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Everything posted by marianna0121

  1. Had https://childrensdentistryrome.com/services/baby-root-canal/ done this on my daughter and it turns out well for her. Although it may sound like an aggressive treatment, dentists recommend a baby root canal on teeth when the cavity is close to the nerve. These cavities are the ones that are painful as the nerve becomes irritated.
  2. Fluoride has been used for decades to protect tooth enamel in kids and adults fluoride gel treatment helps prevent tooth decay by making the tooth more resistant to acid attacks from plaque bacteria and sugars in the mouth. Been having my fluoride treatment at https://diamonddentalassociates.com/in-office-fluoride-treatments-not-only-for-kids-huge-benefit-for-adults-too/ for years now and I don't see any side effects yet.
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