  20. Excuse to show more butts or legitimate information story? If legitimate why is it all women? Is the use of the word "cracking" in the headline supposed to be funny?




    One of those pictures in a really unreasonable wedgie. I can't believe the woman finds that comfortable.


    On the other hand, the uniforms are pretty similar to track and field uniforms:


    although the men in that sport also wear tight-fitting clothes and short shorts.



    I don't mind the track outfits in the picture you linked. I don't mind the tight fitting part. I think the part that I find offensive? silly? unreasonable? is the size of the bottoms. Especially when you look at the men's and women's uniforms side-by-side. Really, the men would be in speedos and no shirt if you want comparable outfits. I would not want my daughters wearing something like that in public. It's hard to watch these outfits on the Olympics, because I want my kids watching role models- and those outfits are really distracting.


    I think shorts would be more appropriate, even if they were like indoor volleyball shorts.

  21. I'm not really very conservative when it comes to attire, but really- why are the US Women's volleyball uniforms so small? Especially in light of the men's uniforms. I could not find pictures online in a quick search, but here are the guidelines for both men and women's uniforms. There are drawings if you scroll down.


    Women are suposed to have a sports-top style top, but I have seen previews of women in a triangle bikini style top. The bottoms must have a minimum of 7 cm on the side. Why a minimum? And the bottoms I[ve seen are very small. Low cut, and pretty narrow in the back- permanent wedgie-style.


    And why do the men get to wear shorts and a tank top, and the women have to wear a swimsuit-style uniform? I don't get it.

  22. Don't searches without the subject's consent require probable cause?


    Doesn't being held captive in a store constitute false imprisonment?


    I think so. However, in my area adults were locked down in public buildings during a Tordado Warning. "They" do want to tell us what to do for our own safety and the safety of others.


    I guess the probable cause would be that each shopper exiting store with shopping bags big enough to conceal infant or toddler is suspected of kidnapping? A baby could easily fit into a regular sized Target bag.


    While child abduction by stranger is rare and horrible, something does not feel right to me about having to prove innocence.


    I feel the same way. But I know I would have trouble telling a parent whose child was really abducted that I didn't think the store should be locked down, and I didn't want my bag searched.

  23. what will working parents do with their child on day 5?


    I recently heard an NPR segment on how a lot of state government offices are going to a 4- day workweek with 10-hour days. Maybe they are hoping more people will do this.


    I don't think I like the idea, mainly because I'm not sure how it will affect my business. I think if I was working a regular job I would prefer 4 10-hr days.

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