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About sarawatsonim

  • Birthday 08/06/1979

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    Toronto, Ontario, Canada
  • Interests
    Reading, Fashion, History

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  1. Hi Jane,

    I really like Nallenart L'art de dire which is the earliest level. It is really good for a lot of basic vocabulary without any writing done by the kid. I have Level 1 for next year but I don't know yet if she is ready for this one because it is more hands on. I was thinking RS might be good for her to begin when she is 8 or 9 depending on how she responds to it though because it makes some big leaps sometimes. We really enjoy Nallenart and you can get it online now (I think) which might make it easier if you don't mind printing pages off. The only prep work I had with this was I coloured and laminated the flash cards and then put them on a ring for easy review. The flashcards are a main part of each days work so they need to be laminated for durability. The women who made the program also responds to emails quickly which is nice to have just in case. Feel free to ask me more questions if you need anymore information.



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