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Everything posted by Velvet

  1. Sending your child to "bed" as punishment can backfire, because later on to them "bedtime" feels like a punishment when they've done nothing wrong which will give them mixed signals and trouble sleeping. Kids are not "naughty" because they've decided to be naughty or to spite you - there is usually something else wrong - it could be they are tired, bored, under or over stimulated, something has happened at school, excessive energy, angry, sad or uncomfortable in some way. It would do your relationship a lot better to ask why they are doing something you disagree with, explain you disagree with it and why, tell them how you feel and learn about their behaviour - have they been cooped up indoors all day? What activity could you give them to replace something less annoying/dangerous/destructive which will teach them how to understand and manage their own feelings later on? The great thing about kids is they will copy what you do too, if you know they are tired, but reluctant to sleep, nap or rest, treat it like a game - lie down with them and wait for them to realise they are sleepy. A soothing lavender bath, warm milk, and a story with a soothing voice can help a lot.
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