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Posts posted by MamaBearTeacher

  1. Impetigo and herpes can be confused with each other. I believe impetigo is bacterial.


    Yes, there are multiple strains of herpes, and they can all manifest in different parts of the body. Herpes also includes Herpes Gladiatorum, shingles, and who knows what else.


    I think American medicine has barely scratched the surface of understanding the full spectrum of the Herpes virus, and tends to shy away from studying it, because of the STD stigma. People are even afraid to say they have it and really do not want to know that their shingles or chicken pox is a herpes virus.


    When you are dealing with blisters of unknown cause, over the counter acne Benzoyl Peroxide will kill a lot of rapidly multiplying microscopic stuff, whatever it is. Applying salt water with a cotton ball draws stuff out of the skin and is an antiseptic.


    As well as virus and bacteria, fungus can cause skin blisters.


    Good luck!

    Do impetigo, bacteria and fungus on the lip look the same as a cold sore?


    This one is a blister right in the middle of his lip.

    • Like 1
  2. I don't know if I should put anything on it. Whatever I put on it he will lick off right away.


    He reacts badly to B vitamins. They put him in a bad mood.


    Stress? His life is one big stress! His senses bother him constantly and day-to-day existence is stressful on him.

  3. Maybe it is the HSV-2 strain that he caught and we did not test it and that is why it was negative.


    Otherwise, could it be something else? It is not just the sore. He is really doing badly. his sensory problems are worse than usual and he is very tired. This is after a couple of weeks of good moods. Sigh ...

  4. Last year, my son got a cold sore in the corner of his mouth.  We tested him twice for the Herpes virus with a blood test, once after about 4 weeks and once after a few months and he tested negative.  The sore or possibly a scar has remained and it is almost a year.  The doctor seems to think that it can be caused by another virus.  This week he got another large sore right in the middle of his lip.  He has not been doing well and is sleeping a lot and so I am trying to understand this.


    My husband and I do not get cold sores.  I get canker sores easily and I have seen huge canker sores in DS's mouth before.  DS has special needs and despite us trying to stop him he often takes peoples' drinks in public and drinks from them.  


    Also, my other son and my husband have has colds recently (if this could at all be related).


    Could the sores be caused by something other than the Herpes virus.  If so, what?  If not, why were the tests negative?



  5. I would have liked it if at least one of the women in the various videos had told the guy off or slapped him or left the room early on or told someone on him so he could not get away with it.


    I know in many situations women freeze internally or the consequences of losing the job is too much but sometimes/often women do stand up. The videos were depressing to watch as a woman. They might create awareness but will they create change?


    The one with the photographer I really really did not like watching. What about the actress in the video? How was she that different from the model she was portraying? I felt I was watching porn. I worry that some men watching that might get their kicks rather than become more aware.



    It really was nauseating. And that the majority of onlookers in the background were women. What the bleep.


    I both like these videos bc yes, these things do literally happen like that.


    But yet I hate these videos bc there’s nothing empowering about them. Every single woman laughed nervously or just looked politely confused or became very placating. In many (most?) cases, I think this is a defense mechanism to get away ASAP. Don’t risk making him angry, Kwim? But dammit. Kick the jerk in the nuts and tell him to shut the hell up. And also, basicly don’t ever be alone with a make coworker. Sorry guys. Bad apples exist. I’m. It saying I’m blaming women bc they didn’t do that. I’m saying we need to reach a point where women don’t have to avoid being alone with men or worry about needing to kick or flee. And to speak out for others. The photography one..... I kept waiting for anyone in that photo shoot to ask, “what the hell? Is this supposed to be your private porno? This isn’t okay or appropriate.â€

  6. The other thread was focused on physical attraction as related to weight but I wanted to ask about attraction in general. I read an article when I was pregnant written by a man who said that after his wife gave birth he was no longer physically attracted to her. This was because he had been in the delivery room and had seen her skin stretch during childbirth. He was disgusted by the image and could not erase it from his mind.


    In the other thread, people kept talking about 400 lbs. and obesity and health concerns but a lot of women gain 30 pounds or less after having kids and their husbands leave them for a 20-something woman.


    We will all get gray hair and wrinkles eventually. We can colour our hair, use creams and even get plastic surgery but the fact is the vast majority of people will look like they are 65 when they are 65 and will look less attractive than they used to, on the outside at least. Why can't we accept that?


    I saw an article on the Internet. There was a young couple engaged to be married. In her before picture she was very pretty. She got into an accident and almost died but ended up extremely disfigured and she could not walk. Her fiancé stuck with her and still wanted to marry her. It became a sensation with millions if people who were moved by the story.


    think we might all agree that we live in a culture that overemphasizes physical attraction. we are bombarded by images of "perfect-looking" people in the media. Some of us measure up to those images, at least in youth, but most of us don't. Most of us tend to be attracted to at least some of those physical qualities portrayed in the media. Most of us tend to attracted to the same thing.


    I don't know what I am asking exactly. When I get older losing my hair? ... will you still love me when I'm 64?


    I have heard tons of people talk about how important physical attractiveness is in a mate. I have heard people say they broke up with someone because they no longer felt attracted physically. These were not cases in which there was weight gain.

    • Like 4
  7. Family of five.  We have 10 of each dinner plates, smaller plates and bowls.  Plus 2 additional bowls that are the same color and chipped that I just keep.  Plus we have outdoor dishes (5 plates, 5 bowls of which 3 just broke) .  If I had more than this it would not fit in the dishwasher because I like to put pots and cooking and storage dishes in the dishwasher too and I end up running it 2-3 times a day anyways.  


    I have never had expensive dishes and I replace when things break.  Years ago we had a few years when I had a set of large bowls (about 12 maybe) and no other dishes.

  8. He isn't sleeping too much overall.  It is just that his sleep is all over the place.  Some nights sleeps 11-9 am.   Other nights he sleeps for 5 hours.  Other nights he stays up all night.  Last night, he stayed up until at least 3 am when we discovered he was wet.  Then he slept past 1 pm.  He stays dry once he falls asleep but often pees all over his bed if he is lying there a long time.  The sleep issues coincided with the time his diapers started leaking.  The sides of the diapers are not waterproof and he sleeps on his side.  Also, he started taking his diaper off while sleeping.  For a while I would wake in the night to change his sheets.  


    He has been tested for all metabolic and mito disorders though there are some doctors who believe that a person can still have a mito disorder that is hard to detect.  I find it very hard to take his temperature.  My basal body temperature is on the low side.


    I am finding it hard to fathom depression right now.  Lately he smiles a lot of the time.  For years, especially as a preschooler he was serious and screaming all the time.


    I really doubt they would admit him to hospital and if they did they would drug him a lot because they would not be able to handle his behavior.  He has reacted so badly to so many supplements that I don't know what drugs would do to him.I wonder about dehydration though.  Is there a urine test for this?  His blood also looks dark when we do blood tests.  The nurses just tell me that different people have different color blood.  I do give him about 8 cups of water a day and more in the summer.  For years, before and after he was born I struggled with a dehydration feeling.  The doctors did not know what i was talking about and just told me to drink more water which did not help.  I felt really good each time after I gave birth and they gave me those IV fluids.  



    "So, sounds like you have a nonverbal kid with dysbiosis, dehydration, low mineral status, night time insomnia, daytime sleeping,  bed-wetting, clothes removal so perhaps impossible to keep an adult Depends like thing on, eating inedibles, bad moods, low exercise, extreme sensory problems, probably headaches (likely with dehydration), and constipation (ditto), possilby stomach pain, possibly untreated PKU-like type issues so possibly some brain damage, low vitamin-D, and where pretty much anything you try to do seems to make things worse.    ?????




    And no doctor, conventional or alternative whom you've tried seems able to help.    ??????"






    • Like 1
  9. Thank you Pen! I forgot to say that his urine is very dark in the morning. It is an orange-brown color. This makes sense though. We don't give him or drink after dinner because otherwise he pees all over his bed and that prevents him from falling asleep.


    The anxiety about sleep happened as an infant. Why would an infant react that way? he did have sensory issues from birth and he was fussy.


    Now he has the usual anxiety people with bad insomnia have. Though many nights he sleeps fine. We often have to remind him to lie down and not keep his head up with his hand.


    We have tried battling dysbiosis and constipation most of his life and have not succeeded.


    Sleep hygiene: yes, we do that. Routine, quiet time before bed. No videos, computer. Soft music before bed.


    Vitamin D: He used to be normal and last year he tested low and I am supplementing.


    He did not test low in vit b and c. B vitamins make him hyper and give him bad moods so I don't give him those. I have given him vitamin c a lot. I have seen no effects. It is his minerals which are low.


    Exercise sometimes causes constipation because then he is too tired to have a bowel movement. Sometimes it causes bad moods. Otherwise I have not seen any effects other than he likes it. The only exercise he can do much is walking so we go on hikes a lot.


    I tried melatonin years ago at low dose and it did nothing. he might need a very high dose and I am afraid.

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