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Posts posted by Jenmomof3

  1. I have b/g twins. They are really just like any brother and sister at this age. We had times when they were smaller that we dressed them similarly, but not often. Now, they choose their own clothes and very rarely try to coordinate.

    They have a love/dislike relationship. They are each others best friend, but all that time together can cause some big fights. They are each others biggest supporter and at other times their biggest competitor.

    I would have to say that they both take a leadership role at different times. My dd was definitely the leader when they were younger in a bossy kind of way. But some of that seems to have changed as they're getting older.

    It's so fun to watch their relationship grow and change.

  2. My ds struggled with constipation and we found that apricot nectar worked wonders. It works much better than prune juice in my opinion. Also, I liked that it was a fairly natural alternative and relatively inexpensive. Just a caution that like prune juice you don't want to give too much. We found that just an inch or so in the glass did the trick (we usually then diluted it to fill the glass and get more water in him).



  3. Just had to thank you all again for the great responses. We had our meeting last night and everyone was so glad to have options we could discuss. So, here's what we've decided to try. We picked the classes last night we will offer, based on a survey that was taken by the children and parents. When the registration form goes into the newsletter, everyone will be required to select the classes their kids would like AND select the top three classes they would be willing to TEACH. Then, we'll use the teaching team idea in which 3 parents will be assigned to plan/teach the class. We're planning on everyone team teaching one class, assisting with one class (some classes will only need one instructor with assistants), and having one hour free. I'm sure we'll have to adjust a little and work out the bugs, but at least we're headed down a new track that will involve more parents in the planning and teaching. Wish us luck!


    Thanks so much again!

  4. Need some help from the hive. How do those of you in co-op school situations encourage parents to teach? We have about 50-60 families in our co-op and have only about 14 parents teaching during the 3 hours each week. The other parents have to attend and assist in the classroom, but the burden of planning and teaching is falling on a very small group of people. Has your co-op found an innovative way to expand this group? Do you make it mandatory to teach every so many years? If so, how do you enforce that? Do you offer price breaks for those who teach? (Although, I'm not sure this would help here, since our school is so cheap) Any thoughts or ways that have worked for your group?


    We're having a planning meeting tonight and I'd love to bring some ideas to the table.


    Thanks for your help.

  5. I really wanted to get Typing Instructor Deluxe, but since we have a Mac I was a little limited. So, we just started using Mavis Beacon and I've been very pleased. The kids are really liking it. It's definitely more drill than games, but the challenge of the drills right now to them is fun in itself. It's working well here and they can't wait until they get to do another typing lesson.

  6. We always have a lot of fun doing science projects. Since you're doing nature study, I'm sure there's a lot you could make and do. I know our library has a great selection of craft type ideas to study nature - bird feeders, ant farms, making wind socks, etc. We did a fun art type project last year when I read Leaf Man by Lois Ehlert, went on a nature hike and collected acorns, leaves, etc. and then made our own leaf men. Lots of fun!


    You could also probably find lots of activities related to your read alouds. Just google the topic and I'm sure you'll find color sheets, craft ideas and activities to coordinate.



  7. I have b/g twins, but I would guess the issues are the same. Both are above grade level, but my ds would probably be considered gifted. We do as many subjects as we can together like history, grammar, science, art, music, etc. But, there are a few that I just have to teach separately - namely math and spelling at this point. There tends to be a lot of competition, as I would guess most twins experience. We've had numerous talks about everyone progressing at their own level and how one may excel in one subject and the other in a different subject. I think it's all sinking in, but you still hear the occasional - "You can't get that? That's so easy". And, we start the talk again.


    Since they're the only two in "class", it's also easy for them to compare themselves to each other, which often is hard on the one who is struggling. We try to stress the importance of individual achievement. We do a lot of reviewing how much we've improved by looking back at old work. If that doesn't seem to be working, I sometimes need to broaden the picture for them. I explain what other kids at their grade level are expected to know at this point. Knowing that they are just where they need to be or even more advanced than their counterparts seems to give them the boost of self confidence they need.


    One other thing I've found is that even though one may seem way ahead of the other, the other may catch up very quickly once it clicks. My ds started to read at 2 1/2, when my dd was far from ready. However, when she started to read around age 5, she advanced 2-3 years in about 1 year. So, I try very hard not to underestimate or overestimate either one of them. It's all about working at their individual level. And, isn't that what we love about homeschooling?


    Best wishes to your friend. If she has more specific questions or problems let us know.



  8. It keeps telling me to choose my organization. I did, and it is still not working. :(


    I had the same problem and had to register a new organization. I went to the category "All Others" and then added a group. It seems to be working fine after that. Hope that works for you.

  9. Just found this fantastic site - http://www.teachersdomain.org. I think it's from PBS. They have video clips covering all sorts of science topics. I haven't seen United Streaming, but I'm guessing it's a somewhat similar, although smaller, free version. Right now it's all science, but the site states that it will be expanding to include language arts, social studies and math in the fall. It looks like a great supplement for our curriculum.



  10. Another option for the map is a fabric one. I made one that had a world map panel on one side and the U.S. on the other side. I got the panels at the fabric store. The kids love getting it out on the floor and being able to really get their hands on it. After we're finished, we just fold it and throw it over the back of the couch (doubles as a blanket). It has been much used in our house.


    As to the other supplies, I put together school boxes as a present for each of my kids for the first day of school. It was a huge hit and gave us the basics - scissors, glue, markers, crayons, pencils, erasers, etc. Other than that, we used a lot of construction paper, unlined white paper, and glue sticks. You'll definitely get a feel for how you want to organize as you get started.


    Best of luck,

  11. My mom was talking to a friend, a teacher from Virginia, the other day who told her that all the homeschoolers in California were going to have to get teaching certificates. I assumed she was talking about the case from March. I told her that was overturned and that even the governor spoke out against the original ruling. Am I right in saying this? Has anything else happened recently? It seems strange to me that this teacher would be so ill informed. Just want to be sure I have all my facts right before I relay them to my mom. Also, I think I remember someone posting about the NEA's goals having to do with homeschooling (trying to get rid of it). Anyone have this link?



  12. Got an ad the other day for a magazine, "KIDS Discover", that I think might be similar. They said it's ad-free and "takes your child on an exhilarating journey to exotic parts of the earth and exciting times in history." I haven't seen an actual issue yet, but from the ad it looked like a great magazine for my kids. You might want to check it out. The website is http://www.kidsdiscover.com

  13. We used "10-Minute Life Lessons for Kids," by Jamie Miller. It gives short, fun activities that we could all do and then discuss. I am also interested in, but haven't gotten yet, "If You Had to Choose, What Would You Do?" by Sandra McLeod Humphrey and Brian Strassburg. My understanding of that book is that it gives scenarios with moral delimas. It's a chance to talk about what you think is morally correct and discuss it with your children. Might be worth a look. My other plan is to find people in history who display a positive moral character, learn about them, and have discussions about what traits they have, how they live their lives, etc.



  14. This was on the Connections Academy website FAQ.


    Can my child attend the program part-time or during the summer?

    Most Connections Academy schools are offered on a full-time basis. The Missouri Virtual Instruction Program is unique in that it offers both full-time and part-time enrollment. At present we do not offer a summer-school program. Visit your school’s enrollment page to learn more.


    I think Missouri is only using Connections for K-5th. It looks like they have something called Northwest for 6th-12th. So, they may have different rules. However, someone in our local homeschool group just wrote today that her son tried a couple of high school elective courses and was pleased with them. So, it looks like they allow you to do part-time in the higher grades too.

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