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Everything posted by Carolinaf

  1. I am very glad for this post. I think there is a great number o people which benefit advocating for Math Mammoth and selling the absolutely FALSE idea its a self-teaching program. I was reading and watching videos for about four months until i decided moving from Singapore Math to Math Mammoth because i wanted a program i was capable to get all the explanations in the book and teach my kids. I was not even dreaming they would do on their own. My 5th grade son and my 3 grade daughter were expecting the books so very much once we liked the online videos and i thought we would be much happier and have a much more positive relationship with math. When i saw the box on my porch i was jumping and shouting math mammoth arrived!!(I was literally thinking: My life will be much better, math will be happiness for us!! Kids may be independent soon...etc..) What a disappointment!! This program can be very good and work for many families but it's a very hard curriculum, i guess only for very good math brain wired people!! I can NOT understand many explanations, they are not enough for me, a normal math brain. I need more to understand so do my kids. Maybe this program is good for people that are very aware of math and have everything fresh in their minds. I understand why kids cry and why parents quit. I feel sad about the program saying kids will be able to work mostly independently and many moms are also enduring the same idea in the online world. I cannot return, so will try to use it as a review, but i can see it will be a hard and dry path for me and the kids. If you are a math expert and your kids are gifted i would recommend, or if you maybe want to be dealing with learning concepts all the time and trying to have them to grasp and being motivated to go in the resolutions of all the exercises. I am sure it is a good program. I am sure if i would be able to learn from the books i would be content and happy. False ad, i wish more people would have the courage to present the reality of the program. Glad some people are bringing some issues here as for me i am sad for the big disappointment and will be going back to Singapore, i feel home there after opening Math Mammoth.
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