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Everything posted by mamashark2

  1. This looks great, I'm going to check it out :) thanks!
  2. I am the ultimate fly-by-the-seat-of-my-pants type person and routines/schedules end up dissolving about the same time as the coffee pot is ready to pour. Ironically I'm also the 10-minutes-early-to-everything person. I get twitches if I have more than 3 things scheduled to leave the house to do in a single week...But I am figuring out that I need to figure out more of a schedule and I need HELP! We are taking Financial Peace University and I feel like I need to learn to budget my time like I do my money. I'm always playing catch-up, always feeling overwhelmed, and never getting done the things that I'd like to have gotten done. I am also realizing that if I had a schedule/time-budget/routine in place, I'd get a lot more school stuff done with the kids, and the kids would probably have better attitudes about getting it done... and we'd watch less Blippi. I'll have 3 kids school age next year and the 4th is my sponge so I really should do fun crafts/preschooly stuff with him but it isn't gonna happen if I don't figure out this part first, but I'm at a loss as to how to start and how to do it so that I can actually follow through with it. I am afraid of those types of "time" schedules where I have to put various activities into the day at a certain time... is that the only way to do it??? Someone please take pity on me and help me figure out how to do this!
  3. Sigh, I finally gave up and just added a 2 to the end of my user name and created a new account... now that I think of it I should have added 2.0 so that I could just be an improved version of myself...
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