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Posts posted by Chaqar

  1. And don't assume it will be review for her. A lot of the early years in Singapore is learning the Singapore madness as it is called. The process of how they arrive to the answer is sometimes more important than the answer. They teach math based on the whys and explain why the "tricks" I learned as "math" work. I never knew my math education was more on line with training a dog to do flips and not one of understanding math.



  2. I have a large, flat, under-the-bed Rubbermaid container for each child. I put all sorts of things inside and sort through it when it is full. I usually find it is easier for me to determine the importance of the paper/workbook/whatever after a little time has passed (i.e. it becomes obvious that I can let go of it).

  3. I worried about the minimal phonics instruction as well when my oldest worked through 100EZ Lessons five years ago. Now I agree that it's working if the child is reading!


    Phonics instruction will be covered again in spelling (and we've chosen to use Megawords to help fill in those gaps--syllabication and phonics rules--that were missed in reading instruction). The good news is that good readers are often good spellers. So, get him reading, IMHO!

  4. Do you have a natural speller or not? My oldest two are natural spellers so, while Spelling Power is great, I couldn't justify the one-on-one time it required of me. I use Spelling Workout because it is thorough and done independently (one of the only subjects they can do independently). I *want* to do the History and Science with them, but need them to be able to do *something* without me.

  5. We had to put a dental appliance in our 5-year-old son's mouth to make thumb-sucking uncomfortable. He knew for several months that if he was unable to stop on his own, we would need to help him by installing the appliance. He wanted to stop, too, so he was fine with getting the help he needed. The first couple of nights the poor child could NOT fall asleep! I felt bad for him. After that, he was fine. We kept the appliance in for 6 months to make sure he didn't revert back to the prior habit.


    Our dentist said that oftentimes thumb sucking doesn't cause dental problems, but in the case of our son he was concerned because the sucking was very forceful and involved the thumb pushing on the front teeth.

  6. I tried utilizing free resources online to provide my son (with a lateral lisp) speech therapy at home. Though it seemed straightforward, I was not able to implement it. After sitting in on about six private sessions I now feel equipped to finish the rest of the therapy at home. My son also understands what he needs to do and the therapist helped him see the exercises as fun.


    You might consider paying for a few sessions (ask to be in the same room!) so that you can learn, too. It is a very specialized field.

  7. I was also going to suggest the brand new CC Science Acts and Facts cards.


    We also love Lyrical Life Science for memory work. Some of the songs would be over the head of a first grader, but some would work. I like to start with the song on the scientific method and read the book "How to Think Like a Scientist" at the same time.

  8. I am excited to try the writing assignments with my boys and I love the idea of doing them on the board together. The clever stories are modeled in the book so I think they will get the idea and be able to follow the patterns.

  9. I teach all my kids to read when they turn four. We use 100EZ Lessons and it has worked great for all of them, though some children might not be ready at that age...not sure. I do not do the handwriting portion with them; we start handwriting at age 5.


    Other than that I like to play games with numbers. Family Math is a good resource to spark your imagination.


    Read lots of books. I love FIAR titles, Veritas picture books, and my Sonlight catalog.


    Plant a garden, cook and bake together, visit nursing homes, exercise together, sing together (we love Sing the Word CDs for Bible memory).


    Those are just a few thoughts off the top of my head!

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