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Caribbean Queen

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Posts posted by Caribbean Queen

  1. I would not ask for my husbands comments on whether or not he wants Christian curriculum. I would just use what I want to use.


    For now, I recommend some teaching some Chrisitan songs, reading a story Bible and doing prayer. You don't need to buy a packaged curriculum for your little one.


    Maybe your in-laws want your daughter in day care/preschool. You do not want her enrolled and you aren't going to do it. There is nothing to worry about there. You are having it your way. You win.


    I think you can show your husband how you can live more frugally by example. You cut your spending as much as possible, and in that way, you have done all you can to be able to be a stay-at-home mom. That means that unless you have free babysitting and full scholarships, quit school. That means you only spend money on food at the supermarket. Ouch! I know.


    You may feel that is is not fair for you to be frugal and your husband is still able to waste money. Been there, done that - and you know what? It isn't about whether or not we both get to spend money. It is about me making sacrifices in order to be a stay-at-home mom. I am the one who doesn't want to get a job, so I make the sacrifices. Wouldn't it be better if he would sacrifice also? Yes, but he doesn't want to be frugal, so I have to work with the reality of who he is.

  2. If your dog will have lots of space, and the weather stays warm enough year round, your dog will be happy. It will be able to run and hunt. It will never have to be caged (crate trained). If your kids already play outside for a couple hours a day, then spending time with the dog will not be a hassle.


    I recommend an adult dog, not a puppy because puppies need a lot of attention and company. An adult outside dog is much less needy.

  3. Our math program requires ds to memorize addition facts to sum 20 at the beginning of grade 1. I can't see the point of going past 10, ie if you know that 5+2=7, you can see that 15+2=17 the same way you can see that 45+2=47. Similarly with tables, I don't see the point of memorizing past 10x10, and I suspect that the tradition of going up to at least 12x12 might be a hangover from the days of 12 pence to the shilling.


    We don't memorize 15+2.

    All addends are 10 or less. The sums go up to 20.



    ones like that.

  4. My sister nursed and then still got 8 oz. out of each breast!


    Pumps don't work as well as babies. The picture in my avitar is my daughter at 10 or 11 months old. She has never had a drop of formula and you see the size of her -large. Clearly, I had no supply problem, yet I would be lucky to get half an ounce at pumping both breasts - and I had a good, expensive pump. Thankfully, I didn't really need to pump milk.


    Look at how much the baby pees and how s/he gains weight. That is how you know the baby is getting enough to eat.


    Also, if you understand that milk works in a 'supply and demand' kind of way, you can avoid a lot of problems. If your baby sucks your body knows to make milk. If you let people formula feed your baby, your body will think, "No need to go through all the trouble of making milk since the baby isn't drinking it." Your milk supply will go down in that case.


    Since pumps don't work for you, you are pretty much tied to the baby because if you leave the baby for several hours, and the baby drinks formula, your cups will runneth over - possibly giving you clogged milk ducts or some other problem. Then you'll get a low milk supply. Then you'll be afraid you don't have enough milk so you'll give more and more formula. A couple bottles of formula could slippery slope into weaning.

  5. Yes, he is quite capable of being the best-behaved student in the class. He is very smart - he listens, does his work, and is the first to put things away when told to do so.


    We are participating in Classical Conversations this year, so I take turns helping out in each of my boys' classes each week. His tutor has asked me to not help out in his class anymore, b/c he acts out whenever I'm in his class.


    It sounds like a discipline problem rather than a disability/special need.


    I suspect you should tweak the way you did tomato staking. He needs a whole lot of attention from you.


    You don't have to neglect anyone or feel gulity because you can pay attention to several children at once. You can have two kids on your lap and two by your side as you read a book aloud, ya know? I had many people tell me that because I had a new baby, the next child wasn't the baby anymore and would be jealus. Um, no, my child is still a baby. He will not be pushed aside or grow up any faster. He is still going to get the same amount of attention. He will love our new baby and he will not be jealus. I was so zealus about this that I even played with my toddler on playground equipment while carrying my newborn. I remember going down the slide with both of them while nursing. The new baby wasn't going to ruin his play time - ha!


    Although I believe that children should have lots of free time and be able to make choices, he may do better with a lot of mother imposed structure, for now. Give him things to do. He might get satification from doing chores. Maybe you could find lots of things for him to do to be your big helper. "Oh honey, I need you to wash this mirror while I bathe the twins. Thank you so much." I give my children aprons and tell them I really need their help. I am have gotten them to happily wash my baseboards, hee hee.

  6. So her biggest issue is that she is "left alone to handle things"?? He is at work trying to provide for his family and that isn't good enough?? He is not at the bar or with other women he is at work if I am understanding correctly? His wife is staying home raising the children and not having to worry about her husband beating her or cheating or losing all their money and she is unhappy. I hate to be rude but I am so tired of the desperate housewife story. I have 4 kids one who is disabled and I have NO HELP not emotionally not financially their dad is at the bar. Grow up Life is not a fairy tale and when your kids graduate and all is done then you'll have time with your husband. He is at work doing his best. It is almost the birth of Christs holiday and all I hear is grumble grumble. Be thankful for what you have. I hate to be rude or sound heartless but does any wife ever look at the husbands point of view? Maybe I am having a bad day but I just think some people don't know how great they have it.


    I'm with clark.


    I'd tell my girl friend she needs to change. "I am so glad you are home. I missed you. After the children get in bed I want to spend some time with you. We need to talk and feel close." That kind of talk makes a person want to be closer with their spouse. Sarcastic remarks and having one foot out the door is not the way to get closer to your husband.

  7. Spend entire days with them teaching them what to do. Be right there when they start walking away from the couch to tell them to put the pillows back on. When you go to the bathroom or put the baby in bed, have them come with you, or instruct them to stay in a certain spot. Be consistant. Don't let them slip up. It will take a lot of work to teach them, but once they have learned you'll have it much easier.

  8. They give scholarship assistance for some families. If you think your family might qualify (at our old day care, assistance is simply income-based) it might be worth checking around for something similar. Or, is there a Montessori preschool that might take your children for a reduced fee? I'm sympathetic about family who are not good sitters! Hope you find something that works.


    I can't even afford the bad day cares. The Montessouri school isn't going to give me a scholarship. We don't have government subsities for child care here. I looked into Head Start (government preschool for the poor) recently and they are not accepting any more children until September.


    My husband couldn't find enough work, but now that I got a part-time job, his work has picked up and he is too busy to watch the children. He makes more money than I do per hour, and my job is only part-time, so it is for the best.

  9. I paid mine in NC $165 per week for 2 children, but that was for 12 hour days.


    That is about what people pay here. How do people find those $12 an hour babysitting jobs? I want to apply. :bigear:


    I guess I'll have to pay all the money I make to a babysitter on the days I can't swap child care with my friend or use family. I was just thinking maybe if both my friend and I are working on the same day we could hire a babysitter to watch all 4 of our kids and both chip in to pay the sitter. At least I might come out $5 or $10 ahead that way. Sigh.

  10. I posted a few days ago about looking for a part-time job. I got one already! Yay!


    My friend and I are going to exchange babysitting services, plus my husband and relatives, will be watching the children for me at times.


    Sometimes everybody's schedules won't mesh and I will need to hire a babysitter. If you use a babysitter to watch your children while you work, how much do you pay? How much money do you make per hour?


    Do you have any tips that have helped make using medicore childcare better? My childcare providers are nice people, but they are the types to want to feed children junk food and stick them in front of the TV for hours. I was thinking I would provide ready-made food and tell them at X o'clock they can watch a short DVD. Maybe I should rotate the children's toys to give them some (relatively) new things to play with. My children occupy their time playing nicely with each other IF the TV is off.

  11. Help! What are the best brands of moisturizer that don't feel horribly greasy or sticky, but will help with this winter-dry, itchy torture?

    Michelle T



    There is your problem. You need greasy and sticky stuff. Baby oil, Vaseline and Eucerin work. Using them feels better than having ichy, dry, messed up skin. I know this from experience.


    No hot showers. If your home is cold you might be using hot water to heat up the bathroom. Use a space heater and take warm showers. You'll see a difference in your skin. Hot water dries skin.


    Immediately after you shower, dry your skin with a towel and apply one of the greasy things I mentioned above. You may apply some fancy scented lotion on top of it if that makes you happy. If your skin is very dry you may need to apply more greasy stuff to your entire body before bed. Your hands may need grease several times a say since you wash them often.

  12. We went through this.


    I had to force my child to eat better. All he wanted was Pediasure. I took it away and he started eating Ramen noodles, cheese, Kix cereal and a few other foods. This was a big improvement for him. He was definately healthier. I could see a difference in about 10 days.


    Then he descided to go on a Cheese and crakers-only diet. He was a cranky mess. We couldn't keep going on like that. I forced him to eat a little bit of whatever I cooked. His skin looks great now. He has a lot more energy. He gets sick less often. When he gets sick it much, much milder.


    I never wanted to force my children to eat, but it was for the best.

  13. In fact, flashy nails colors and/or acrylics were considered tacky, something the 19 year old receptionist would do.


    (running and ducking)



    I was thinking the same thing. Normal, natural nails are tasteful looking.

    No one can tell if someone had their nails professionally cut and filed or not. I don't see how nail appointments help a women's career.

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