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Posts posted by momee

  1. WELL, that takes care of that.

    DH says "Are you MAD?" He thinks I've been overdoing it anyway and camping would just put be too much. He says he's all up for adventure and spontaneous fun but this is one he's not comfie with. He's the sweetest, wisest guy ever but I think he thinks we prego women are like eggs ready to break :) gotta love that, I sure wouldn't want the opposite.


    OK, so we'll be around home this weekend, looks like I need to start finding something challenging and interesting to cook with the girls or something - I'm going bonkers just waiting!

  2. Thanks ladies. I'll have to bring it up with dh - he may reach out and kiss some sense into me and suggest the home/picnic idea instead...he's a bit paranoid she's coming any minute. I had two dreams last night that I was in labor and in one I didn't want to get out of bed to do anything about it :) the other one I was afraid to wake dh because he was finally sleeping so soundly, despite my freight train snoring!


    I'll think it over more today - the one thing that would be the clincher is breaking down the camper if we have to stay for a while if something happens to necessitate a hospital stay longer than 24 hrs or so. Otherwise, I think it'll be a good getaway for all of us, the kids (and their parents) are sooooo relaxed and well behaved and just have a great time when we go.


    I appreciate your opinions - and even got a good laugh at your thoughts on camping - and btw - we have our own "port a potty" in the camper so those every hour trips in the dark can be from the bed to the pot, not across the campground. No way I'd even think of it otherwise.

    Enjoy your weekends! I'd love to post later about the birth of our little one instead of how the camping went, pray for us :D

  3. We have the rare occasion of having no sports this weekend and no other commitments!


    The only thing on the agenda is possibly having a baby, :)

    although I'm not officially due until June 8th. All the docs say they're surprised I'm still pregnant - I'm 4 cm dilated and have been so for about a week.


    The campground is 30 mins from home and even closer to the hospital than we are.


    We have a new pop up and the only time we've camped in it was wonderful. Comfy bed, adequate heat/ac if needed, we picked a nice campground, wonderful bathrooms, etc. There's not much to overwhelm us at this little spot, a playground, fishing, trails, etc. I have in my mind it will be a quiet get away before baby comes but my mind isn't all there lately.



    BTW, if we stay home, I know hubby won't rest and will be doing baby prep chores and I just want to relax and have "family time".

    BUT it is camping after all and there's always SOME work involved in that too.


  4. The classic worked well for years and got rave reviews here. It must not have been that bad, right?


    Seriously, I used both. I would think you will notice the changes in the higher grades really. You should be just fine.


    I just sold my classic year 2 for $70 with map aids. I see it's WAAAY more than that for redesign. Are the changes worth it? That's debateable.


    I don't think you'll be displeased necessarily - just buy it and put the redesign out of your mind. One good thing - people aren't necessarily looking for classic recommendations anymore so you may be able to find them more easily now - not sure. Some of them though, may be out of print and unavailable but those will be very few. Our library had almost all of the classic books whereas I had to buy quite a few redesign suggestions so that may save more too.

    Best wishes.

  5. Cindy, you're the one to discuss for us! With all those mouths to feed you're an expert by now!


    We saw your dh and kids at Sam's months ago - I was imagining how much you all spend on groceries. I can't seem to get mine much below $600 for everything.


    This month, we've spent a RIDICULOUS amount of money eating out - Economically stimulating the food economy is my goal - just kidding. It's been fun taking the kids out but boy oh boy is it EXPENSIVE>>>


    Chat on girls, I just love this subject...

  6. Hey,

    how awesome! Congrats to you all! That's awesome.


    I'm not "due" until June 8 but docs say "there's no way! you're going past 38 weeks". At this point I'm wondering what do they know.


    I am so thrilled for you all. I'd love to pursue that same route for another baby after this - we were looking at Bethany but it was sooooooo expensive. It's a shame it has to be so much, doesn't it? Adam wants to have a "big" brother after I get used to having our new baby girl.


    Yes, the 4 week rotation is what I meant. I'll email you now, thanks for responding.


  7. I've found the biggest deal for us, living out of the way of better grocery stores is having the ingredients on hand.


    Another thing to think about is what your family likes. It does no good to make three trays of enchiladas if they don't like them, ya know? I just say this because sometimes using those books that have you cook a big batch of stuff ends up having some recipes you just won't eat. That's a big waste of money.


    I'm learning it's much more economical and I've READ (not sure yet though) that frozen veggies are just as good as fresh. Being "out here" it's hard to find good produce so we've tried the bagged veggie Sam's route this month. We'll see.


    I made a monthly meal listing (no dates though, we're too irregular to predict which nights which dinners will be best) and tried to premake things that make that go smoother. Meatballs and sauce, pizza dough, stir fry veggies, fried rice fixin's and the rice, baked chicken and beef with onions - that kind of bulk stuff helps as others have already posted. I think it's more flexible that way.


    Keep at it - my family LOVES when I cook and it makes me feel as though I'm really taking care of them all. That's my goal as a mom - to care for them in ways no one else does :) It's a worthy adventure, be encouraged to continue in it.

  8. OB's say I won't go past 38 weeks and can't believe I'm still at each appt.


    People are saying they can't believe I'm still pregnant and now dh and the kids are thinking every contraction - which sometimes comes every 10 minutes, sometimes every hour :glare: is IT!


    MWife says I'm 4cm dilated outside - 1 + inside (whatever that picture gives you, sorry if TMI) and baby's head is engaged but still a bit floaty which in a 4th baby is absolutely normal for iminent labor because she could "slide down" any moment.


    Just looking for commiseration I guess that others of you were so close, yet so far.

    It's been since May 5 I've been having really strong contractions but nothing regular.


    I'm NOT taking Castor Oil, am walking about 1 3/4 mis per day on hilly terrain and eating lots of pineapple and oranges but that's the extent of my efforts to bring her earlier than she's ready. It's just the waiting and the expectancy it could be any day that's starting to wear me down.

    We've spent more money in the past two weeks at the video store getting movies to keep me distracted at night to not think about those pesky contractions I'm having.:tongue_smilie:


    I know she'll be here when she's ready, but when IS THAT? haha

  9. We loved MFW K.


    The thing I would suggest MFW K for specifically in your situation - the not having time comment.


    I felt as though we were spending quality school time and I had to do no planning to attain that. Other than library basket time which I would have done anyway.


    It was awesome but fwiw - we didn't stick with it for 1st. I ordered it and decided I wanted her at different levels for different things, I'm sure it would have been an adequate program, we just didn't go that route.

  10. The schedule makes the literature doable I think.


    We're using it with a 13 yr old - 8th/9th grader. The doctrinal ideas and discussions have been awesome but I can't imagine doing them either as a new Christian myself of my son not being brought up with spiritual teaching.


    I have loved the literature - and have had to learn to let go of my previous ideas that literature study included terms and worksheets this year. There are some terms but it's mostly reading for exposure, pleasure and thinking through the creative writing assignments.


    I don't think if you're all about tests and paperwork this would be for you :lol:


    SL at this core seems like - what "work" are we doing besides reading and discussing but my son has learned so much and had to think through some very heady theological issues of late.

    Any ?s ask away.

  11. We finally have the dog I've always wanted, obedient, calm, etc. Our first two tries failed miserably, and I think it was all due to my lack of time training them.


    My thing was from as soon as we Keeper - 6 weeks or so - I worked with her each and every day for roughly 30 mins or so. TREATS were huge in training - I'll try to find the book I used and list the title but it really wasn't the book.


    I worked on things like following me back and forth on our short little front sidewalk - like 15 feet or so, sitting, listening for her name, not in that order. Sitting and staying was really hard but once she got that she was pretty much trained in everything else.


    I also did something I'd never done with dogs before. I had her on a leash, sat her down beside me after we were done training and told her to lay - pushed her down if need be to that position - and read a book while she laid beside me. If she so much as moved! I repositioned her. I think this was so big in getting her to behave with us when she's inside. We say, lay down Keeper - even if ~~~people ~~ come to the door - you know how hectic that can be with dogs. Not Keep.


    We now have another dog who is "great" but nowhere near as obedient as our first one - got her at 8 yrs old. The "lack" of training like I trained Keeper is so obvious - she doesn't stay still, stares and whines when we're eating, has a hard time keeping under my voice control when the door bell rings, won't sit sometimes...etc.


    One last thing that has made a huge difference - in my opinion, DON"T go for those silly retractable leashes. Keeper has always walked on a short leash RIGHT beside me. She doesn't chase squirrels, go gaga when another dog comes by, or pull me on a leash - ever. I kept the leash so close that she sometimes knocked into my feet but she's never gotten the idea that a walk is my time to stupidly follow her whims - it's my time for exercise and she gets to come along :) Our other dog though, forget it now. I can't even take her on a walk now that I'm so big and pregnant, I don't trust that she won't jerk to get an animal.


    HTH - it sounds harsh now that I'm reading it - I never have been rough with her (except the time she jumped to the table to see what was up there - that's one more thing, NO human food, ever!). My kids know they're in big trouble if they smack or swat at the dogs, that helps the dogs trust them too. My voice is completely what can please or condemn Keeper and I think that's really a main goal in training. The one downside of that is that I'm the only one, really, who can call her back in if she's gone out front with no fencing and decides she wants to run crazy. But even then, it's one stern - Keep! and back she comes.

  12. How about using the Calvary Chapel kids curricula site - it's free and you could pick up some questions, worksheets, coloring sheets when you want and skip when you don't have time - no money wasted.

    Sorry, don't have the link, if you search the boards or google I'm sure you can find it.

  13. Yep, echo those statements above.

    check Best Buy.

    They had a front loader for $450 something. It has lowered our water bill and though I've not noticed it holds that many more clothes, it does use less detergent.

    We got the extended warranty so for three years, we're covered no matter what AND they'll promise next day repairman to your home.

    Awesome customer service there!


    It wasn't near as much as I thought it would be to switch.

    HOWEVER, there is one down side.

    I'm 37 weeks prego - huge belly.

    IT IS PAINFUL to load and unload that puppy! THe kids do it now so I guess in the long run it's better all around. :)

  14. http://www.virginia-beach-family-fun.com/virginia-beach-vacation.html


    I was just looking at this site about Busch Gardens tickets. It's pretty informative.


    Being from the area, there is so much to do in Wmsbg, Norfolk, and Va. Beach. You're also close, as others have said to Richmond, Charlottesville and if you really wanted to - DC.


    My favorite down there is hitting the ocean strip. Fun little carnival spot, great family friendly beaches (for seclusion go to the higher numbered streets, parking's free down there too) and just a ton of good restaurants. The museum and water parks are also good too, beyond the far north end (where we used to surf).


    Williamsburg is fun but can be really hot! There's a great water park in Wmsbg too that my kids just loved. That's one day right there. SO FUN!


    Any ?s ask away...

  15. #4 for us, baby girl, Natalie Ryan

    due officially June 8, ob moved to May 25th,

    midwife says any day - been contracting ten minutes apart three out of the last 6 days but nothing regular enough to do anything about


    No impatience here, I'm totally blissful being pregnant. Why wouldn't I be? I'm huge, can't sleep, leg cramps and major swellilng of my ankles (the kids laugh their heads off), nausea (still! on Zofran), moody, and exhausted.




    Pregnancy is NO fun for me but boy oh boy are we all excited about having a sweet baby blessing.

  16. So when your student has problems understanding a chapter in math at the high school level, what ways have you found to handle it?


    Meaning - if we get to lesson 28 and he's missing 7 to 8 problems for last two lessons and 3 to 6 from the beginning of the chapter (lesson 20) do you make them go back to the beginning of the chapter and re-work those lessons again, or do you just review the missed problems?


    My inclination is to go back to where he started getting more than 2/3 wrong on a lesson and redo them. Unfortunately that's around lesson 15 or so.

    He's about to have a fit he has to redo so much work and that's just starting with lesson 20.

    WWYD? If it helps, this is algebra so I feel he needs to know these foundational lessons inside and out.

    Just checking myself with you all fellow homeschool moms. Thanks.

  17. Same situation here tooo often for comfort.

    I can't say how many times we have had a quick check before going somewhere - like a sleepover or practice that all work is done (school or house)...and I've found things that were to have been done not.

    Makes me the REALLLY bad mom to cancel them but he's slowly learning over time I mean business. So do his friends, even helping in the accountability regard of reminding him he better get his work done!


    I think grace is important and by all means exposing the sin while still loving the sinner are key in all issues we face as parents and want to say that first. I have so often mistakenly railed at him for not doing what I asked. That was due to my frustration. I'm really trying to put the issue on the lack of diligence and not the lack of character - very hard imho.


    I also think this is the time their work ethic and honesty are developing and dh and I stand strongly together that these are important traits to be built into ds. As such, it is one of our major lessons we repeatedly watch for teaching to and one my ds knows is on his list of "to do"'s.


    Don't give up on this - my dh reminds ds constantly of adults we know who are lacking these things, and the fact that they are in constant financial need as well as their lot in life is a hard one.

    Be encouraged and continue in the hard work of parenting. My dh is one of the most diligent hardworking men ever, but ask his mom how he was at 13? HA.

  18. We are doing SL Core 1 at an accelerated pace so in my opinion I think it's totally doable.


    AS LONG AS you like to read aloud. There's a ton of that ~ but for us it's good quality one on one snuggle time so we love it.


    I've always thought the schedules provide more than enough leeway to get stuff done in a day - until Core 200. That one's tough but even now we're finding ds is getting more than one day done sometimes.

  19. I don't know but if you type in accelerated reader program on google you may find a school's reading list that has levels on it.


    We are doing SL Core 1 - and I thought I'd give it to my 1st grader to read herself. NOPE. Too many bigger words in it but I would think a 6th grade level reader can sound them out just fine.

    They're great books - let him/her just keep reading them. Sounds like it's going well for you.

    I love SL!

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