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Mrs Tiggywinkle

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Posts posted by Mrs Tiggywinkle

  1. 16 hours ago, Not_a_Number said:

    Yeah, your case is pretty darn convincing that this isn't uncommon 😕 . 

    This is so much lighter though. I thought I was dying in April.  I just feel sort of run down with a headache and malaise.  With my super limited knowledge of immunology, it would make sense to me that having memory cells would probably result in a milder infection.

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  2. Thank you for all the good wishes!! Tomorrow is the interview and it’s my birthday and it’s about exactly a year since my life seemed to go sideways in all ways(October 28, actually) so I am calling it a new start!!

    The job is with a contracting agency with our local DSS(DCF in some states) working with parents who are trying to regain custody of their children from foster care. Parent education, visitation supervision, parent contracts, that kind of thing.  They have someone else who is willing to job share at 20 hours a week.  I actually worked for this contract agency years ago, and there are glowing reviews in my personnel file according to the HR department. They also really want a master’s level worker, and they’re okay with soon to graduate master’s level.  I’m hopeful!!

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  3. I had antibodies in the spring, unless the test was wrong(which is possible).  Then last month I did not have antibodies(which also could be wrong).  Regardless, I was exposed and now have Covid symtoms including loss of taste and smell, which is pretty indicative that it’s Covid vs something else.  I’m quarantining anyway so not going to test until the end of the week as I need a negative to return to work(so many people on the last shift I work have tested positive that they want everyone who worked that night to be 14 days past exposure and a negative test).

    I think it’s highly likely that there’s limited immunity, like other coronaviruses, but that our memory cells are able to keep it at a milder, cold like disease the second time around.  This is basically what Dr Fauci and other scientists I have read have been saying, and I don’t think there’s any evidence that Covid-19 is remarkably different than other coronaviruses.

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  4. 1 hour ago, mommyoffive said:

    Thanks for letting us know the name change.    

    Sending all the good luck wishes your way for tomorrow.   How exciting. 

    How are you feeling?

    No taste or smell. I started in with chills and severe body aches, but it’s gotten better throughout the day.  I managed to get a full day of homeschooling in and clean up part of the living room.  The fatigue seems to be the hardest thing for me right now.

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  5. 3 hours ago, bethben said:

    There is a job that has been posted at a charter school homeschool branch.  I want it.  It’s everything that I’m skilled at and encompasses things that I’m pretty good at.  If there was ever a job that is perfect for me, this is it.  There’s no way I can even apply.  I have way too much responsibility at home.  I’m homeschooling and my disabled son has no where else to go.  Even if my daughter was able to do school on her own (which is totally not doable right now), there is no programs available for my son with adult daycare.  I’m 50 and just want something different in my life.  I want to be seen as a person who has thoughts- who is smart in some respects.  No advice needed.  

    I get it.  I read job listings and see so many jobs I’d be good at, but working full time is impossible right now.  I’m a decade younger and struggling with feeling like all the skills and knowledge I worked hard to gain is just useless.

    Hugs. I have no advice, just....I understand.

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