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Posts posted by bluemongoose

  1. 2 minutes ago, AbcdeDooDah said:

    Delta was identified in December, 2020. Vaccines were not open to the general public until April 2021

    And in some states, not even then. We had to wait until May here for the general public to get vaccinated. It pretty much opened up for the 16-65 group all at once, and then a couple weeks later it was opened for the 12-15 group. 

    • Like 1
  2. I think the gov should keep mask mandates in place (in all states frankly) for the most basic absolute needs. So things like schools, public transportation, medical offices, and grocery stores. 

    I absolutely support private businesses requiring vaccination proof or neg tests. I do not think it should be mandated by the government though. People can choose to show proof, get tested, or decide they dont want to be customers in that location. Same for the businesses requiring it of employees.

    Yes it will still suck how many people are not vaccinating. It is really frustrating, but I do not think that the government should force people. I wish people were just less selfish and thought of others more.  

    • Like 8
  3. I have struggled with hypoglycemia. If I was feeling hungry and just ate the bread things, yes I would feel tired and crashy after. Eggs always make me feel awful if my blood sugar is low. However, if I eat a little bit of bread to get started and then eat an egg, especially with healthy fats, then I am usually fine. The carbs get my blood sugar up some and the egg coming in after keeps it stable since it has protein. 

  4. On 5/25/2021 at 1:04 AM, Corraleno said:

    Interesting article on the connection between "Long Covid" and POTS (postural orthostatic tachycardia syndrome)


    I have a relative that is seeking a second opinion because their post COVID symptoms line up with POTS. The treatment they have been given from current Dr. lines up with POTS treatment, but so far they Dr. just shrugs and says they do not know. COVID illness was a year ago and they are still struggling. This is a person younger than 40, had no pre-existing conditions, and did not have a severe case of COVID. They are fully vaccinated, it didn't reverse the symptoms.

    • Sad 5
  5. This is so funny and true. Very very rarely do I actually find an opportunity to nap. If by sheer luck a day comes that I can, I let DH know that I need a nap and I'm going to go take one. About 15 min later he will forget and decide it is time for some music to do chores with....very very loud music...with a lot of bass and/or electric guitar. If I show up looking like I just woke up he says...hey weren't you going to go take a nap?

    • Haha 1
  6. It is definitely under construction. I am a long time user...I'm looking forward to the death of Locklizard. So far we are still waiting for our stuff to be uploaded to the new system. If you are interested in TOG, you should probably check back in a month or so. Maybe by then it will be more understandable.

    • Like 1

    1 hour ago, Faith-manor said:

    What about one of the outlying areas around Portland? We lived in Newbury, Or at one point. It was mild summers short and barely even cold winters, gorgeous scenery, food was cheap because so much was grown locally, the university medical systems were good. We haven't been there for a long time so maybe the COL has gone up a lot though.

    I think you might mean Newberg, Oregon? It is affordable, but not very LGBT friendly. It is more conservative. There are outlying areas of Portland that are more LGBT friendly that are also "affordable", but even still, prices are high out here and housing is hard to find. 

  8. 2 minutes ago, kokotg said:

    One fun fact from that link is that 47.4% of vaccine recipients studied reported fatigue after pfizer....as did 33.4% of people who got the placebo. Hmm... Maybe a lot of people could just really use more sleep. Headache was similar: 41.9% who got the vaccine vs. 33.7% placebo.

    Sign me up! I want a nap! Oh wait, I already had my two doses of Pfizer. Nevermind. 

    • Haha 2
  9. This was in response to Not_a_Number's question. Somehow the quote went poof!


    I have been sheltered at home for the last 15 months. So I am not around as many kids. But I know of for sure-as in officially diagnosed:

    1-2yo (cold like)

    1-3yo (asymptomatic)

    2- 6yos (1 cold like, one flu like had COVID 2x)

    1- 9yo (cold like-was helped by asthma meds)

    1- 10yo (flu like COVID 2x)

    1- 12yo (flu like COVID 2x-Major problems with breathing the second time, felt panicked, was scared-no previous health issues)-has had first vaccine now, their family really doesnt want to get it again!

    1- 15yo (bad cold/mild flu like) first vaccine done now

    1-18 yo (bad cold/flu like) first vaccine done now


    All of these kid cases were in families that were being very careful (not anti-mask or COVID deniers), but one family member had to work out of the home. Kids are homeschoolers. The parents were still not eligible by age for a vaccine and they didn't have health risks. They were all very happy to get vaccinated when the vaccine became available to them. None of them wanted it again. They all have only had their first doses because over here, the adults ages 16-65 barely became eligible before the 12-15yo group did. So the majority of adults and kids are getting vaccinated at the same time here. 

    The rest of the people I know that had diagnosed COVID were over 35yo. Most of these happened at the beginning of the pandemic. One was at the end of 2020. None could get vaccinated yet. There were several people who had symptoms but were not diagnosed, so it is unknown if it was COVID or not.


  10. In my family/friends... Adults between 35-65 have had about just over 2 days of feeling crappy. The first day being laid out flat, the second day feeling better but not awesome, and the next half of the day just getting energy back. I have only heard a couple that felt completely fine for both doses and they seemed to all be above 60. I would say the majority felt fine on the first and horrid on the second. A few felt horrid on both.

    The kids between 12-16 have been about 24 hrs of tired and achy and sore arms. Another day of just sore arm.


    I know people who had COVID from ages 3yo-90. All of them survived, but several were hospitalized. Some had strokes. One died a year later of a secondary issue that started after COVID. Some who stayed home just felt like it was a cold, some were really really sick for a long long time. One family (all but one member of the family of five) got it a second time and were much worse that time.  2 were very very ill. 


    To me, in general, the 2 days of feeling yucky from the vaccine has been better than all of the family and friends' COVID cases, except for a 3yo who had no symptoms. The vaccine is especially better than the 5 who were hospitalized for COVID, one who almost died in the hospital and had a stroke due to COVID, and the one who died a year later from a condition brought on by COVID. 

    • Like 3
  11. I would like to vaccinate my youngest because he wants to go back to orchestra. Also, he has a high risk brother and mom. I feel more comfortable not having someone catch COVID and increase the chances of vaccine breakthrough in my home. Yes, I know that they aren't so sure how often kids spread it, and the breakthrough on the vaccines is small, but it is also true that more exposure to COVID makes catching it more likely. Then there is the fact that I am concerned about the long term consequences of this virus for people, including little kids. Kids have a long life in front of them. I feel the vaccine is a safer bet. 

    • Like 2
  12. I have dyslexics. The older two are stealth dyslexics...I am guessing the younger is too, but not tested. I use All About Spelling with all of them. The middle kid took longer to be ready for spelling than the other two. It finally started to click around 11. My youngest one has used All About Reading as well as All About Spelling. He is reading with more fluency than his brothers did at his age. I think using All About Reading really helped with that. All are now reading on grade level. They do make the common mistakes of stealth dyslexia. They each have different areas where their dyslexia shows up more. 


    Before All About Spelling/Reading we tried:

    Sequential Spelling

    Explode the Code

    Phonics Road to Spelling and Reading

    Rod and Staff Spelling


    Spelling Power

    Bob Books

    Pathway Readers

    Sing, Spell, Read, and Write


  13. It is now nearly 48 hours from vax.

    DS 1: feels almost completely fine. Still mild arm soreness, he says it is better than it was. He slept a a couple hours or so longer than usual last night.

    DS 2: has smiles again. He says he still has a sore arm and his headache is mild now. The joints also feel better. He slept hard for 14 hours last night. Guess that helped! 😆


    Now DD feels rough (her second shot was yesterday). She is dizzy and headachy. She is not in the 12-15 group though. 

    • Like 4
  14. My boys got theirs yesterday.


    DS 1 had 24 hours of a bad headache, sore arm, and took naps...so tired. He is feeling better now. Headache is less and less tired. Arm is still sore. 


    DS 2 is still feeling very rough. Migraine, sore joints, sore arm, very tired, a little queazy. He has a very overreactive immune system and this was expected. His Dr warned us not to let him out of the house because if he got COVID it would probably be bad. He is high risk. He is happy to be getting his vaccine started because it means less fear for him. But he is now a bit worried about getting the second shot. 

    • Sad 8
  15. 4 hours ago, KSera said:


    Facts are important and they could have reported facts at the same time they used the facts to inform a different kind of guideline that wouldn’t have been as risky to those not yet vaccinated (as I keep saying, there are lots of adults still waiting for their second shots, and then there are all the kids). They could have said they since those who are vaccinated can largely remove their masks, they will lift the mask recommendation as soon as a certain vaccine benchmark and/or case number threshold is reached. 

    Where I live, people 16- 64yo without high risks are just now getting their second vaccine this week, if they one of the lucky ones to get their first shot the week it opened up for them. So no, most adults here are not fully vaccinated nor have they had the opportunity to be so before this change happened. Add to that the 12-15 year olds that are also just now getting their first. And that is of course not even talking about the under 12 group. I does seem like they are not being considered. I do think the numbers will come back up because the CDC gave this guidance. That will not help those who are unable to be vaccinated at all or the breakthrough 5-10% cases either. 

    3 hours ago, AbcdeDooDah said:

    I'm wondering how many of those vaccinated are for sure getting their under 12 children vaccinated.  

    I am the only one in my family fully vaccinated because I have higher risks. Some of my family members will get their second shot this week and my kids in the 12-15 group will get their first shots. I absolutely will vaccinate my child younger than 12. We have stayed home since March 2020 and so ready to be in public. We have higher risk people in our family, it was necessary to be this careful. We will continue to stay home until all of us can be vaccinated. Yes, I am thankful that we can stay home to stay safe and realize it is even worse for the ones who do not have that option. But we have also paid a price for doing this.  It is not easy. 

    • Like 6
  16. I've only had shot 1. I will have to get back to this poll in a couple weeks when I get the 2nd shot.

    The first reactions: Sore arm (not really bad at all). A headache that took me out for just over 24hrs. I was dizzy and light headed when I got up. The fatigue lasted an additional day after the headache/light headedness. So in total it was about 48 hours of symptoms. I tend to react strongly to medicine and usually skip a flu shot because the efficacy is so low usually it isn't worth 3 days of illness to take it. I am not sure if I have had COVID or not before...if I did it was in late Dec 2019. 

  17. I like too many!

    Jane Austen movies: especially Pride and Prejudice (Colin Firth)

    The Princess Bride

    The Sound of Music

    So I married an Ax Murderer

    You've got mail

    Back to the Future

    Anne of Green Gables

    North and South

    Wives and Daughters

    12 Angry Men (the old black and white one)


    With the Family:

    Harry Potter Series

    The Incredibles 1+2



    Nanny McPhee 


    I am sure there are more that I am just not thinking of...

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