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Everything posted by ashley.h

  1. Never heard the term zombie thread B4, I've never really been on forums B4 either.. i did say sorry I know this is old thread, it didn't occur to me to start new one, but I get it now, thanks for the replies! And goodness yes I'm real (my gosh what has this world come to?! Wowww)
  2. I know this is an old post but I completely agree with you~ up to a point though (what I'm about to describe I think I should have been able to step in on behalf of the animal) Otherwise, always always! ask permission before approaching someone else's animal(s) *Okay so I was looking for info regarding what to do for a downed horse; I feel like the owner didn't do anything - (and I've seen horsey ibuprofen, it's called Bute I think? Apple flavored powder in his barn that is for pain/inflammation that might've helped her be able to get up? She kept trying but couldn't, she must have stumbled in a hole or something and sprained her leg) Well he just said 'yeh I know vet is coming in the morning'.. He didn't go out to his barn at all, he did what he always does at dusk when he gets home- cuts all lights off and goes straight to bed.. (he plops a big roll of hay out there for 18 horses once a week, they eat it all in a day and then act like starvin' Marvin's rest of the time but that's another story) and it's not my horse but I was concerned that she was crying and couldn't get up, it was awful.. she didn't make it thru the night and I feel like there was more he could've done besides nothing (given her the bute stuff for pain, iced her leg etc..so if it was just a sprain she might have been able to get up, lying for too long had her breathing heavy etc.. and she kept rolling over trying to avoid that) and it's heartbreaking that it's not my animal so I can't interfere
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