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Posts posted by Tammy

  1. Wow....I am getting over strep right now too (must be going around, LOL). I had it pretty bad.....after 4 days of meds....my throat, just this morning, started feeling better although my glands in my neck are HUGE! I am curious....what kind (dosage) of meds did your dr. give you. Mine gave me 875 mg amoxicillion twice a day.


    I think if your kids are not running a fever.....the tests might not pick it up just yet on your kids. Are they running a fever yet?



  2. And to let an opinion from someone you really do not know bother you....well....just don't, LOL!


    I like hearing different opinions....from different walks of life unlike my own. I find it interesting....rarely do I really ever get upset about it though. And do know that many people post here not really for 'support'....but for opinions. Where else can you get opinions from SOOOO many different people! I think that is the beauty of this board.



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