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Posts posted by MamaBearTeacher

  1. Yes, he is very sensitive! e reacted badly to several types oh homeopathy. higher dose was worse but low dose was bad when it was a special homeopathy aimed at detoxification. He has reacted badly to a variety of supplements that have helped others. he has reacted badly to lots of alternative medicine and healing. it really makes me scared to try anything else


    When he was an infant he slept through the night but he would not like to nap. he would sometimes sleep with one eye open. sometimes when he fell asleep he would look at me like I had betrayed him.


    I think there have been times when stomach pain kept him awake. I think this can be a contributing factor but I think that it is more his sensory problems and maybe just an excited feeling that keep him awake. I think his main/root problem is dysbiosis but probiotics really constipate him and constipation makes sleep problems worse.

  2. There were too many questions on the quiz that I could not really choose an answer for.  I felt there was too much focus on habits but the labels describe inner attitudes that I did not really feel were related to habits.  I did end  up getting "questioner" which probably describes me best.

    • Like 3
  3. My voice really isn't that bad. Some of these posts are making me feel kind of like it might be though. I had wanted my post to be about women's voices in general. I don't work right now and hardly have a chance to talk to anyone other than my children. I don't have time to get training. This happened when I worked one summer as a receptionist. A client complained that they thought I was twelve. The client was described as a "jerk" For various reasons. They asked me to deepen my voice anyways. THere is nothing wrong with my diction or vocabulary and people have told me that my public speaking skills are excellent. People have not complained about my voice when I had more professional jobs. I have taught adults and was taken seriously and I have been told I should go into motivational speaking. I have asked friends about my voice and they say it is very nice but it is young sounding.

    Lately I have noticed that, at a very unconscious level, I am drawn to and believe someone more if they have a deeper voice. I have noticed that others react this way too. I feel like this is a prejudice. I wanted to discuss it with the hive.

  4. Depression is physiological, it is not about feeling sad though it can result in a feeling of sadness for some people.


    Here is a list of symptoms:



    People may experience:

    Mood: anxiety, apathy, general discontent, guilt, hopelessness, loss of interest, loss of interest or pleasure in activities, mood swings, or sadness

    Sleep: early awakening, excess sleepiness, insomnia, or restless sleep

    Whole body: excessive hunger, fatigue, loss of appetite, or restlessness

    Behavioral: agitation, excessive crying, irritability, or social isolation

    Cognitive: lack of concentration, slowness in activity, or thoughts of suicide

    Weight: weight gain or weight loss

    Also common: poor appetite or repeatedly going over thoughts




    I really hope you are able to find some answers for your son.


    You say he has had all genetic testing done. Does that include whole exome testing? It is quite new and not normally included. Crimson Wife recently had it done for her daughter and they discovered a rare and only recently known genetic condition that is behind many of her symptoms.

    I will ask about the whole exome testing? We did the genetic testing 2 years ago. It is hard to know if he has depression because of all his other problems BUT he has had very bad moods since he was two years old. They are actually better lately. Whenever I ask him to point to what is bothering him he points to the word "senses" and sometimes "stomach" or "headache".


    if depression is physiological is there a blood test I could do on him?

    • Like 1
  5. Do you or have you ever purposefully tried to make your voice deeper? have you known anyone who has? Most female news announcers etc. have deeper voices. Either they are born with them or they make them deeper. I think in the past they used to choose men with deeper male voices for news and for narrators for documentaries etc.


    I do think we associate deeper voices with wisdom, authority and reliability. Do you?


    My voice is not deep. It is not grating or annoyingly high but it is soft and when strangers phone and I say that one word "hello" they always ask to speak to my mom or dad, or even my "mommy or daddy". My voice is not abnormal and there are other women with younger-sounding voices.


    I have been asked to change my voice in the workplace a couple of times. I used the voice I would use to read the character of a male or a monster in a children's book and people were happy though it felt really weird to me. I could not continue it.


    Still, I think we are attracted to deeper voices in women, we believe them more, are more soothed by them and want to be around them more. If a woman does not have a deep voice, should she change it? In the workplace? When she goes out in the community to bring more respect to her family?


    Is this part of sexism? Is it part of our socialization to think that what is more male is better? Or is it just natural to like a deeper voice and to associate it with wisdom?

    • Like 2
  6. Are you sure thyroid was properly checked?


    Is he thin because of sleep issues, or does he have sleep issues due to anorexia?


    Well, I'm off to bed and hope to sleep myself now.

    He does not have anorexia! He loves to eat and has so many problems he cannot care what his body looks like.


    Our whole family is thin even though we eat a lot. We are not super thin and doctors think we have a healthy weight. I am concerned about the days where he eats dinner at 5:00 pm and does not eat again until the next evening because the first 15 hours he is lying in his bed awake and then the next hours he is as.eep. This is why I used the word fasting though he is not doing it on purpose.


    His thyroid has been checlked more than once.

  7. Sensory overloaded in what way and to what?


    Has anything been tried for sleep such as melatonin, Deep Sleep, NutriSleep...?


    The sensitivity to protein is causing some, tip of my tongue feeling, but nothing quite coming...


    Check out (google) Carl Pfeiffer and the clinics that exist following his death. I knew a kid who was in terrible, but weird, shape, and got fixed up through one of them. Google: Doris Rapp, Environmental Health Center Dallas, orthomolecular medicine, electrosensitivity -- these are getting more toward alternative diagnostic and healing modalities, rather than possible conditions. See if anything seems to click as maybe an approach or direction, since it sounds like you have largely exhausted standard medical routes. Possibly even something like homeopathy might be worth checking out--I have found, whether placebo or not, that a very small dose of "homeopathic" arnica at night can be helpful for sleep. As can things like a warm shower, hot milk with a dash of cardamom...






    Could he be affected by something that is so omnipresent or frequent you don't even think about it?

    He is probably affected by something omnipresent - his own body!


    We explored all the alternative medicine you mentioned and way more. He reacted badly to homeopathy, even though it is supposed to be harmless.


    his sensory issues are bad. he covers his eyes and ears and face and sits in corners or leaves the room or when he is really bad he takes off his clothes. he refuses to do things for sensory reasons

  8. As for the turkey, I wonder if he's sensitive to the injected broth. A relative gets extremely bad stomach pain and upset from many injected turkeys because the broth contains casein.


    Have you tried giving your ds melatonin to help with sleep? It comes in drops, if he can't take pills. Some require several squirts to get the labeled amount, so you have to read carefully. This one is one dropper for 3 mg, so you can easily experiment with giving less: https://www.amazon.com/gp/product/B002MFOO3A/ref=oh_aui_search_detailpage?ie=UTF8&th=1

    e is not sensitive to casein. Do they inject all turkeys? He reacts very badly to MSG.



    Tried melatonin years ago and it did not help but I think he needs a very high dose and I have been afraid to try that.

  9. Thanks!  He is not low in iron but is often low in zinc.  We have supplemented in the past.  Last year when I supplemented it did not seem to help sleep.


    I don't think any depression or sadness he feels is causing the sleeplessness.  I really really really believe it is physiological.  I think feeling excited can make it worse but he is not bipolar.


    He has really really really bad sensory overload.  All the time!  Even in the quiet and the dark!  


    He doesn't have an eating disorder and loves food and is open to eating all kinds of food.  He eats only healthy food, no sugar, no dyes or processed food except the occasional cracker or bun.


    Another weird thing with the turkey is that we did food sensitivity testing years ago.  According to the testing he was sensitive to all food containing protein, except turkey!

    I have not seen him react badly to the other foods, just turkey!


    He hardly uses the internet and when he cannot sleep he usually just lies there, sometimes with his eyes closed.  Occasionally there will be days where he goes downstairs.





  10. I really don't think that it is depression, but I do think he is influenced by strong emotions.  I have learned that I have to be careful not to talk about what we are doing the next day because then he gets excited and can't sleep.  I am thinking I might have been too excited last night when talking with DH.


    Another thing.  Turkey contains tryptophan and it's supposed to make you sleepy and relaxed.  Works for me!  DS loves turkey on holidays and eats tons but he is upset afterwards. It doesn't seem to help him sleep.  Maybe he is upset because he is tired?  



  11. Yes, maybe it is time to look at unusual diagnoses. the above, epiliepsy, brain lesions.....


    On unusual diagnoses, how about Klüver-Bucy which often include putting inappropriate things in mouth or eating them since you said that he would eat earplugs.  (Woohoo, I made an umlaut!)


    If you look up some of these odd ones, you may get further names of things that they can be distinguished from.


    I just looked up Kluver-Bucy and it does not fit. Thanks anyways.


    He has had the most up-to-date genetic testing.  Would these things have come up?


    He was not always this way.  It started around age13-14.

  12. When you say you cannot wake him up, do you mean that if you accidentally wake him up there will be unfortunate consequences, or that waking him up is impossible, or close to impossible.


    My son was in the latter category, difficulty sleeping at night, but when he was asleep he was out like a light.  I could rouse him enough to get him to make a "mom get off me" noise, but if I turned away for a second he was sound asleep again.  He'd also fall asleep anywhere if someone wasn't keeping him stimulated.  Like, he'd sit down to put his shoes on to go somewhere he'd been looking forward to for hours and bam asleep!


    For him, it was depression, with a touch of sleep apnea caused by allergies.  That doesn't mean that he wasn't fatigued or he didn't really need the sleep, because he absolutely did.  Depression sapped the energy out of him.


    Not saying that's the situation with yours, of course.


    I was mostly referring to bad consequences.  That said, when he has these problems falling asleep and finally gets to sleep, he tends to sleep lightly and then sometimes the sleep issues go on for a few days.  When he sleeps well, he tends to sleep deeply and even loud noises do not wake him.  When he sleeps well he might sleep 11 hours a night and it is like he has relearned to sleep.


    I can ask him a few yes/no or multiple choice questions at a time.  He said he did not sleep last night.  He does not think he is sick.  His throat is not bothering him.  


    We could not attach things to his head for a sleep study.  He would refuse. 


    I am feeling relieved he just ate a substantial amount.  I am concerned about the long periods he goes without eating because of these sleep problems.


    Also, I just hate these days!

  13. I have devoted the past couple of years to trying to get him on a regular schedule.  Whenever things seem to be getting better they get worse.  He will not wear earplugs and if I gave them to him he would eat them.  Seriously.  It is a weird life.


    If we brought him to a sleep study he would not sleep.


    I need to be quiet when he is asleep.  His body needs sleep.  He is really not well.  You would understand if you were here.  Him waking is not an option.  

  14. He just drank 2 cups of water! Hooray!  He is eating some crackers.  


    I CANNOT wake him up for reasons I do not want to post about.


    This is not a depression issue or a typical teen wanting to sleep in or lying around.  This is medical.  You see the fatigue on his face.  


    His behavior has been good lately.  He is smiling more than usual.  He is as cooperative as possible for him.  His senses have been bothering more than usual and they are always awful.  He is quite congested lately.  I don't think it is a cold.  I wonder if it is from lying down do much in a stuffy room.

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  15. I have posted about my special needs son and his trouble sleeping before.  Sometimes he just cannot fall asleep at night.  I don't know what happened last night.  He seemed asleep when I woke up at 3:00 am but it's hard to tell in the dark with blankets on his face.  Anyways, he slept until 5pm this evening.  There are reasons I cannot wake him up which I don't want get into and anyways he won't get up.  He has not eaten in over 24 hours now and will not sit up to drink.  This has happened before.  He has been tired the past couple of days and took a couple of hours to get up each day.  We have done blood tests in the past and nothing came up.  Maybe we missed something.  We have tested thyroid, blood sugar.  Anything else?


    He is pale, even in summer.  He loves food and eats really healthy most of the time, though this sleep problem is cutting into his eating time.  He is thin, I think because of this.  On the days he is awake I make him an extra meal.  


    I want him to be healthier!  I worry about this "fasting".  I worry about him.  Please pray.


    Anyways he has been in his bed since 11 pm last night, lying down and seemed to be sleeping most of that time.  Now he will not get up and drink water and he still looks really tired.


    We have seen doctors.  I have yet to get anything useful from them.  They will run most blood tests though if you have suggestions.


    I am getting tired and depressed because I never know when we will have a day like this, when there will be an "all-nighter" and I have to be quiet all day.  It's draining on the whole family.



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  16. I wish they could attend school for something like 2 afternoons a week. I have asked and it is full-time or nothing where we live.


    Really, I need a friend more than a respite worker, someone to talk to, do a few things, an extra pair of hands, someone handy. a lot of the things on my to do list are things I am not good at anyways or things that will take me time to figure out first like updating my Ipad. I am good with my kids. Arranging a respite worker is so much work and then I have to explain everything to them and set up the toys and activities. And we have had so much trouble with respite workers not showing up, complaining that my children touch them too much or complaining it was too much work. The paperwork involved to get funding also takes up my time. in the end, not a lot is gained.


    DH is very helpful changing diapers and cooking and some other chores. It's just all the emotional support and connection that is gone. it used to be there. If I try to draw him out, there is anger. There is also weird drama. I don't know what to do. He is taking an antidepressant which I did not think helped at all but he did. He has gone for counselling with no positive effects. Marriage counselling was worse than walking on hot coals barefoot. I will never do that again.

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  17. That is tough. :grouphug: :grouphug: :grouphug:


    Will your children soon be old enough for any of the adult day-care type centers for special needs, or is that not available in your area?

    I don't know but I could send them to school right now. They might have to be bussed across the city. It would be a bit like an adult day program. They would learn shapes and colors and seasons (things they already learned as babies). They would have a cooking program where they would be get to eat lots of sugary stuff that would give them additional health, bowel and sleep problems. When they got diarrhea and vomiting or meltdowns the staff could not deal with they would be sent home and I would get to be with them at their worst only.


    That is why I am homeschooling. We are currently reading "To Kill a Mockingbird" and a really good book about the Spanish Inquisition. They are reading a 300+ book on their own about Prince Henry the Navigator and more. They love this and sit for hours. I put them in activity programs on Saturday when possible. I wish there was a drop-in program I could send them to on the days I got sick.


    Homeschooling rocks! It's the health problems I could do without.

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  18. Warning: You will not be able to relate to anything I have to say. I have 2 special needs teens, one still in diapers, so some things are gross. I need to rant.


    I don't know where to start. We woke up to find we have no hot water. I don't know why. I hope they can fix it today. I have to rely on DH to phone because DS16 is not feeling well and sleeping. he has had trouble sleeping for 2 nights. I think he is congested. I have got no sleep and I am very congested. I don't know if it is allergies or a chill or a cold. I have so much laundry but no hot water and can't do it anyways because DS is sleeping. I am concerned about washing dishes well without hot water. DS16 is making small moaning noises in his sleep like he is struggling. It makes me sad.


    Our washing machine has not been working well for over a week and I can only do half loads. I called and they told me to check 2 things and I have not had time. So, I have been doing over 20 loads and there are still mountains.


    There are tiny bugs (maybe fruit flies?) flying around our kitchen and house. They are too fast to kill. I have not had time to deal with this or even google. I have never seen this before.


    There was a diarrhea incident in the middle of the night last week and DH said he cleaned it thoroughly but I am smelling things and feeling uneasy. I wanted to do a thorough cleaning last weekend but there was no time and I am exhausted. I am depressed about this. I like cleanliness.


    Other DS woke up and had diarrhea. He has had episodes of screaming the past 2 days. He had more diarrhea while I was writing this. He has been doing really well with coloring and tracing letters lately and so I feel like I should be doing that with him right now but I am afraid he will make too much noise and wake his brother and I am so tired I want to crawl back into bed. I have not been this tired in a while.


    Third DS11 has been taking a stuffed toy snake and whipping us all when he comes home from school and calling us his slaves. He is staying up late to do homework and refusing to eat healthy food and hardly eating anything. I know I need to deal with this but I am tired and he is so loud.


    I have spent an hour or so every evening for 3 weeks emailing to find respite workers. None of them worked out for one reason or another. A respite worker would not make a big difference in my life and would be draining at first because it would take them a while to figure out how to work with my kids. Still, I feel like September is the best time to find them.


    DH does not talk to me or look at me except to yell or to tell me he has no clean clothes. I am not sure who he is anymore. This makes me so sad. I feel so lonely.


    I have a bid TO Do list and have not looked at it in over a week because no time.


    On a positive note, the weather is nice. I am reading really good books with DS16 and 13 and managing to read a lot to them without them running away. DS11 seems to be interested in drawing and writing stories when he used to only like math and gym.

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