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  1. HI, I just started a new thread: Thanks!!
  2. Starting this thread at the suggestion of another poster. I'm looking for books that are written for younger middle-school kids that do not have a lot of death, sex, coming of age topics. I have a 9 y old who is very advanced in reading and finding good books that are content appropriate is a struggle. I'm looking for books that would be deemed more literature than pleasure reading. Any and all suggestions are welcome. Thanks in advance.
  3. I cannot thank you enough! I have a very high-level young reader and it's become extremely challenging to find literature books that are appropriate for emotional/social age that are also appropriate for the reading level. He's read a few of these, but wow, what a long list ... thank you !!!
  4. These are great suggestions, especially the Glenco guides. Can anyone recommend any books in the 5-6th grade level that do not involve people getting killed/dying? I'm looking for less traumatic reading that has more depth than younger-level chapter books.
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