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Posts posted by QuirkyKapers

  1. :grouphug:  :grouphug: Do what works best for your family.   I pumped.  Never to the breast.  Both babies were too small and I wanted to see what they were getting.  I can't tell you how many times for the first year I would hear "Aren't you going to try putting them on the breast?" "When they latch on it will help with the milk production." (That may be true, but I was producing enough so what did it matter?) " It is so much better and easier for you" from nurses.  No, sorry.  It wasn't easier for me.  I liked the routine I had with pumping. I liked that I could see what my babies had eated.  I liked that my dh could help.  I liked that my older could help feed the younger.  I could never figure out why when something was working for me, the nurses wouldn't just lay. off.   I concur with everyone who said do what works for your family and yourself.  Everyone is different.  I was never happier than when my babies were a year old.  No one asks you that after a year.  It is on to nagging about other things ;)

  2. I was having the same problem until I stood there while the books were checked in.  What I do is figure out the number of books I am returning and the amount that should be left on the card. Once the books are checked in I have the librarian tell me how many books are left on the card.  If thier number matches, mine, we are good.  I actually have only had one time when the numbers didn't match.  So, we went through every book again.  Turned out it didn't scan in.  The library personnel was grateful since finding the error on the spot is way less work than trying to figure it out later.  (BTW, I was told by the staff at my library to stand and have it checked in.  I admit, it makes me uncomfortable.  However, now I have done it enough times they know to expect it. If there is a huge line, I will browse around the library until there isn't).  In fact, the one time I didn't stand there since it was one item, it didn't get checked right.  I would think the hassle of having someone stand there versus an irritated customer on the phone would be much better.  This probably varies from person to person, library to library and how busy the library is.

  3. I don't think the pics on the website do it justice, but we loved The Crystal City Marriott across the river.




    It was definitely the fanciest hotel we've ever stayed in, but we were not out of place.  One of my kids said it looked like the hotels you see in movies. The pool was indoor/outdoor and not terribly crowded. Part of the time we were there, it was rainy, but we entertained ourselves by wandering through the (underground) halls of Crystal City and finding a restaurant.  If you've never been there, it's unforgettable.  The Metro was right under the hotel also, so we Metroed into the city.  My kids were SO impressed with every single thing about the hotel, which made it even more fun.


    The hotel has deals on weekends, it looks like $129 a night, and it was $20? $25 per night to park our car at the hotel.


    From what I've seen, most hotels have hugely discounted prices on the weekend, so you might be able to plan your trip accordingly.  It's also a lot cheaper to park in DC on weekends, if you drive in.



    :iagree:   We also stayed here and it was really nice.  Liked that it was easy to get to the Metro. 

  4. I have a neighbor like this. Constantly undermining me by inviting the kids FIRST to some place, and letting me be the one to be a kill joy. Finally, when she came over and invited my dd to a birthday party at someone's house we did not know, for someone we did not know, I was (I thought) clear. I of course said the kids couldn't go, and HER dd burst into tears because she had been told my kids were going. :/ I set up a slip n slide, sprinkler, and fun stuff in my yard for my kids and she wanted to ditch the party and stay. So SHE had to be the one to say no to her dd this time. I later told her that is precisely why I NEVER ask the kids UNLESS I've talked to their mom. I thought I sent my message loud and clear. A day later she invited my dd out for ice cream. At 7 pm. Without me knowing. And when I declined because we had already had sweets AND it was 7 pm. She said well she can go and just sit with us! Ummmm. No.





    I had a friend who would do this.  I told my kids that their response is to be, "I'll have to ask my mom (or dad depending on the scenario) and let you know." 


    OP, I used to be in a situation where a friend would do this.  I used to think they were a good friend.  As time progressed, things became worse.  Eventually, I couldn't take it anymore and that was that.  Done.  At first, I thought maybe I wasn't communicating clearly, I really don't like conflict.  So, I started making sure I was clear and saying things where my other friends heard me and could verify that I was. The relationship just got more combative.  I couldn't work anymore with someone who wouldn't  listen and turned everything around on me.   Too much emotional energy. Too much time wasted thinking if I just said something in the right way, I would be heard.  Nope.  It didn't matter.  It wasn't about our friendship.  I was about her needs and wants.    :grouphug:  :grouphug: :grouphug: as you figure out what to do.   

  5. Last month I was looking for an eyeliner and was conjoled into getting a makeover.  I was told that I needed to shape my eyebrows.  That they were out of control.  So, I resign myself to the fact that my eyebrows are free range.  Actually, I embrace that they are free range.  I fear that if I plucked them so they were under control, I might not have any eyebrows left.  Being a perfectionist, I would probably pluck away till nothing was left.  I think that shaped eyebrows look nice. However, I think that mine look just fine. 

  6. Rosie,

    I have been thinking and praying for you since I heard this devastating news.  I just keep thinking wth.. How can this be? How would I feel if this happened to me? How could I go on?  The loss of your son and how he filled your life with joy, how he challenged you day to day...I just don't know how I could handle the loss.  :grouphug:  :grouphug: As you remember who your son was and how he impacted your family, many hugs and prayers.  Hold on to your memories of your son.  How he brought you joy, how he challenged you, how he made you a better person just because of who he was.  How he loved you. Hold onto all of those things.  But most of all remember how you as his mom, impacted his life. That you poured love into him and allowed him to be who he was.  :grouphug:  :grouphug: I'm so sorry.  Love to you sister! 

  7. There is an option to have the evite resent.  You could try that again.  If you need more immediate answers, I would call.  My experience has been that most people respond right away with evite and when I have resent the invitation, I have gotten responses from those who hadn't responded earlier. 

  8. I am not sure if this qualifies as a UO.  I really like the Ask a _____ on the board. They are really interesting and informative.  However, as I was reading through all the titles this is what popped in my head:  Ask a lazy a** how to be unmotivated....Not sure why that came to mind.   Either I am one or I need ideas how to be less motivated so I can relax and enjoy life more.  ;)

  9. Is there a possiblity that your son and daughter could be in separate classes for foundations?  Something that could make the program, Foundations, more challenging for your dd would be to have her work toward Memory Master.  Of course, if your son is motivated, he could work toward that as well.  If he isn't, that would be something that would differentiate their learning levels.  Also, in regards to Essentials, you can have your daughter do more work on her papers than your son.  Again, this could help create difference in their levels.  FWIW, I waited until my ds was 13 before he went into CH A and he had 4 years Foundations and Essentials.  I don't regret it.  The last year he did Foundations, he wanted to work toward Memory Master and did all the work himself with me just giving him the resources.  It was a great way for him to get used to taking responsibility for his learning. 

  10. I want to get to the point very quickly. But that doesn't work. It can come across as rude. A lot of times people want a little greeting session. I try and oblige so if I call someone it's like this:


    Other person: Hello?

    Me: Hi Sara, it's Garga. How are you?

    OP: Oh good, how are you?

    Me: Great. Hey, I'm calling to ask you...



    :iagree: This is how I would like my conversations to go...to the point.  But, I have found that I have to say:  Me: Great.  Hey, I am calling to ask you a question.  Do you have a moment?  Too many times I have found out that if I just proceed without asking, people aren't listening if they are busy and end up asking me to call back after I have asked the question.

  11. Glad everybody is better, and your house is clean. That is the worst stuff to clean up.


    Last week ds9 was sick in his sleep, and thought he was dreaming. He had several layers of blankets on his bed, and they all needed to be washed:(

      Oh... that is bad....I totally can relate your throw up pain... so gross...

  12. My UO of the day: I'm not a fan of vacations. They really are more trouble than they're worth. In fact, my ideal vacation is everyone else going away to have fun and leaving me home.


    Especially when it involves vacationing with relatives......

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