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Everything posted by marilla

  1. Received an email response from Apologia - no release dates at this time, but - "we are working to try to get these down as soon as we can."
  2. Anyone have release dates for Apologia MP3 CDs of: 1. Exploring Creation with Astronomy 2. Exploring Creation with Chemistry and Physics 3. Advanced Biology in Creation The Human Body
  3. yes - Lemi Shine works like a charm - and smells like fruit loops!
  4. ok - made those suckers. They are so yummy - like a sugar cookie. The vanilla tastes very nice. We all ate them several hours ago and no one is showing any signs of trouble. Guess those vanilla beans were alright!!! Thanks.
  5. I have a package of vanilla beans that I bought at Costco, apparently in 2010 - I know. I forgot I had them and then was watching the Pioneer Woman on food network today and she was making vanilla bean scones. This made a tingle in my mind that I had some vanilla beans somewhere back in the dark scary corners of my pantry. Yes. Because I really wanted those vanilla bean scones - they looked so mmmmm. So, they say, "best before AUG 25-2010." They are Kirkland Rodelle vanilla beans. Two vials, never had been opened. They are pliable and not brittle. They smell nice, but not exactly "vanilla-y." I scraped two of them and put the seeds into the cream as the recipe said. The cream is starting to smell really delicious and vanilla-y..ish. Do they go bad? Am I going to pay huge consequences by eating vanilla bean scones made with old vanilla beans - or am I safe?
  6. Amazing! Loved the blue rivers flowing through the ice. Just beautiful. We all laughed about that nasty little thief of a penguin too. Hilarious!
  7. Amazon is doing a promotion where you can buy a $10.00 gift card for $5.00 if you visit their local.amazon.com site Today (20th) only.
  8. I was wondering if anyone had a status update or information about the next levels of development of these two programs. Sorry if this has been asked before. I was unable to find anything on this. Can you help me out?
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