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Everything posted by Moxie

  1. Would Gail Gibbons books make for a good year of science for a Kindergartener??
  2. Any reviews? I'm looking for 4th and 7th grades next year. My 7th grader hates science (and math!!) in case that makes a difference.
  3. Our current plan is to pay off our student loans and cash flow college for our two oldest and save for the younger 3 to go to college. Our state has a $1000 tax credit for every $4000 you invest in college funds (if I'm understanding correctly) so we plan on investing 4k in college funds this year. Do we put it in the 14yo account or the 3yo account or one of the ones in between??
  4. Wow, it was really depressing having the expenses of the next 20 years laid out like that. We'll never get ahead! Also, our guy was insiststant that 10-15 times your annual salary was the only way to go (and the numbers looked right). I know Dave Ramsey recommends 8-10; any thoughts??
  5. Such as, The Walking Dead, when is it available? I know it is the next day but when? If I stay up until midnight, will I be able to watch the finale? If I have to wait until tomorrow, I'm going to have to unhook the Internet so it doesn't get spoiled.
  6. Ugh. Not sure what to do here. I own almost all the SL cores. My bff does SL and sells me the cores for $100 when she is done. An amazing deal, I know!! We've tried to use it as it is written but we've always failed. There are books we haven't and won't read. We live 2 minutes from a good library. I'm drawn to the simplicity of SOTW with readers added in. What I want to do (but don't have the guts) is go though the cores, pull out what we want and sort them into the 4 history cycles and then get rid of the rest. Is that crazy?
  7. We're re-doing our powder room. We were picking up our new vanity at Menards so I just bought paint there. I got Dutch Boy satin finish. I told them it was for a bathroom. Dh is putting the bathroom together today and the water spots on the wall still show hours later. Wth?? Did I get junky paint??
  8. I'm wondering if I'm doing this wrong. I've homeschooled for 9 years and I feel like I reinvent the organizing/planning wheel every year. I just can't find a method that keeps us moving forward. Maybe I'm just attracted to shiny new ideas?? Anyway, just wondering how normal (or not) I am.
  9. I bought a really pretty 5x7 rug for my laundry room. Turns out it is 5ft 3 in x 7 ft 4 in??? Makes no sense to me but it won't work where I wanted to put it. I still love the rug and there is no way to wrap it up and return it anyway. I have a large front room. The way the windows and doors are, there is no room for a sofa so it has 4 chairs, 2 bookcases, a small dresser and a couple side tables. I've put the rug in the middle of the room but it is way too small. But, the pattern looks really nice in here! How can I make this work?? I thought about getting a coffee table and making a seating area with a couple chairs, the rug and a coffee table?? But then what do I do with the rest of the room? Bonus points if you can show me a picture!
  10. I bought one 9 years ago and it still looks great but I'm tired of it. Before I shell out $100+, I thought I'd check with the Hive and make sure the quality is still good.
  11. Friday night, my almost 3yo, who isn't potty trained, flooded her diaper and peed on the floor. Dh, who was sitting next to her, was surprised and yelled for me to come quick. It really really scared her and she is now refusing to pee or poo in her diaper. She has gone maybe 4 times all weekend (very full diapers) and she has cried and been scared every time. She is currently dancing around and crying about the pee being scary. She is very worried she will pee on the floor. Dh feels terrible, btw. So, do I do the the super exciting underwear! candy! juice! potty! routine that has worked with the other kids or do I try to convince her that her diaper isn't scary?
  12. I want to track what I eat and how much coffee I drink. I'm not interested in counting calories but counting carbs would be nice. Any suggestions?
  13. Like I said in the other thread, I love the app. It is fast and easy and super simple. I highly recommend it to anyone who takes lots of iPhone photos.
  14. First, huge huge huge thumbs up for the Project Life app. It is so easy to drop in photos, type text and add pretty cards. I haven't printed from the app yet but I've seen prints and they looked great. Really, I just scapbooked all the photos from a busy birthday weekend in 10 minutes. So, my question--can I move photos from my non-Apple computer onto my iPhone? Will Dropbox do that? I'd love today go back and get last years photos and scrapbook them with this app.
  15. I have something for sale on CL right now. I've gotten the usual scams ("I'll send you a bank draft") but this one is questionable. It feels scammy. What says the Hive? I deleted most of the email address. Good morning there, I wouldn't be able to come over and take a look of it today I have an appointment but am free anytime tomorrow, What is actual time i can meet you at home ? Then what is last price and phone number ? ( xyz@gmail.com ) Thanks ~Make it a good day!~ ?
  16. I have plenty of bookshelves but I need a way to contain the books. I've tried bookends but they always slide out or bend backwards. I've used boxes but I can't find the perfect box. I want a box shaped like | | not like \ /. Boxes that are narrower at the bottom take more shelf space than they deserve and the books flop over. I want to separate teachers manuals for each child and all our non-fiction books by category. Any ideas??
  17. Besides wine, how do you shrug off the day to enjoy some TeA?? How do you get your head in the game??
  18. Can I donate board books with the buttons that talk if they are out of batteries? There doesn't seem to be a way to replace the batteries.
  19. I'm very sorry to anyone I offended. In hindsight, I can think of about 1000 better ways to say what I wanted to say. Lesson learned, step away from the keyboard when I'm feeling all the feels.
  20. Did anyone see the Cinderella movie yet? I'm taking my 12yo today and my 5yo wants to go along. I'm afraid it will be over her head. Thought?
  21. Since I haven't done enough damage today... Really, I'm not fighting on this thread, just curious. I never heard of YEC until I started homeschooling 9 years ago. I admit, I was not a great student and the sweet Sisters at my Catholic school weren't trained teachers so maybe I missed it. Have certain religions always believed in a young earth? Was there a certain person who read the Bible and said, "Wait, we've been wrong all along"? When did you first hear about YEC? Were you raised with it?
  22. I've been on a low simmer on this issue for awhile now and I'm getting to a boiling point. This is sort of a spin off of my thread about taking a cell phone against the rules. It isn't the same situation but the same larger issue I deal with, daily. We are Catholic. Our town is an older town and each neighborhood Catholic church has a Catholic school so 99.9% of the Catholic kids go to the Catholic schools. Homeschooling is huge in the Protestant community here and so is YE creationism. All our activities are held at Protestant churches and run by Protestants; there are literally no other options. So, a mother comes up to me yesterday and says "My daughter was impressed by how your son handled himself in writing class". Huh? My son never said anything to me (which is common, he is not easily ruffled). As he was turning in a paper comparing two types of dinosaurs, the teacher (a really good writing teacher who teaches an IEW writing class) asked him what time period he wrote about. He told her what time period it was (my son plans on being a paleontologist and he knows his stuff). She said "How is that possible when God created everything at the same time?" He said, "This isn't the time to have that discussion" and that was the end of it. I had to take my boys out of a club for boys (billed as a fun Christian club full of walks in the woods, archery, science experiments and big fun!) because EVERY activity ended with a video or a reading about how wrong "evolution" is (in quotes because they define evolution incorrectly) and they were really annoyed by it. Do you understand now why I want my daughter to be able to contact me? The environment isn't unsafe but it might just be another giant YE commercial. All you YE people, please knock it off. If I want your views on the creation, I'll sign up for your creation classes. If you want to host a writing class or a play or an open gym night, great!! If you plan on using your activity as a chance to push your YE agenda on me and mine, do me the courtesy of mentioning it on your flyer. When you fill your child's head with "facts" that they go on to spout at my child in an effort to prove YE creationism is correct, it DOES NOT lead my child to Jesus. It is, in fact, alienating. It is a big reason my son will be going to public high school next year. I have no idea how this minor issue has become so huge in Protestant churches but it is not a salvation issue. IT IS NOT A SALVATION ISSUE. So, please, give it a rest or at least be honest in your proselytizing.
  23. My 12dd is going to be involved in a week long, all day, drop off homeschool activity. The rule is that tge participants can't bring cell phones and anyone caught with a cell phone will have it taken away. I intend to have my dd take her phone and keep it in her purse. I don't know most of the people there and if she needs me to come get her or bring her something, I want her to have the ability to do that without asking permission. Am I wrong to break this rule?
  24. I just wrote a $300 check for 4 dance costumes that will be play clothes the next day. Frosts my cookies. Such waste! I'd love a dance class that is just a class, not a travel team, no recital, just fun and good exercise.
  25. I want a clean house!! I want time to clean, not just pick-up, and still be able to have free time on the weekend. I want scrubbed windows and floors that aren't sticky!! I want sheets that are cleaned on a regular basis! It seems like a silly issue but YEARS of living below the standards you have can really do a number on a gal.
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