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Jessica Turner

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Everything posted by Jessica Turner

  1. You have to find one that actually has read, studied, and understands what it is an implements it. Those are hard to find I even have trouble finding a competent PT, OT, Speech therapist that I see results in. My niece was born with Down syndrome and it was severe my sister had her in 9 therapies a week. She’s 4 now and does more than other children her age who have Down syndrome. If you go and see someone once or twice a week it will do nothing for your child. They should have a plan set up with you show you the exercises and you are supposed to implement them at home everyday most of them are simple 1/2 min exercises once or twice a day. A lot of the exercises have to do with crossing the midline of your Body and helping both sides of your brain to communicate like the Bal-A-Vis-X exercises. The lady my sister works with is legit she covers about 2/3 states Florida, Georgia, and I can’t remember the third maybe Alabama. The Down Syndrome Association pays and brings her down she stays for two weeks and meets with all the parents and sets up a plan and teaches them how to implement it she she’s checks up on the child’s progress over the phone and it will only make a difference if the parent is actually vigilant and implementing the plan. Then they change it and set more goals each time she is flown down for a visit and she reassess the child and reads the notes or hears about what the parents have experienced with the exercises. She’s in her 70’s and has taken my sister on to intern with her because when she retires she’ll have no one in the state of Florida to take over and at least my sister can take over for the kids in their area and help them since she already does it for her daughter. My daughter was a micro preemie. She’s 6 and now is showing some neurodevelopment issues like she has no auditory processing she’s not retaining anything she’s learning at school and has been held back once and may again this year. My sister as part of her internship has set me up with a plan they include the Bal-A -Vis-X exercises, auditory processing and sequence games and exercises, etc. Some of them are super easy like categories you give her a title she has to name as many as possible in that category she really struggles with this something that sounds so basic and easy but I do it with all four of my kids and she feels better about really trying. Then I give her commands to do for her auditory processing. The average adult should be able to do 6/9 commands. My daughter can’t do past 2. We are slowly building up to more they have to be in order too then she has to do it backwards. Some is as simple as reading to her and asking questions about and listening to recordings like music and books also. She has 13 exercises and 7 learning games to choose from to do everyday my goal is to do about 5/6 each day and 2 games a day. We have the plan on the fridge and check off the ones we do each day and my husband is active in helping too and we’ve already seen a difference.
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