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About puptales

  • Birthday February 7

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    Sewing, reading, crafting. Caring for animals. Teaching others.
  1. Thank you for this. Definitely some things that we need to think about. I had not even thought about applying for SSI, but we were contacted by our health insurance company that we might be eligible. It seemed a bit strange that they would be reaching out to us (and actually being "helpful"), which is why I'm hesitant to do anything official yet. I just figured there must be some benefit to the insurance company that we haven't considered, so I want to look at all the possibilities.
  2. I was hoping there might be someone on here that has some experience with this topic. My youngest daughter (7) has an anxiety disorder, SPD, and selective mutism. We are starting to look at applying for SSI for her. It would appear that she could be eligible, based on income guidelines and her diagnoses. She has been in occupational therapy on and off for a couple years, and is currently receiving play therapy. I have requested copies of all her records from various providers and am waiting to take a look at those. My actual question here is in regards to how receiving SSI will affect her in the long-term. Both my husband and I are hesitant for her to have labels that will carry over into adulthood and no longer be applicable. Will receiving SSI as a child impact her ability for employment in the future? Is there possibility that if she is receiving SSI that could impact our choice to homeschool? As in, could the state interfere and require her to be public-schooled for some reason? I don't know how likely something like that is, but I don't really want to find out the hard way. I'm sorry if these are silly questions, but this is whole new territory for us and I want to know what we're getting into before we move on.
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