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Posts posted by GinaPagnato

  1. The thing that stood out to me was the talking out loud, quietly, before repeating himself. Am I understanding that correctly? Has he had indications of delusional thinking or mania? The zoning out could be mild catatonia. I would get a physical and neurological work-up first, as others have said. There is a condition called schizo-affective disorder that describe *some* of the symptoms. Lack of self-care, talking aloud without addressing someone, depression, etc. Has he seemed paranoid or delusional in any way? The early 20's are a time of massive brain change, coupled with stress from college or work, so anything is possible.

    Do you know any of his friends/peers at college? It would be very good for you to try to connect with someone there to see if they've noticed similar symptoms. <<hugs>>


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  2. In theory, I hate the idea of drop-ins.

    In practice, when it has happened, the visits are always so lovely. There's just something very warm about people feeling close enough to say, "Hey, the Smiths live on this street. Let's stop by to see if they can chat." When it's happened, I always feel a momentary sense of dread. But during and after the visit, I dunno, it just feels homey like we live in a sleepy little town where friends drop in unannounced and it's all good. We totally don't live in such a town, but there is a sense of community that accompanies those drop-ins.

    • Like 6
  3. This happened to me and I clicked the online chat feature. I barely provided an explanation and they immediately offered to send me a new item. I got it the next day! Then three days later, the initial order apparently found its way out of purgatory and landed on my doorstep. So now I have two of the exact same books, lol.

    This must happen frequently enough that Amazon's chat recognizes it and just pushes out another delivery ASAP.

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    • Thanks 1
  4. This is the main drawback of those open floor plans. Same thing happened to my best friend. They bought a gorgeous house with tile and hardwood floor everywhere, vaulted ceilings and open floor plan. She went nuts because she could hear everything all the time. Her house was crazy loud with her kids!

    She ended up bringing in a contractor to wall off the upstairs hallway that looked down to the main floor. There was a hallway with balcony that you could stand in and see (and hear) everything from. The contractor essentially closed that hallway off so you couldn't see it from the rest of the house. That helped with the noise from upstairs. There wasn't much to be done about the rest of the noise in the house except she put area rugs all over the place. She also strictly enforced the use of the basement recreation room.

    Good luck!

  5. I went back to work when my youngest entered high school. I'm still homeschooling, but not in the traditional sense that I did for years before that. For example, I don't sit and teach this DD any specific classes. Almost everything is through our local co-op. She needs help managing her time and general homework help, but nothing like the time and effort I had been putting in for years when all my kids were home and I was in the thick of it. Once this DD entered high school, I had a lot more time on my hands and was itching to go back to work. I've also come to realize I'm a very organized person and waste very little time. I don't know why that's the case, but I know it is. So I'm able to get a ton of stuff done in a short period of time, especially now that I don't have any littles and I'm not waiting around for slowly plodding toddlers to get with my program, lol.

    I love working, but I needed to be where I am right now in life/child-rearing/hsing, etc. for it to actually be feasible for me to go back full-time. Possibly I could have started part-time when the kids were younger, like your kids' ages, but I was quite knee-deep in hsing, volunteering, etc., so I'm not sure that I would've had the time or energy to even do part-time work.

    If you have the time and space to try PT work, I'd encourage you to do it. It's very balancing to have something to do other than raise kids, cook, clean, rinse and repeat. Also, when your kids are older and really don't need your presence much, it's much easier to go back FT if you've got a PT track record.

    • Like 4
  6. 37 minutes ago, StaceyinLA said:


    I think something that makes things more difficult for me is the fact that my dh and I have absolutely nothing in common, other than trips to the beach. We just each kinda do our own thing, which works for me because I’m pretty independent. Of course, at times like this, when I’d like to have someone to do more with, it kinda sucks.

    Maybe you're substituting the relationship needs that aren't being filled by your DH with your relationship with your kids? Idk, this just jumped out at me. Dh and I do a lot together on the weekends, and we've become one of those couples that watches TV together for a little bit each evening. We never used to do that, mainly because there was so much to be done with and for the kids. Now that they're older, I'm kinda enjoying watching TV. Who knew!?

    32 minutes ago, StaceyinLA said:


    Lol I’ve had them live in other places - Hawaii, VA, WA state. I guess it did help some, but they also weren’t dealing with the same things they are now.

    Honestly, where I used to think I could never leave while my grandkids were young, I sometimes feel like I could move away and be okay with it. I absolutely adore my grandchildren, and am so thankful for the time I get with them - don’t get me wrong - but I also feel like I could live away (not terribly far) and have my own life while I’m still young enough to enjoy it. 

    Realistically though, I know I wouldn’t want to leave them. It’s truly too much of a blessing having them all close. I just need to create my distance right here somehow.

    Yeah, and see, I am thinking I will have to force myself to be an involved grandmother, because I am really really REALLY enjoying creating my own life now with my work. My kids have mentioned here and there that they really want Dh and me to be involved with their kids (when they have them), and I'm kinda like...😐 (this is where I need the run away emoji, lol!)

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  7. I'm sorry. Your  DH was rude and insensitive, and had it been me, I would've lost my marbles.

    You say you normally have a great relationship, so if this conversation was a fluke, I'd chalk it up to him having a long and stressful day, as well as a bad case of foot-in-mouth disease. 

    • Like 9
  8. A phone that's lasted 3+ years has had a good, long run. Thank it for its service to you (see, a little Konmarie added in there), and get yourself a new one. 

    I've had Samsungs and now an iPhone, and I like them both. I wouldn't hesitate to switch.

    • Haha 1
  9. 55 minutes ago, PrincessMommy said:

    Well, one idea was that you spend lots of time in groups with other people.  You do get to know people that way and you do get to do some comparisons.  I don't think that's bad advice necessarily... just incomplete now that I see it from a 15yr distance.  


    Precisely. I think it's just smart to get to know people in groups because not only do you have a chance to see the person interacting with others, you also avoid the pressure of a dating situation that always makes people put their best foot forward. There have been many occasions when my DC have been interested in someone from afar, only to decide they weren't all that interested once they saw how the individual behaved with and treated others. My DC may not have been able to make that observation had they moved right to dating.

    • Like 4
  10. 14 minutes ago, teachermom2834 said:

    This is still a very prevalent mindset where I am. The hardest thing for me to deal with is that when I tell someone I don’t buy into the whole courtship model presented here, they treat me like I am endorsing casual sex. If I say we don’t do the courtship thing the other mom will respond that they don’t believe in sleeping around. It is not an either or. My kids have dated. They have not slept around. It is possible to have dating without sex! I certainly have not gotten my dating kids a hotel room or anything.

    So many issues with the model of courtship laid out here. And I am very conservative about sex and teach my kids (as does my church) all the reasons for abstinence before marriage.

    When my ds was an early teen he and another boy were very flirtatious and popular in our homeschool co-op. The mom of the other boy gave me this book and told me she was praying for an early marriage for my ds. ????




    Well at least she wasn't sexist and didn't apply this to girls only, lol!

    • Haha 3
  11. I truly have never understood the whole courtship thing. You're supposed to know at, what, 18? 21? 24? who you want to marry? And this is accomplished without dating other people to discover who you want to eliminate from your marriage-potential list?

    How are you supposed to know what you want in a mate if you don't date? How are you supposed to know what you DON'T want in a mate if you don't date? You learn so much about yourself and others when you date so that if/when it's time to commit, you're doing so with experience. 


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  12. 7 hours ago, prairiewindmomma said:

    Some Nike compression tights help hold you in and are thick enough that there should be no privacy issues. I don’t have muffin top issues in them compared to some others that I own. No underwear required.

    Different gyms have different cultures. My gym in TX at 5:30 am was full of the great unwashed who had just rolled out of bed. It was fantastic. The gym here is full of spa clients and people hitting the juice bar as a social opportunity. I am not rolling through the front door in a stained (but clean) t-shirt and 3 day old hair the way I did in TX.  The divorcee gossip pool hanging out in their lululemon to catch a new husband at the gym would talk. (Yes, that’s a thing. Tighter social network here. ?

    OMG, I would never last at that gym! I am a proud member of the great unwashed who use a gym to like...exercise. 

    Sorry for your loss! ?

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    • Haha 1
  13. Different situation for me because I really like my SIL, BUT...she is super duper political, and I don't agree with her on many issues. She's an activist and posts tons of articles and links that support her ideology. I just can't see that all day long, so I snooze her account, which lasts for 30 days. Then I dip my toe in the pool again with her, and if she's ramping up, out I go into snooze-land!

  14. I think this whole thread reinforces the idea that parenting older teens/young adults is a tricky business.

    We *think* we've been teaching and modeling certain lifestyles and values all of their lives. And especially if we homeschooled them, we figure we mitigated a lot of what their peer group may feel pressured into doing. So when they grow up and we realize they haven't really caught what we've taught, it's confusing, frustrating, and sometimes even demoralizing. Like, "I've been teaching you this by word and deed for decades, and you're acting like you have no concept of it." I've BTDT with regard to other issues, so I feel for Quill.

    In the end, a conversation and a clear financial payback method is needed because her DD, like some of my DC, need to know the expectations. And the expectations need to be crystal clear, since they have not internalized the values, or maybe I should say they do not express the values in a way that jibes with us. This will keep US from feeling bitter, resentful, and taken advantage of.

    • Like 11
  15. 54 minutes ago, shawthorne44 said:


    Speaking of things purchased as status symbols - Starbucks.   Anyone that drinks coffee knows that they don't make great coffee.   I've never had McDonald's coffee since I don't buy coffee or sodas at restaurants.  But, I've heard that their coffee is generally considered better.  But people buy Starbucks.  I used to know a guy that was a General Contractor, who always drank Starbucks.   I asked him once why.  He got this rueful expression on his face and said that it was expected of him.   If he showed up with something else he could see in his customer's eyes that they judged him negatively.   So, about once a week he'd buy Starbucks and be really careful with the cup, because the rest of the week he'd fill it with his own coffee.  Shortly after this conversation Starbucks came up with their ceramic venti cup with the Starbucks name on it.   My friend was so happy.   

    I will admit that sometimes people buy Starbucks because of location.  I remember one airport where the directions to get to a particular store were "turn left at the first Starbucks, and then take a right at the third".   

    Lol, I'd never consider it a status symbol to buy Starbucks!

    I, for one, actually like the taste and I have been a coffee drinker for 30 years.

    That general contractor was weird for thinking and acting as he did. I would NOT suggest you use that odd example to draw your conclusions about those of us who enjoy a good Pike.


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