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Linda in Dallas

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Everything posted by Linda in Dallas

  1. My 9 yo spaniel has decided about a month ago that she does not like her crate. She used to sleep in it (there’s a divider) with another female dog who is 13. The younger female started being hesitant to sleep in the crate and a few days later the older dog pooped in there for the first time ever. My older dog started whining to go to bed earlier so I bought her a smaller crate in another room so she could come and go. The younger one still does not want to sleep in the crate. Her bedding is the same and crate hasn’t moved. The strangest part is the younger dog would run to her bed at the sound of ANY word that sounded like “bed”. I now have to coax, carry or drag her to bed at night. The only real change is the alpha status. The older dog is really aging so the younger two (I have 3 spaniels. 2 that are 9 and one 13) are starting to become more competitive for alpha status. I’m open to suggestions but feel it’s important for all the dogs to sleep in their crates as they have their whole lives. They have always had a “bedtime snack” in their crates and that hasn’t changed. I’ve tried “high value” treats. Washing blankets and changing the direction of the crate. Any other suggestions?
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