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Posts posted by Sandwalker

  1. Ok, so they're mini-strokes. Why are mini-strokes correlated with MTHFR? That's why I did the genetics on dd, btw, because I think she is an undermethylator. I wanted to get hard data rather than just continuing on treating and assuming.


    Do the TIAs occur young or something? Why would they be noticeable from oh the person was 80 and she had a stroke, kwim?

    Because some people with MTHFR have clotting disorders, and a clot in the brain can cause a TIA or a stroke.
    • Like 2
  2. HUH?


    Sure, I could use it to play games or whatever. But I use it to communicate. One can use it ONLY for groups like in the OP if they want. There is awful stuff on Facebook, but there is awful stuff everywhere. I get lots of spam emails for crap I don't want including total scams, but that doesn't make email bad. Some people abuse it, sure. And if the OP has that issue where it is an addiction issue or some other very important reason she can try communicating that to the leader. But the Facebook gremlins aren't going to eat a person up or steal their soul if they use it to plan a community picnic or whatever.


    It's simple enough to be on there and have zero friends, not click the ads, not play the games that collect your data, etc. Just like I screen my calls to avoid sales calls and don't make prank phone calls, etc.






    "...But would they do it? Facebook does have a history of disrespecting users’ privacy. In 2010 they changed everyone’s default privacy settings, and in 2007 they notified people about their friends’ purchases on other sites with a tool called Facebook Beacon, triggering public outcry and eventually paying a $9.5 million class action settlement.


    And Facebook is cagey about how much information it collects from people. For example, says Gizmodo’s Kasmir Hill, “Facebook does what it can to underplay how much data it gathers through contacts, and how widely it casts its net.†"



  3. Does it receive group texts consistently? because my husband's phone receives texts. He doesn't always receive group texts -- texts sent to multiple people at once. I'm not sure what is different between the ones he gets and the one he doesn't


    I know he doesn't get texts that have a picture in them. My sister sent both of us a text at Christmas with the picture of the receipt for his Christmas gift. He didn't get it. I did.

    MMS vs SMS is why
    • Like 3


    Instead of Facebook, imagine this was 1990 and you refused to turn your phone ringer on because you found the ringing intrusive, and then were miffed that they wouldn't mail you the changes each time, or stop by and tell you. That is how it is coming across to her.


    You have the ability to use Facebook. They communicate via Facebook. But you don't like it, and want special treatment.


    Had you no internet, and no ability to use Facebook, I could see them trying to help you. But having access to the messages and basically just choosing not to read them, while wanting another communication method? Sorry, no sympathy.


    If say, you can't be on Facebook because you have a violent stalker trying to find you, fine, let her know and maybe they can find another way to make this work. Otherwise, it's just a communication method, there is nothing moral or immoral about Facebook anymore than there is with a phone line. You don't have to gossip on it anymore than you have to gossip on the phone. Or post photos, or whatever. Just set it up to get notifications from that group.

    Facebook really isn't just a communication method.

    • Like 2
  5. So much food for thought here..... I think going to observe would be a good idea. Also, is $90 reasonable amount for a month, includes classes three times a week if I would want to but nothing else.

    We live in pretty rural area. Town where we would do this is about 3000 people.

    And what questions would I ask to determine if it’s a “belt factory†or not?

    How much are belt ceremonies? How long does the average kid take to belt up? How long to a black belt for the quickest kid? The average kid? Are tournaments mandatory, and how often/where/cost estimate.


    Also training of the masters of course, and how much training the assistants have.

  6. The best thing I ever did to get rid of cracked winter hands was to change my hand soap. I now use Dr Bonner’s unscented castille soap mixed with water in a reusable foam soap pump. I put in two TBS castille soap and about 1/2 tsp of grape seed oil, then fill with water. It has helped A TON!


    For cracked hands, O’Keefs (sp?) working hands is really good. I also like aveeno eczema *cream* for babies.

    I second the O'Keeffe's working hands. They also make a foot creme: both are amazing and heal cracks and soften skin so fast. The foot creme makes callused heels soft like nothing else I've tried.
    • Like 1
  7. Passion planner a favorite. I've used it for my business and personal life for three years, going on four. I don't use the headings as printed--instead I use them in a way to works for me.

    Those look nice, I just checked their website.
  8. I agree, it's no big deal.


    I also wonder what percentage of people who are in the Emergency Room feel the need to share how they feel about their tattoos. It seems strange to have it just come up in conversation. I have a tattoo that I forget all about unless I happen to catch sight of it in a mirror. I'm certainly not thinking about it if I'm at an ER.

    Nurses document tattoos on the patient chart in our ED.
  9. Also, I hate to go all the way to Horrible, but ask yourself how you would feel if she died suddenly. If you really think you don’t want her around, think about how it would be if she could not be around ever again. I’m not talking outta my hat, either. I had not seen my sister for over two years when she died very suddenly one night in June 2008. Literally just a couple weeks before, I was at a baby shower she was invited to but was unable to attend and when I heard my cousin reading her card, I said to myself, “wow. It’s been like two years since I have seen her face.†And then there was no more possibility of seeing her.

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  10. O'Keefe's foot creme is an absolute miracle in getting rid of cracked, callused heels and feet for good. Just put it on after a bath, put on some fluffy socks, repeat daily and you'll be amazed. After the callus problem is fixed, when it flares up again, one or two treatments takes care of it.

    Lol I really am not affiliated with the company :D

    • Like 1
  11. I have sensitive skin - but not super sensitive.

    I use clinique 'dramatically different' moisturizer.


    I've also just used the german made nivea in the blue tin. (I order from amazon - the stuff in the store is likely from mexico, which is "thicker/harder".)

    I grew up with nivea, and the scent still reminds me of childhood. :) It's a great moisturizer.


    For my 'mature' and sensitive skin, I use Philosophy's Renewed Hope in a Jar (Lol but true). I also use their Miracle Worker overnight creme, which seems to have more of a kind of minor peeling effect, so probably wouldn't be recommended if rosacea flare is suspected. I also use the Philosophy eye creme but forget its catchy name atm.

  12. I'm pretty sure I'm older than all of you (I know for a fact I'm old enough to be mother to some of you) and naturally I learned to put two spaces after a period. I learned to type on a manual typewriter. I also learned why it's not only unnecessary anymore but also wrong. And I've been able to change to one space. If this old lady can do it...









    Now I just need to stop putting a period at the end of my texts. :)

    [emoji33] OK I am convinced!


    My ds24 was in the room, and I read him part of the article. He didn't even know that 2 spaces after the period was a thing! But I taught him to type (on a computer....?!?) He said because of coding, extra spaces are a nightmare thing, anyway. Then he went off on a nice tangent about how the indenting of paragraphs is ridiculous. :D

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  13. The plural of anecdote is still not data. Also, we’re not dispassionate observers. Brains tend to discard things that don’t match with our underlying opinions and expectations. Unless she has set out to correct for those things, her anecdotes do not have greater weight than the anecdotes of anyone else. They’re still just that...anecdote.


    As for old people regretting tattoos as a monolith. They’re obviously less monolithic than might appear. There is an organization out there and several providers whose entire mission is to help people preserve tattoos after death. It’s not my thing, but more power to them.

    If I see a double blind study on older people's opinions on their tattoos, I'll be sure to post a link. In the meantime, I will read and weigh believability the same way I do other things in life.
    • Like 1
  14. Can anyone provide reviews on any of the properties below? We are trying to use up a timeshare week and this is what is available. If it helps, we are a family of four with two teens, 15 & 18 at time of trip. Will likely do a bit of Disney or Universal so proximity to the parks would be helpful, but we'd also like excellent amenities such as pools, etc. Thanks in advance!


    Magic Tree

    Orange Lake

    Silver Lake

    High Point

    Cypress Palms

    Star Island

    Club Sevilla

    Fortune Place Villas

    Vacation Villas

    My brother's family stayed at Silver Lake; it was very nice. Huge! Pool, golf, bunch of things to do, and was a nice condo with a full kitchen.
  15. I am not a fan of antidepressants in teens, but understand that the benefits do outweigh the risks at times. Unfortunately, it seems that psychiatrists just diagnose and prescribe meds these days, only following up on the medication's effectiveness, side effects, and dosage adjustments.


    If you want therapy, you have to go to a psychologist type.


    I would try the CBT before the prozac, and I would also suggest daily meditation and exercise for ds. Preferably yoga, but I know how some boys are about doing yoga.

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    My parents are over 60 and love their tattoos so...now you know two who do. Anecdotes are not generalizable to a broader population....

    To be fair, she said she "rarely" sees anyone over 60 who is happy with their tattoos. Your parents would be rare in her experience. An ER nurse's 'anecdotes' are usually based on a pretty wide and varied population.
    • Like 3
  17. Okay, UPDATE!


    Cruise is out, beach stay is in!


    Actually, this is what I wanted to do anyway but just couldn't figure out how to make it work. I couldn't fathom going all the way down there and not even see the beach!


    I'll try to address a few things that stood out to me without copying every post. As for what type of person I am, I am the type that would be bothered by constant noise, stimulation, waiting in line, people, crying children, etc. I don't think I would handle a long Disney stay well. I seem to have a problem with setting up these huge expectations only to have normal life happen and then I get really grouchy. That's what I'd be afraid of.I would if I had to, but if there was a way to get out of the madness, I'd be better off.


    So, it just occurred to me that I have a friend with a house on Vero Beach. She said we could stay as long as it wasn't already rented-so that's an option. It's about 2 hours from Orlando.


    So, new question. If you wanted to do a few days in Disney, where would you go? Would you fly into Orlando, and do MK and what else? Where would you stay? Then rent a vehicle and drive to the beach house? Or would you do it in the opposite order...help me think this through. I also have Harry Potter fans so would you do Universal instead or in addition to? It's about 1:44 from Vero. Vero is right along the beach but nothing is super close it seems. It's a quiet non touristy town so while I'd love to lounge on the beach, I also kind of need *something* to do-like a day trip or two. Looking forward to your expert ideas :-)


    Stuff about vero beach.


    Palm Beach is about 1.5 hours south of Vero, and the water is warm all year due to the jet stream. The Kennedy Space Center is fun and isn't too far, especially if you're going to Orlando. (Not sure of the kids' ages.)

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