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Everything posted by michelle16

  1. I've been lurking for a while, but thought I'd add something because I'm in the same boat. My kids do the usual kid stuff but demand more. DS5 went to 4K and we are homeschooling for K. He was so excited that he insisted we start the day after 4K finished. DS3 also wants to do school. I pick a couple of things and only schedule 30 min a day (maybe) and the rest is projects/play. I'd say the only thing that they think is a drag is phonics, but that takes all of 10 minutes. Here is what they've been working on: Math: Khan Academy. I also got a copy of Life of Fred Apples for DS3, and ordered BA2 for DS5. Board and card games. Miquon as a supplement, it moves too slow for DS5 but he'll do a page here and there for extra review. They consider math to be a game. It's not unusual for them to spend an hour on it. Reading: Ordinary Parent's Guide to Teaching Reading and lots of read-alouds. DS5 has finished the Bob books. DS3 loves his alphabet flashcards. He has requested that I teach him to read. Starting out, this was the only thing I actually planned on doing but they asked for more and school snowballed from there. History: DS5 asked for history and we tried SOTW, instead we're just using the Usborne History Encyclopedia because it has pictures. And dinosaurs. We role-play a lot of it, ex. we built forts and turned our house into nomad camps and went foraging in the garden. Geography: DS5 loves maps, we're working through Maps from Intellego. We have maps up around the house that he looks at all of the time, and he draws maps of everything he sees. After that, I'll have him pick a country/region and we'll learn as much about it as he wants. Science: We spend most of our time here. DS5 asks so many questions that I've started writing them down and we work through them one by one. For some (like atoms, sound waves, structure of the earth, etc.) I'll put together little units with experiments/demonstrations, videos, art projects, crafts, etc. Janice VanCleave for simple projects if they're begging for something. We went through her entire Dinosaur book which was a big hit, Ecology and Human Body are in the wings. MESS units (free from the Florida Museum of Natural History site). DS5 is using an Intellego unit study on the solar system, his request. Art: ArtTango They both love Cosmic Kids Yoga on YouTube. I'm a cellist, we listen to lots of music and I'm teaching them Suzuki piano (10-15 min lesson a week). DS5 has asked to learn French, no idea how I'm going to go about that. My French is mediocre at best. I have some of the Intellego units which I like using, and I have also downloaded BFSU to fill in some of the science blanks. We're also at the library and children's museum once a week each and at least one park a week, and they spend as much time outside as possible. They're endlessly drawing, building legos, playing with Brio, Tinkertoys, making restaurants/drive-thrus/library/store/school/construction sites/colossal messes. DS5 loves Minecraft, DS3 likes Mario. Overall I suppose most of what they do is "play" (or at least they consider it to be playing), but I just direct it when I need to. Some days they do their own thing all day.
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