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Matt Layman

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Everything posted by Matt Layman

  1. Is there something about these items that particularly appeals to you (aside from being awesome with Peanuts characters)?
  2. I'm doing research about online homeschool planners, and I wanted to share my findings so far and learn from folks that are here. I'd love to hear from you! What online homeschool planning tool do you use? If you don't use an online tool, what do you do instead? In this journey to understand what planners are available, I found these tools: Charlotte Mason Organizer (review / discussion thread) Google Classroom (review / discussion thread) Homeschool Manager (review / discussion thread) Homeschool Minder (review / discussion thread) Homeschool Planet Homeschool Reporting Online Homeschool Skedtrack Homeschool Tracker Homeschooling Records Lessontrek My School Year Scholaric Well Planned Day Online My goal is to research each one of these tools and provide my analysis to this forum as I learn more. Where possible, I'm going to sign up for each tool, kick the tires, and compare features. I'll report back once I've given a tool its fair shake. In my research, I've compiled mentions of various tools on this forum (using a combination of Google search pointing at forums.welltrainedmind.com and some elbow grease). Here's a graph of tool mentions by year if you like visual representations of data like I do. And here's the raw data if folks would like to see which topics these tools were mentioned in: https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1SroV3KdUshFIQMOEKfVDtv5zwmcylL6OHfewTuaeJRo/edit#gid=0 My interpretation of the data is that some tools have peaked in popularity. It's also likely that different tools had advocates on this forum and either don't use the forum anymore or don't bother to mention these tools. Homeschool Tracker was popular a decade ago, but it had very few mentions after 2012. Scholaric seems like the dominant tool from 2012-2016. Homeschool Planet appears to be the most popular tool from 2015 to the current day. Admittedly, the sample size of data is quite small. I don't know what are some other good places to look for this kind of data outside of the forum. If you know of other places where folks talk about homeschool technology and are willing to share, please let me know! I'd love to follow through to collect more data and make a more accurate picture. Finally, in full disclosure, I'm doing all of this research because I'm building a homeschool planner for my spouse. This research is intended to help me find the features that people, aside from my wife, are a looking for in a homeschool planner. Ultimately, I want to make the tool available for other users, but it's not ready for that limelight yet. 😁 Thanks for reading! I hope you find my bit of data interesting!
  3. I have a side interest in graph design (I'm a software engineer by training). I used Lynda.com to learn a lot about graphic design. The site has a "learning path" specifically focused on the subject at https://www.lynda.com/learning-paths/Design/become-a-graphic-designer. The courses cover things like typography, color theory, iconography, and other graphic design topics. Overall, I've really enjoyed the material. Lynda.com isn't free, but I found that my local library had a subscription. I was able to sign into the service with my library card for free.
  4. This seems to be the place for introductions so here goes. I'm Matt, a software engineer and father of two homeschooled children. I'm building a homeschool scheduling web application for my wife, and I'm here to observe the needs of this community and participate where I can. I generally know very little about homeschooling, but I'm well versed in technology. My personal website is at https://www.mattlayman.com/ if anyone is interested in all the nerdy details. 😀
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