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Posts posted by NorthernBeth

  1. As someone who had VERY heavy periods, I disagree that it is no big deal.  My doctor told me to be cautious if I felt dizzy or lightheaded because too much loss could lead to low blood pressure.  I had trouble with anemia.  As well, there is a medicine they can give you that helps reduce the flow, although I can't remember what the name of it was now.  It was a lifesaver though!! Significantly reduced cramping as well. 

    A quick Google search leads me to believe that I was taking tranexamic acid. 

    I was extremely grateful the first time I found a doctor who took this seriously instead of disimissing it as non-important.  Going on that medication significantly reduced my pain level and improved my quality of life, as the amount of blood I lost made me feel very uncomfortable going places due to the high probability of leaks no matter what I did.  Keep hunting for a doctor that will take this seriously.  Take her to urgent care if she seems dizzy, light-headed or weak.  

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  2. I would get the PCR just for the peace of mind. They are just more reliable.  Otherwise, I would worry about it all the way up to the day of surgery.  Plus, If you find out now, you can reschedule the surgery more easily.  

    With that said, there are lots of other viruses that cause cold symptoms.  It would not be surprising to have something else besides Covid.  I don't think the two days of feeling healthy really affects anything.  It doesn't really matter if it is one long cold or 2 short ones, or one general cold and 1 Covid.  All you really want to know is if you have Covid now.  So go ahead and get the PCR test.    ( Note:  In my area, these are still administered for free if you have Covid symptoms.  If you live in an area where this is a giant expense, I might choose differently.) 

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  3. 9 hours ago, Bootsie said:

    I am missing the link, somehow, though.  I get that some students don't go to college for the intellectual challenge.  But, what I don't understand is how that (at least in their minds) justifies dishonesty, cheating, stealing.  

    I think because they are there for  " the piece of paper".  They need the degree to get the job.  The requirement seems totally arbitrary and unfair to them  Since it seems unfair, they have no qualms about cheating.   I am not saying ALL students feel this way.  But I think many students who DO  cheat may have that attitude toward cheating, which makes it justifiable in their minds.  If the system is unfair, then it is totally fine to cheat the system.   

    This is my thought anyways.

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  4. I was looking at Give Your Child the World as a resource book to help with finding good picture books for social studies or geography.  Does anyone know of a similar book for science?  That might list great picture books on various science topics?  I want to use the summer to collect some books for next year,  and was hoping someone might know of a book or list that would make a good starting spot.

  5. 3 minutes ago, Laura Corin said:

    While you are starting to think about this, please also make sure the you have Powers of Attorney in place as well as wills.  I know it's difficult to think in these terms, but it's much easier to help people be legally safe at a time when they are still able to make their own decisions.

    Oh my goodness... yes this too!!   We were under the impression I was my mom's POA, and then when we got down there, we discovered she had changed it about 10 years ago to my brother who lives closer and NONE of us remembered her doing it.. getting the documents for that straightened out is absolutely necessary in case you do have to look at things such as nursing homes, being included in medical decisions, and helping out with banking and finances.  These things were a huge relief to get figured out before things get worse.

    For example,  we took mom to do some banking..... she could not find her bank card and could not initially find ANY ID.  She had brought a bank statement, but they would not initially take it.  It took us almost an hour in a bank where we were the only customers to get that straightened out enough for her to actually do any banking.    We got my brother added to her accounts ( with her permission) , so he can make sure all her housing, utility and such bills get paid on time.  My mom is always the one that handled the bills so to see the decline was pretty shocking to all of us.

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  6. My mom's doctor also ran the MOCA, which tests memory and cognitive issues , both to see where she scored and to establish a baseline of comparison for the future.  You would need her consent for this, obviously, but I found it eye-opening.   There were items on there I would not have thought she would find hard that were almost impossible.....the test made clear that my sense of unease was based in reality and not an overreaction to a few memory slips.


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  7. We are having a pancake breakfast tomorrow at our school  I casually asked the principal who was cooking it  ( often various organizations are doing this as a treat for the kids.)   

    Her reply:   you are. 

    Uhm... what??   

    Yes, apparently we are cooking the breakfast.   So I am now getting up super early to cook a bajillion hashbrowns.  

    Except I can't sleep. 

    And the more I think about the fact that I have to get up early the more wide awake I become.  

    I wish my brain had an off switch.

    Not really looking for suggestions.. just venting.   


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  8. 6 hours ago, Amy Gen said:

    Absolutely! I’m the Queen of over sharing so I’m not worried about my privacy at all.  I’m rooting for you! 

    Thank- you so much!!!!   I feel like I keep thinking in colours or pictures... I find it so hard sometimes to put emotional stuff into words in a way that other people understand.  It is a relief to see someone else concisely explain something that would take me forever to try and explain.

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