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Posts posted by JeneralMom

  1. That is how I naturally say it and how my cousin says her name but know more people irl who say Mee-gun. Perhaps Meg-gun is just the way my mum pronounces it but she says a lot of names wrong. Drives me nuts that she pronounces my DD7 name Kur-dell-eee-uh rather than Cor-dee-lee-ah like it's supposed to be. The Aussies tend to drop the "r" out of her name.


    It's a Welsh name, originally pronounced (I believe) short e, short a (not schwa), so MEH-gan.



  2. See the name Megan always stumps me because I only ever see it spelled the one way but pronounced:






    My middle daughter's name is Noren. It is pronounced phonetically so NOR- en. Like Door-en. People just call her Noreen all of the time, which makes no sense to me, since there is no way for that to be a long e sound. Luckily it doesn't seem to bother her, I am glad the daughter that mispronouncing it would drive her crazy is named Megan!

  3. Just to make things more fun...Canadians say "zed" but say zee-bra rather than Aussies who pronounce it "zed" but say zeb-bra.

    So does the different way that Americans say z make them break up the words into syllables different? because it is in more than zebra where the difference in saying z appears to make the word be pronounced differently. though of course I cannot think of a single example....

    Also Xavier is Ex-zay-vee-uhr or Zay-vee-uhr. My son just corrects people or ignores it. In French I have only heard it pronounced like Eeks-zah-vyay

  4. I lost my student insurance 3 days before I realized I was pg with DD4 and went to Planned Parenthood for the pregnancy test (Dh's new insurance didn't kick in for a few weeks so I needed to be able to prove officially that I was pg before my insurance ran out so it wouldn't be a pre existing condition). I did have to be buzzed into the waiting area and the girl running the desk was behind a window. I had to put my info on a turnstile so she was always protected. Cameras everywhere. I then had to be buzzed into the treatment room to have blood drawn. This was just a small office that did tests and birth control.

  5. I was strawberry when I was little but darkened to a light auburn as I got older. I am very pale, burn very easily, get sun stroke easilyso don't like heat/hot at all. I have very high pain tolerance but very low natural body temp. I bleed very little. I have only ever been put under mild sedation but woke up in the middle of that procedure.


    My dh is blond and all my kids are varying degrees of blond from almost white to caramel. I held out hope for a ginger because 3 of them looked a bit fiery golden when they were tiny, but, alas, it was not to be.


    ETA: my eyes are bright green with gray rims but they always look gray in pictures.

  6. I don't have kids with food sensory issues but wanted to address the budget idea. I have a friend who is trying a radical unparenting style in an attempt to give her kids more autonomy. Each week her kids are given their food allowance (I think $100 each) and told to grocery shop. She will allow them to share any meal she makes but only if they ask. They are not allowed to touch each others' food. She said the first week all they bought was candy. Progressively they all started buying healthier foods. Now the system works well because child A can buy an item that only s/he likes whereas my friend wouldn't have bought it before because it wasn't "fair". So just an example of how it can work given time.

  7. No problems ever and I do not go annually. I've actually never had a mammogram (I'm 42). I had a pap in March 2013 after #5 was born but before that the last I had was in 2005 after #2 was born. But, I have no family history for breast/ovarian etc cancer nor do I have risk factors (hormone use for instance). Now my girls will be encouraged to be very proactive in the reproductive health because my MIL had breast cancer as did many if the women in her family.

  8. I can sense the frustration in your posts. Your original comment did sound like you were blaming the co sleeping so thank you for clarifying. You also sound upset about routines, however, it is not up to the mother to follow your routines it is the other way around. If I was paying someone to look after my child I would expect that to be the only thing they were doing (minus making meals) so if you had to hold her for 3 hours then I would want you to do that. I would have made that very clear during the interview.


    The only way I can get my 10mo old to sleep is to lie in bed with her or wear her. This has been going on for months since we moved (it effected her greatly). Can you lie with her until she sleeps?

  9. DD4 had chicken pox that started on the 6th and missed kindy last week (only 2 days really). Thought everything was fine but yesterday discovered I am covered in spots. I have no immunity to it and this is like the 6th time I've "officially" had it. I just hope DD7mos doesn't get it.


    I get cranky when I'm itchy. Grrrrr

  10. Yup we have skittles, Kit Kat, Starburst, etc. here in WA ;)


    My dh says the Mars bars are different here (i'm allergic to choc so I don't know). So that might be fun to send for comparison. They are really strict on fruit, nuts, seeds, wood, animal fur/skins, and honey here in WA - can't even come in from other states.

  11. In my hayday, I wore short skirts and very body conscious clothing. I've done the deed in public, in a lake, and even in a movie theatre. Right now my clothes aren't really "sexy" or flattering because I need easy access for a totally different reason than I used to.


    I asked my husband once and he told me that he finds the concept that men as salivating beasts unable to control their sexual urges at the sight of a woman is so insulting that he doesn't even want to address it.

  12. Tourtiere

    Patate frites with vinegar

    Anything from a sugar shack during sugaring-off season

    Montreal bagels and smoked meat

    Butter tarts

    Mince tarts

    Ketchup chips

    A "steamie" and poutine

    wine gums

    Beaver tails

    Habitant pea soup

    Hot chicken sandwich

    Kraft dinner

    Sugar pie

    Harveys and Suisse Chalet, and Tim Hortons


    Growing up in Montreal heaps of the things we ate were "ethnic" or would be considered French food rather than Canadian

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