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Posts posted by PineFarmMom

  1. OK, So, no, we will NOT be returning to the VBS class next week. That is a given. My question now is what to do with the sitter. I need her help, but I don't need her to overstep herself as she has done. I need to leave my kids with someone who emphasizes their strengths rather than their weaknesses, who doesn't see problems but rather solutions, and will give them the chance to just be kids and have a normal childhood. I need someone who will protect their privacy, first and foremost. However, this gal and I attend a very small church together and I can't avoid her. Can't stop using her without everyone wanting to know why. If I talk to her about this, I have a feeling she will just crumble. I'm worried about what she's told others in the church about my kids and how I will handle that.



    The quoted part of that paragraph stood out to me. First, this isn't your first rodeo. You're not new to the issues your children have, so you really don't need an outsider, who you have hired as a babysitter and not doctor, to evaluate your children.


    I think the rest of the paragraph stood out because that is exactly what you need in this situation is help from someone who will encourage them in their strengths and be a problem solver rather than a person who is offering unsolicited & uncalled for criticisms.


    All that you said really cleared a situation up for me. I think that many (not all) people who are OTs (I'm sorry to any of you who are...I'm not directing this AT you) have the tendency to evaluate, to the discomfort and dismay of all around them, the problems of every child they come in contact with. One of my best friends (not anymore) did this repeatedly and continually to me during a time when I was at my weakest and was having a hard time with life anyway. It almost put me over the edge. I examined and critiqued my children to death because of her continual "evaluations" of my dc. The first time she ever did it was on my anniversery when all I had done was ask her to babysit my children. She ended my date with my husband with a very critical and unpleasant run-down of how messed up my 18-month-old son was...I was so hurt and upset. Praise God I started watching her do this to basically every child we came in contact with, and the reality came to light, that SHE was an extremely unhealthy and insecure person, and this was like a sport to her, finding the chinks in everyone's armor.


    The whole thing makes me so very angry for you because I believe I know her thought processes, and it's just so wrong, and it has most to do with her insecurity and little to do with you or your children's best interest. I can say that I wouldn't feel comfortable having a free, unsolicited evaluation every time I just needed a babysitter...the stress and annoyance is just too high on that to me. I may be a little (more than a little) biased on this, so take my opinion for what it is worth to you. :) Sorry...I'd just be fuming mad about that.




  2. What specifically didn't your dc like about LC? Depending on what it was that bothered them, Henle might be an improvement, or more of the same. If you can pinpoint the problem, I'm sure the Hive can suggest alternatives for you. :)


    I think we both felt like there wasn't much direction. We really kind of wanted our hand held more, both of us, more worksheets, more coverage of the material. I feel that I am at the point that I need to either thoroughly learn latin right along with my dc or find something that is so detailed that it won't confound me. I have a 2yo and a 4yo, and that part is easier said than done.



  3. We have used LC1 and a lot of LC2. My oldest has thoroughly covered LC1 (as we've dropped it and started over a couple of times). She dropped LC2 midway through, and we both agree we hate it. My 10yo ds has thoroughly been through LC1 (same scenario). I have finally faced that I strongly dislike that curriculum. What would be a good option instead? I am looking at Lively Latin, but am not crazy about the price tag and realize it would be too light for my oldest dd who is 13 and going into 8th. Would it be best to just go ahead and put her in Henle and him in LL? Or would we dislike Henle just as much? I'm really on the verge of just ditching Latin and moving on to Spanish. They at least have some Latin background at this point, and I'm wanting dd to do Spanish for 9th-12th at least. I'd love opinions.



  4. $400 or so. Dh has a company truck. They pay for his gas. Our gas-guzzling Yukon is our only family vehicle. That, I would trade for an economy car if 1) I didn't have 4 children and 2) I felt that small cars offered the safety of a large SUV. Dh just won't have us in an economy car. It's his thing...we couldn't fit anyway, so it doesn't really matter. ;)


    This wasn't about cars but about gas...but to me, right now, I'd give my left arm for a tank of a vehicle that got 40 miles to the gallon. :001_smile:





    and if i get one more email that says my faith is tested by whether i forward this email or not, i'm gonna....gonna.....gonna...... rrrrr......... yeah!


    Just don't get me started on that one...don't get me started. Or dh, for that matter. That is a major cause for e-mail irritations for both of us.



  6. I'm a firm believer that an armed society is a polite society. If I were a fan of government solutions, I'd want the government to mandate weapons possession.


    But I'm not a fan of government solutions. So I'd be content with the concession to voluntary open carry. Concealed carry is okay, but the best way to deter crime and violence is for those so inclined to be 1)aware of the cost of their actions and 2)subject to immediate reprisal.


    I suspect this will not be a popular approach, so I'll zip up my Asbestos Suit.





  7. It seems like a sort of poverty to want to be so sexual and revealing, and it makes me wonder if there is something very sad and hurt and insecure inside such a woman.



    I believe that there is. No, I am certain that there is. I have read that the reason men get addicted to things along these lines and the reason that women choose to go around looking ridiculous, though being blind to that fact, is that both of them are lacking love in some aspect of their lives and don't even know that is the thing they are looking for. It is sad. Depending on my mood at the time, when I see someone dressed like this my opinions range from extreme pity to total annoyance. I think it depends on my amount of grace at that moment. lol



  8. Maybe IP has repented, but your post indicates that you think not. Why? :)




    This person's response upon returning to church was that of making no eye contact or response to myself, not speaking to anyone, and it has been said by a person in leadership that IP is speaking badly about how wrongly IP was treated at our church. There was no poor handling, other than the fact that leadership should have stopped the behavior way before it was stopped. It was allowed to grow and grow, giving IP more and more control. :confused:


    From viewing the whole thing, I believe that this person has come back into the body full of resentment. I believe I have forgiven and I've prayed through this until my head has spun, so I believe any of my own issues have been given to the Lord. This person brings tension and turmoil without saying a word.


    From what I've read from you and others, I believe I'm going to pray continually and from a distance for this person and Christ's work in their life, continue being a part of the ministry I'm in while allowing God to lead, and make sure I set boundaries with this person, learning the lesson I know I was meant to learn through the process...not to be such a wimp, that there is no fear when I'm following God's leadership!!


    Thank you all for your responses. I thoroughly dislike this type of thing and wish that ministry and church could be kumbaya from beginning to end, but then that would probably mean Christ wasn't discipling me. :lol:


  9. We have been helping in a church start-up. When it began, I was the only other person on a team with a person we'll call IP. This particular ministry is an area I have past experience and IP has none. As time went on, evidence started mounting in many, many ways that IP was a "baby" Christian, and very much lacked the ability to be a team-player in a situation with anyone. I was allowed no opinions, no say, nothing but entire submission to the will of IP in this particular ministry. IP really wanted to have the ministry but not work at it, so mediocrity was the name of the game. As time went on, it was clear to the pastor and many involved through IP's angry, confrontational behavior that things must be done IP's way or it was wrong. IP was part of some other ministries where IP laid out the rules for everyone to follow. Gossip began, irritations flared, etc. One particular instance I redirected people from their fury at IP. It turned into a peaceful situation and all was well. As time has gone on, though, there have been a series of fires having to be put out and frustrations to be eased. IP seems to bring this out in people at times, while at other times being charming and loveable.


    When this all started, initially, I recognized the problem quickly, but the pastor continually made excuses for IP, saying that IP was just fine. I began to pray that God would direct me to bring peace and how to handle IP, that the truth would come out and more would see. I did everything I could think of to bring peace, make us a team rather than a dictatorship, build some type of relationship with IP, and push through to where I felt God was wanting this particular ministry. One of my big problems, though, is that I can turn wimpy. I so want peace that I won't have the backbone needed. Anyway, my wimpiness mixed with IP's insecurity problems and controlling personality were just a bad mixture. I wound up basically backing out of the team since changes couldn't be made.


    Finally the pastor had a confrontation with IP where even he knew that IP was a problem waiting to happen. IP also made a scene in church so that others saw this problem for how bad it is. IP was basically pushed to the side, and I was given control of this ministry. IP left for a while in anger. It is appearing that IP is coming back. IP has had hurt feelings, and from what I understand, feels that I am to blame for this. I'm frustrated and don't know how to handle this person's presence. "I" feel I am not to blame other than not standing up to IP more firmly in the beginning. This particular ministry is now flourishing without IP's hand on it, and I think that has caused frustration and anger also...there are others on this team now and it's not all about one person dictating but it is more than one mind working together for the best interest of the ministry, seeking God's will for the ministry.


    I've prayed about reaching out an olive branch to try to bring peace, but I just don't know if I'd be encouraging that type of behavior further. I don't know how to handle IP in a Christlike manner now. I see IP's behavior as coming from someone who has been hurt, an insecure person who definitely needs people who love them but for whatever reason is unwilling to be humble and submissive in any form. HOW do you hug a porcupine?? I think that's my question. I just know I'm gonna get quilled if I try. I'd love wisdom. I know someone is going to say something that will be a lightbulb in my head. :001_smile:



  10. I don't know what others have said, but I did see someone suggest that you stay up all night to watch and see, then lock the doors so they have to ring the doorbell, and I think that is a great idea. I did a lot of sneaking out and got myself into a fair amount of trouble that my parents never knew about. They were blind by choice OR they knew and didn't do anything. I wish they had done something, stopped me in some fashion from many of the foolish things I did. There is just a lot of nonsense that wouldn't have happened had someone stepped in and stopped me. It sounds like you are at least aware and making efforts. Even if it's hard, you're doing something!! I don't have a teenager but wanted to offer an opinion from someone who wasn't stopped and wish she would have been.



  11. Thanks, everyone!! I'll just have to get on it more and unlock some options.


    My ds just unlocked a few things and spent 20 minutes running throughout our playroom with the "free run" I think he called it. lol This is EXACTLY what we needed for summer. Early mornings outside, light school tasks here and there after lunch combined with chores I throw their way, then they can play do this some in the afternoon while it's too hot to go outside, which has already hit here, sadly.



  12. We just got the Wii Fit yesterday. We are loving it!!!


    One thing I'm really wanting/hoping is that there are opportunities for exercises that last 10 minutes or longer. I don't like having to stop every 2-3 minutes and click around to a new exercise. Are there some on there that just aren't opened to me yet? I'd love some type of aerobic thing that would be 15-20 minutes. I've been hoping that as I win new games there would be one that would come up.


    Really, that is the only thing I have any type of dissatisfaction with. This thing is awesome!! I can feel the work I've done, and I love how it tracks my balance and BMI. I'm looking forward to the results in all of us!!



  13. This girl sounds like a piece of work. I see red flags, to be sure, in all of her actions!! I read #6, though, and don't think that that sounds too good on your husband's end to move his cubicle next to hers???, not that he's actually crossing the boundaryline completely, but it sounds like just the step toward her flirtations that she'd need to take more steps towards him. It is not the fleeing from temptation that is wise in this matter. It's going to be up to him to open his eyes and face that this is not an innocent thing on her part and that it is very dangerous for himself, you, your children. I don't agree either with the whole thing that he is just needing his ego stroked. I don't like it when that excuse is made for people's actions just because they've lost some weight. It's just not a valid excuse for anything. If it is necessary for me to have my ego stroked then I have insecurities that I need to take to the Lord. I'll pray that this situation ends quickly with her being completely removed from his line of influence, that she finds no other men to do this with, and that this is something that draws you closer!!



  14. As someone who struggles to figure out the homemaking thing, even after 13 years, I envy you that it comes easily.


    The reason that things like FlyLady exist is that there are those of us for whom being neat and organized does not come naturally. My mom is a fabulous woman, but fabulous housekeeper, she is not.


    My problem is not a lack of ability or willingness (OK, the thought of cleaning floors doesn't flip my skirt, but I can do it well). It's the clutter that I don't seem to be able to get a handle on. Therefore, cleaning anything takes a LOT longer because I have to pick up and deal with so much stuff first.


    I'm working on it. I'd like to think I'm getting better. But it does not come easily to me.


    :iagree: Oh, wow, you sound like you live my life. It has taken huge steps on my part to get even to the point of being mid-range organized and good at housekeeping. I'm a good cook and that's fun to me, but organizational/cleaning skills have been hard-fought battles for me.


    I think some people have different things they struggle with. I know moms that just flat don't know how to enjoy their children, how to have fun with their children. I'm a pro at that. The fun thing is one of the reasons I have a hard time with the cleaning thing. :lol:




    Even if I made an major effort to teach my child everything I know (from finances to planning meals, basic cooking, caring for the home, how to keep records, pick good produce, store linens, make homemade cleaners, scrup a bathroom property, treat carpets stains, polish silver, arrange flowers etc etc etc) I feel like I could do that in a few hours a week.


    I don't understand why there would ever be an "either or" when the choice is an academically vigorious educations or homekeeping skills. It seems to me that anyone could have both, and quite easily.


    I think we choose both. I do require much of the kids as far as housework, cooking, etc., but they are also required to do schoolwork and working to be prepared for college. For me, though, I learned a lot of what I know about being a housewife in a difficult way with lots of guidance from books and websites. I an disorganized by nature. I think I could have really focused more on my kids and on hobbies earlier on if I had had a better grasp of the ins and outs of it. It sounds like maybe this type thing just comes naturally for you, and I am a living testimony that it doesn't for everyone. :lol:


    I want each child to have a good grasp of these life skills before the real world. It certainly isn't my main push with my dd, though. I hope she chooses to get married, have children, and stay home with them, but God knows His plans for her and I do not. It's not going to be the ONLY preparation I give her for life. That would be short-sited of me. I know of too many female missionaries who have never been married or had children. I'd rather her be more rounded and prepared for a wide spectrum of choices rather than just what a certain group thinks is the way to be a "good woman". I desperately want a Mary and not a Martha lifestyle for her. :)



  16. I am historically a Republican, but like I said in the other post I don't feel there are any worthwhile candidates at this point. :confused: :D


    :iagree: It's really quite disconcerting to be here unexcited about any republican candidate yet scared to death of the democratic candidate's possible policies & plans, etc. (And NO, I'm not referring to the video that's out there.) I don't feel at ease about any of this, and I don't know what that is going to mean!! EEK!



  17. I believe, at this point, my children are spoiled to eating what they enjoy rather than what is economically wise, kwim? I don't feed them unhealthy foods (well, sometimes, but not the majority), it's just that I haven't been as careful as I'd like, requiring them to just eat what we have, planning wisely, etc.


    We learned some huge lessons a few years ago about financial wisdom, through a crisis and prayer. I don't want to think it didn't stick, so I've decided to make a change, whether they like it or not. ;)


    So what are some good, healthy, inexpensive breakfast, lunch, dinner & snack ideas. We are particularly having problems with lunch and snacks. Breakfast is usually cereal of some type, a bagel, frozen waffles & fruit, oatmeal & fruit, or some eggy thing. I could probably use some breakfast wisdom, but it's not quite as bad as our other two meals. I've just gotten lazy in my planning & spending. Ideas??



  18. Well, sorry, I still wouldn't care to live in Sweden. Perhaps this article might shed some light on what the "welfare state" has done for Sweden. And we won't even mention the decline in morality and sexual perversion there. I'm not an educated person on this matter, just observant and I still think that when you have a socialist mindset that everyone is to share things equally (And Obama does believe this) that responsible living declines or goes out the window.



    From the article:


    "While my generations' parents are only "partly tainted" (which is bad enough), my generation is totally screwed up. Not having grown up with the sound values of our grandparents, but instead with those propagandized by the nanny state, the grandchildren of the welfare state have no understanding whatsoever of economics."


    My 21yo nephew spent a year abroad last year. He's a keen, mean, political/economical machine for his age. This is much what he saw in Sweden. It looked good to him upon his first arrival, but then he saw the truth after spending some time there. Interesting.


    Socialism is bad for everyone, it's just been proven too often in history.



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