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Posts posted by AngelBee

  1. I rearranged TOG to do Weeks 4-6, then 1-3, and then straight through from week 7 on. We are using Story of the World also and while it's been a bit choppy, it's been fine. I don't have it in front of me, but I think I moved things around so that we did the intro at our beginning instead of our week 4.

    This is what I plan to do once we hit TOG 1. We started in TOG 2 and are on TOG 3 right now.

  2. We switched from SL after core A and are loving TOG. I made it open and go by spending a week planning in the spring.


    Would you be willing to share what you did to make it open and go? That would be really helpful to others. :)

  3. How does a virtual co-op work? It is open to anyone anywhere?


    I found mine through yahoo groups. My co-op is doing TOG 4 next year. I think TOG loosethreads yahoo group has a list of some of the co-ops. We are currently on TOG 3 unit 3.

  4. Well....this is timely as I have been reviewing and praying a lot lately about how this will all work in July when we welcome TWO babies into the household. :D I am due with twins July 28, so realistically....I am planning on anywhere from June 15-July 28th.


    I have ds 20 (at home but works full time during the day), ds13, dd11, ds8, dd6, dd3, and ds2. I also work outside of the home coaching dance team and we own a dance studio. I also do drop in daycare for a couple of families who work weird shedules like we do. :)


    I bought into the "take time off" thing and it hurt me dearly. Caused major anxiety and the need to catch up. I still do not feel totally caught up. :( So I am doing things WAY differently this time...as I may not be able to fully participate while caring for and nursing two babies.


    1) My goal is to get ds13, dd11, ds8, and dd6 as independent as I can at least for reading, writing and math. That way I can at least guarantee those subjects will continue to get done (We use a lot of literature based history and science...so those will be touched on also.)


    2) We are broke, but I invest in Discovery Streaming and Brainpops annually. We use them almost daily and ESPECIALLY when someone is sick or I am unable to assist them right away. It can be watched on laptop, cell phones, or on google TV in my moms house (same property about 15 feet away). Ds8 also realized that our old cell phones can still use Wifi in our house, so now he does school on his own "cell phone". :lol:


    3) Just keep swimming. I have a master check list schedule of what has to happen during the week. We just keep crossing things off until it is done. No set times right now, just keep swimming.


    4) We school year round. My busiest season for work is Oct-Feb, so it just makes sense to us. Also gives me extra time to get 9 months of school finished. Plus in summer kids are fine with doing school for 8 hours and then playing outside for 4 hours. We do most of our school outside during the summer. I use something like this http://i.walmartimages.com/i/p/00/07/65/01/08/0007650108834_500X500.jpg so littles are sheltered from sun and can nap.


    More to come....have to do school :p Lunch is over.

  5. We will be using it for chemistry. I am grateful I found it. Money is incredibly tight right now and I just don't have the resources to get extra stuff. A mama from Hive suggested Easy Peasy and that is what we are using. :)


    I have used MANY different things over the last decade. Not one has been 100% what I want. That is the nature of homeschooling. I have become a genious at making it work for us. :) Each family is different.....use what seems a good fit and suppliment or dump the rest.

  6. Trying to organize and plan out for ds13, dd11, ds8, dd6, plus activities for dd3 and ds2.


    I am sinking in indecision....and I have NO MONEY! Trying to figure out chemistry stuff with Montessori flare and no added cost. Then I panic that I should save and get some books....or a kit....or science equipment. :(


    Added to that...they are all at different levels. We are on same topics, but all over the place ability wise.


    And I am 17.5 weeks pregnant......with TWINS!!!!


    I can't slow down as this is my less busy season. Sept-Feb are a WHIRL WIND!!! So now is the time for planning and getting a lot done.


    Can I teach chemistry with just online resources and what I have at home??? Should I just take out of budget and buy something so I don't have to think this all through over and over and over???? :(



  7. I have used TOG yr 2 with a 1st grader and year 3 with a Ker and a Wnd grader. This is with older siblings.


    It is kind of expensive unless you are looking to commit long term.


    I can maybe do up a week to give u an example. You have to add in your own science and math. Also language arts like spelling.

  8. I agree using them both for history would be too much. Have you looked into TOGs writing? Many do not like it and/or do not use it even if they use all other aspects of TOG.


    It sounds like you have a lot covered, so both would be overkill.


    I use both, but there is no cross over. I use HOD for things not in TOG....such as math, spelling, science, bible memory, etc

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