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Posts posted by Lilymax

  1. And to add a twist, how about a DH who is constitutionally weaker, but truly believes he's the stronger of the two of us?


    Example: Last weekend I came down with a stomach virus. It hit at 9:00 pm. and I was up all night with vomiting, diarrhea, fever, the works. I was in bed the next day, not really by choice, but I was too dizzy and dehydrated to do much of anything else.


    FFWD two days and he isn't feeling well. His symptoms were a low-grade fever and some gas. He put himself to bed for a day. Never did throw up or have diarrhea, but he keeps talking about this awful virus we both had and how sick HE was. I am like, dude...you're killing me!


    I'm not the one who collapses on the floor when I stub my toe, either. He's a nice guy, and I love him, but when it comes to physical pain he is totally a wimp...but gets very ticked off if that is ever implied, so I've learned to keep my mouth shut and chuckle to myself over his displays.


    Labor would've killed him. :lol:

  2. I tried on some of these! They weren't called "pajama jeans" but I saw them for the first time a week or so ago at Avenue (I'm plus-sized). I think they were called knit jeans or something like that. Anyway, they were super-comfy and I liked the way they looked. Except I was between sizes...so I didn't buy any as neither size fit correctly.


    Whenever I'm into that smaller size, however ;) I plan on going back for a pair.

  3. With my other two, I did the traditional American rice cereal first, then jarred fruits and veggies, then other baby foods for the first year, barely integrating real table food until they were over a year old. Both were breastfed until around a year old, and I never watched what I ate spice-wise while nursing. So theoretically, they were exposed to strong flavors from birth. (Actually before...they say mom's diet flavors the amniotic fluid, too!)


    I have two picky eaters. Whether this is partly a result of the bland baby food diet for so long or not, I am not sure. But I have a four-month-old, and around 6 months, I plan to start giving him soft-cooked table food (whatever we're eating) instead of baby food as much as possible. I'm hoping it might help him not turn out as picky as the other two. (DH and I are not picky eaters, at all.)


    DS1 loved banana baby food, but the first time I gave him mashed real banana, he gagged. I think it was a texture thing, and he hates bananas to this day. So I'm thinking there's value in introducing textures along with flavors, so the child realizes they go together, KWIM?

  4. We're cloth diapering our baby (he's our 3rd, but the first one we've CD'd). I really like it so far, but I agree...all the choices can be very overwhelming initially!


    I agree with the PP who said you could glean tons of info from a site like diaperswappers.com. Really great info and friendly moms there!


    We use prefolds with Thirsties, MotherEase and Bummis covers. I also use a "generic" pocket diaper called Sweet Doll Baby...they are cheaper than BumGenius and so far, I have no complaints.


    I wash every 2 to 3 days and it's really not added that much work to my life. I love how much money it is saving us!

  5. I have an autoimmune type of arthritis that can be triggered by viruses. (For a few years, they said I had lupus, but my latest rheumatologist said it's not that...still trying to figure out exactly what it is.)


    Anyway, I don't think there is anything you can really do to prevent it from getting worse at these times. It's one reason I am really careful to avoid sick people. I had a horrible flare a few years ago after a respiratory virus...it took three months of physical therapy to totally regain the use of my hips and shoulders. So I live with a nagging fear of that happening again.


    I suppose he's already taking motrin, resting, etc...all the things you can do to help alleviate the pain. They say an anti-inflammatory diet can help, too. (Google it.) I've just never had the willpower to stick to one for long!

  6. We use 2% for cereal and the occasional glass of milk. We aren't big milk drinkers here, either. I'd say our family of four goes through 1.5 gallons a week. (Contrast that to my SIL, a single mom of 1, who between the two of them, drinks a gallon of whole milk a DAY!)


    I use powdered milk or canned evaporated milk for cooking whenever possible.


    (Edited because I feel guilty for leaving out the baby! We're a family of FIVE, but the youngest gets mama's milk and is supplemented with soy formula. He's the only one of my boys that showed any sensitivity to cow's milk in infancy.)

  7. I said LLATL because we're using it this year, and both of my boys seem to like it (which is saying something!). In previous years, we just sort of patched together language arts, but I'm finding I really like the structure of LLATL. My second grader loves all the cutting/pasting activities in the red books.


    We use a separate spelling program so we skip the spelling bits in LLATL. But overall, I'm really pleased with it.

  8. We really don't keep a schedule most days, unless we have co-op or another appointment. So my kids have gotten used to waking on their own instead of with an alarm. (OH how I DO NOT miss those awful getting-ready-for-school mornings!!!) When left to their own devices, they almost always sleep right at 10 hours a night.


    That never happened when they were in school. Even though we'd aim for an 8:00 bedtime to allow it to happen, they never fell asleep before 9 or later, and were always cranky in the mornings...and often, throughout the day.


    They are much happier, easier kids now that they always get enough sleep. It's truly amazing what a difference it makes in their countenances!

  9. I was due at the beginning of October and had planned to take the whole month off. He was born on Sept. 29, and after three weeks off (that felt rather chaotic) I was ready to bring some order back to our lives!


    We had a few weeks of "school lite"...doing just the basics. Then we were back into the swing of things by mid-November.


    We started the school year a couple of weeks early, in anticipation of the birth. Now we're only two days behind where we normally are by this time of year.

  10. Not really, but I have heard that the mother's emotional state during her pregnancy can influence the baby's personality after birth. It's something about how prolonged exposure to mom's stress hormones rewires the way the baby processes stress after birth, making him/her more sensitive, fussier, etc.


    This has definitely been true with my boys. We went through a lot of stress during my first pregnancy. He was born 4 weeks early due to preeclampsia (also a result of my stress, I'm sure) and was very high-needs, colicky, etc. He is still the most emotionally volatile of my kids. I've often described him as feeling everything more strongly than everyone else.


    Life was super during my second pregnancy, and he is still a very laid-back, happy boy. Everyone has always commented on how fun he is to be around. He was a very easy baby.


    Stress levels were up during my last pregnancy, but not as high as with the first. He is somewhere in the middle of his brothers, personality-wise. He's not colicky or high-needs, but he's definitely not as easily soothed and happy as my second child was. It'll be interesting to see his personality as he develops and see if it still holds true as it has for the other two.

  11. My last pregnancy, I had lots of pelvic discomfort throughout the whole thing. I think it has to do with things getting looser with each pg; there just isn't the support that used to exist. Also, if I remember correctly, the pelvic bones loosen up early on with subsequent pregnancies. So maybe it's some of that?


    I also had cramps and braxton-hicks the entire time last time. I was hospitalized for preterm labor at 25 weeks because I'd started spotting along with the cramping.


    I think it's just easier to feel everything the more times you've been pregnant. But I'd probably still check with the doctor tomorrow anyway. Better to be safe than sorry, ya know?

  12. I only know of one, and I've mentioned her here before. She "homeschools" because of her psychological problems (extreme social anxiety and an excessive paranoia that something is going to happen to her son). She doesn't even let him go outside to play, or open her windows or anything. It's sad. He is several years behind, and has special needs, but she won't have him evaluated. She puts on a good front, buying curricula and having a room set aside for schoolwork. But any time you drop in or call, he's playing video games or watching TV, and she is playing games online. I checked out her Facebook page and every day is filled with dozens of game updates, proving that she spends all day sitting there playing.


    But our dozens of homeschooling friends are all doing a great job with their kids--they are very dedicated to educating their children.

  13. And I'd join the other elated moms in celebrating if my 11 y.o. DS wrote that! :lol:


    I agree that it seems to be two topics, but...depending on his age, experience with writing, etc. that could be totally OK for now.


    Thanks for the reminder to pick up our Writing Strands curriculum again. It had gotten put on the back burner during our lighter schedule after the baby was born. Time to get back into it!

  14. I've had this many times, too. I second the recommendation for soaking in hot epsom salts water, but...after I do that, when the skin is soft and relaxed, I gently push the edge of my skin away from the nail while gently prying up the edge of the toenail with my other hand (Kind of hard to explain). I do this over the red/infected area. Almost always, blood and pus will come out; if you press gently around the red area, you can get most of it to drain. I wipe it away with a cotton ball dipped in peroxide.


    Then I dry the foot, put neosporin and a bandaid over the sore spot and it feels SO much better!


    I'm sure the wisest thing is to see a doctor, but I never have because the above always takes care of it. I haven't had to do that in years because I quit cutting my nails so short, and that took care of the problem.

  15. It's interesting to read that so many have had issues with kids not learning their multiplication tables. I pulled DS1 out of a private school in the middle of third grade, and only after discovered that he knew zip about multiplication. How did I not realize this while he was in school? He kept getting A's in math and never brought home math homework.


    He did bring home lots of newsletters from the teacher that contained obvious grammatical and spelling errors. :001_huh: In retrospect, that should've made me get more involved. Then I might've known about the math.


    It took us a year to catch him up, but now he's doing great at home. I've never looked back!

  16. I think about this every single day. I don't feel done, but DH does. My last pregnancy was very stressful, particularly the postpartum weeks when I had a weird cardiac issue. The cardiologist never could quite determine what was going on, but told me to think carefully before trying for another baby. My OB also thinks I should just be grateful for what I have and get my tubes tied. It isn't that another pregnancy would definitely be detrimental to my health...they are more like, why gamble when you already have three?


    I am grateful for three healthy boys...they are all miracles. I always wanted four children, and a daughter as well, but we got started late due to infertility. Now I'm 41 and if I'm honest, this last baby has worn me out physically! But the whole family is enjoying him so much. I see my older two playing together and it hurts my heart that my youngest will probably not have a sibling close in age. I wish so much that we could have just one more.


    I am fine with leaving it up to God but DH isn't so sure. DS3 is 3 months old and we need to figure out what we're doing. If I knew for sure that I could have a healthy pregnancy, I think even DH would be on board for trying to conceive again. But there are no guarantees, so...I just don't know.


    I envy those of you who know for sure that you're done. It sure would easier for me if I felt that!

  17. DS1 has done wonderfully with Teaching Textbooks. He hated math until we started using it. This is our second year and I plan to continue with it as long as it seems to be working for him.


    When I pulled him out of private school in the middle of third grade, he couldn't do multiplication at all. I had to spend the second half of that year and part of the next school year catching him up. The standardized test he took at the end of that year ranked him in the 50th percentile in math.


    After one year of TT, he scored in the 90th percentile. And there are no more struggles to get him to do math--he loves it all being on the computer. I know that not every curriculum is a good fit for every kid, but I have nothing but good things to say about our experience with Teaching Textbooks. :D

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