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  1. Posted just now The virus is airborne, and if someone with Omicron variant is in the area and not wearing a good mask, everyone will get it. So patients going to a dentist office must wear the best tight-fitted (test it to make sure no leaks) mask possible, wait in the car if possible, so keep away from the air of the front-desk workers and other patients, who often wear what are often called "crappy gappies", ie, blue procedure masks hanging away from their faces on the top and sides, ie, mask theater. Second, ahead of the appointments, ask if they have air filters in each room, and if not can you bring one (assuming you can get one) and see if it can be set up 5 minutes ahead of appointment. Third, and most important, if the staff wanders about, near the room you'll be in, unmasked or in gaping masks, leave. Fourth, when you call ahead make sure to mention that you don't want anyone not in a good N95 to come into the room when you're in there unmasked during your dental work. No one. Remember: if they're wearing crappy masks and seeing patients at this time while Omecron infecting the whole country, they'll get infected, and they'll give it to you. Don't let them tell you it's not airborne: it is. Don't let them tell you it's "mild" : IT ISN"T. Health care provider and member of global covid action teams.
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