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Posts posted by Jenmomof3

  1. Found It!! Link below if interested.


    I remember reading an article within the past couple of months that talked about how this generation of parents is so different in their ways of dealing with the school system and education in general. It discussed the way parents today are results driven and "manage" their children's education seriously. I believe it stated that parents today will also be more likely to take their kids out of school and find another alternative without trying to discuss or change the system first. I think it may have been written for teachers and educational staff on how to work with parents of this generation. It had some really interesting points that I've shared with a few friends and now they would like to read that article. However, I can't seem to find it. I'm pretty sure I got the information here. Does this sound familiar to anyone? Links?


    Thanks for any help,


  2. I'm looking for a geography curriculum to use with my K'er next year. I've looked at Galloping the Globe several times, but just don't want anything that involved. I'm looking for something that is just geography and is not all map skill based. I've heard that A Trip Around the World might work, but I can't seem to find any sample lessons. For those who have seen or used it, is it appropriate for a K'er - not too much writitng, concepts age appropriate? (I know MFW uses it for older students, but the cover of the book says K-3) Anyone know where I can find samples online from the book? Any opinions?




  3. Here are a few ideas that I've seen work:


    I have a few friends that ask for money towards lessons from their relatives for their child's birthday and Christmas presents.


    I have one friend whose daughter is taking guitar lessons with another girl so they can split the cost of the private lesson.


    I know another lady who started teaching the preschool gymnastics class in trade for her girls' gymnastics lessons. (Since the preschool class is mostly doing very basic gymnastics and motor skills, I don't think she had to have a lot of experience to get the job.)


    I also know our homeschool group works with different individuals and gyms to provide low cost homeschool classes in ballet, gymnastics, PE, swimming, karate, etc. Maybe you could get together with other homeschoolers in your area and see if you can make similar deals. Strength in numbers, right?


    Just some thoughts. Best of luck.

  4. I've been getting every sickness around here since September -- seems like as soon as I think I'm over something I get sick again. I'm so tired of being sick. So, I decided to get my D levels checked. Just got my blood test results and my level was 34. The nurse said that was in the normal range. Is that true? Everything I keep reading is that it should be above 50. Which is correct? If I should try to raise it to 50, how much should I supplement? Is there anything else I should be taking to stop getting sick all the time?


    Thanks for any help. (I'm running to co-op so I may not be able to respond until later, but I can't wait to see what you all recommend.)



  5. On the bright side, an uncommon name is great when telemarketers call. I had an unusual maiden name and could tell within the first couple of seconds if it was a telemarketer calling. It was always funny to hear the different ways they could mess up my name. Now that I'm married, I have a pretty easy to pronounce last name - much trickier to pick out those annoying calls quickly. Thank goodness for caller ID.

  6. I'm teaching this right now to our preschool co-op class. I'm doing the first 5 weeks on the body systems and I have a co-teacher doing the next 5 weeks on our senses. We're doing the body outline on paper many have mentioned and are using photocopies each week from American Education Publishing Complete Book of Science (grade 1-2). Seems to be working well. I can email you my lesson plans (they're a little loose, but they may give you some activity ideas). Just let me know.

  7. Last year, we collected seeds and handed out seed packets. My kids collected Marigold flower heads when our plants went to seed. We ended up with so many that we decided to give them as gifts. My husband made cute seed packets on the computer. After he printed them, we cut them out and glued them together to make little envelopes, filled them with seeds and sealed them shut. It was a great gift for those acquaintances that you wouldn't buy a big gift for. The ladies at church loved getting them from the kids and one woman just brought us a picture Sunday of her marigolds from our seeds. I'm sure you could do it with any other flowers you have going to seed. It was a fun project for the kids and was close to free.



  8. I'm in the midst of planning next year and just realized that I'm missing pp. 145 & 146 (1st two-sided page of Level E) in the 3rd (Orange) edition. I'm not sure where I could have misplaced it. Is there somewhere I can get this? Or, can someone send me a copy of these two pages? Pretty Pleeeeeease. :)


    Thanks in advance for any help!

  9. Thanks so much for the ideas. I looked at the lapbook and Fizz, Bubble, and Flash that goes with it before, but wasn't sure if it would be a good fit. So glad to hear good reviews. I will have to look at it again. Thanks for the yahoo group suggestion too. I will have to check it out.


    Anyone else with other ideas for me to research?

  10. I'm sure this has been asked before, but what do you use along with RS4K Pre-Chem 1 to make it stretch an entire year? I think RS4K will be a perfect, gentle start to chemistry for my 7 y.o.s, but it only lasts 10 weeks. What else do you use for the other part of the year?



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