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  1. Again, thank you to everyone! I've read everyone's suggestions and will be looking through all the websites and resources.
  2. Oh, yes! Thank you. (It's what we used way-back-when... I'd forgotten about those.)
  3. I have a granddaughter who will be three and is interested in "doing school." My daughter thinks she may be ready for some (student-led) reading instruction. Is there anything available, or have any of you had any luck with certain resources, in this area? (My own kids were smart, but definitely not accelerated, and I haven't taught anyone to read for at least 15 years!) Edited to add: I'd actually be interested in any and all resources. She's two and a half and can count to at least 20 accurately, knows all the letters and many sounds, colors, shapes. I think she'll be bored in preschool next year, other than that she's very social. 😉
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