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Posts posted by sbgrace

  1. For study and contemplation, I like Contemporary English Version. It's a translation, not paraphrase, but in contemporary language. I like how it reads

    .For scripture memory I use NIV, because that's what I memorized as a teen.


    (I have NRSV and the Message (which I like sometimes too--it gets a bad rap, but has some strengths) handy as well). 

  2. When we were first married, I ended up with a filling nearly every dental visit over 2 years. They were my first ever fillings. I didn't question it, but I did wonder about the water. We moved and I was never told I had a filling again. We lived there for 11 years. At one point I asked the dentist and he told me that some dentists fill areas that other dentists don't. Sometimes anything that "catches" is filled. He basically said it dentists vary on their treatment based on their training. He didn't imply they were con artists. He did mention some dental schools teach different approaches. 

    We moved again. And...my first visit to a new dentist I was told I had a cavity. I told him I wanted to wait and see. He pushed back at me pretty aggressively (given I'm an adult making my choice for my self)--and I told him the above. He took as an insult of course--and asked if I was calling him a liar--it was awkward. For a while I kept driving back to my old hometown to see the dentist I trusted. When he retired, I went back to practice with the dentist who told me I had a cavity. Every time he would tell me I had a cavity in that tooth. I would tell him I'm waiting. It's been 12 years. So that "soft spot" was not a cavity. He did fill a "crack," and I regret letting him do that. Because I don't fully trust him. I should have got a second opinion maybe. 

    I really think dentistry is subjective. Some dentists really think you should fill any potential problem before it gets worse--causing you to do more extensive work. 

    I'll add--I drive 1.5 hours to take my kids to a pediatric dentist who is conservative in treatment. I'd like to be closer, but just don't know who to trust. He told us last appointment that one of my kids has a couple of surface "pre-cavities," and suggested he make sure he's brushing well and using a fluoride rinse. We'll see what they are doing next appointment. I love that kind of approach. I wish I could find it closer. 

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  3. 5 hours ago, itsheresomewhere said:


    There is a lady who goes to my gym about 65-70ish with the most fantastic arms.  I am trying out a few things she does to see if it helps me meet my goal of no more bat flap arms.  Lol. 

    I'd love to know too! 


    Well, I got a decent amount of walking today and yesterday-- quite a lot of walking and, though it's been to get from here to there (and there and there), I'm running out of time and energy to do anything else later, so I'm counting it. 

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  4. I was able to get a little over 30 minutes on my exercise bike and got my arms and  back strengthening in as well. 


    This coming week, and to a lesser extent next week, is going to be really overly full. I hope I can get some movement in at least some days (without sacrificing sleep--which is what I did this week--I can't keep doing that!). If I don't, I hope I will have it in me to just pick up when my life is back to having some self care room in it.  This time of year is when I've typically gotten discouraged and out of habit and then stopped my planned movement for, often, a really long while. I really want to do it differently this year. I hope this thread will help me with that. 

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  5. I sacrificed sleep to get some movement today. I did my exercise bike 30 minutes before anyone else got up this morning. I intended to do my strengthening tonight, but felt some low-mid back pain when I began squats. I'm hoping I didn't hurt myself. I adapted my strengthening plan after that by just doing a little (non weights) arm exercises and some stretch based upper back focus. 

    I've missed two days this week already. But I'm going to focus on what I do get done.

    • Like 3
  6. My husband got too high (I think due to sun exposure + supplementing higher than he needed to over a long period of time). He was told to lay off all supplemental D for 3 months, then recheck. I read it may take 6 months to go down! I think it varies by person. His calcium levels were fine. I was really glad I insisted he get his D checked! 

  7. 17 hours ago, MercyA said:

    You've received so much good advice and input already, and I've no doubt that much of your anxiety is situational. However, these symptoms are classic OCD. 

    Taking an SSRI for my OCD changed my life (and my family's lives), much for the better! I take Luvox / fluvoxamine, which is specifically indicated for OCD. It has also helped mellow me in general. 🙂 Mine is prescribed by my GP. It's no different than a diabetic taking insulin and there is no shame in it. It might be worth considering.


    Yes. I was going to say this as well. You have many legitimate reasons to be anxious. I think you are listening to your hesitations about the future, and those are the feelings that need the attention and action.

    The health anxiety, though, doesn't. It's OCD in, as someone else said, the most classic sense. The best thing for that is an SSRI (and a specific kind of CBT called ERP from someone trained particularly in OCD...OCD foundation online has lists of those trained in various areas). I'd start with the medication if you can. It may help you in other ways, but it will hopefully really help the OCD. 

    • Like 3
  8. I'm glad you are getting mental health help and possible EMDR. Seems, though, the trauma work (hopefully EMDR; nature seems like a good idea if doable) is going to be key for your recovery in this area. 

    When you wrote your bed is an anxiety trigger I thought-- this happened to my son for less traumatic reasons. The sleep medicine specialist wanted him to try sleeping a chair and etc--which did not work for him. She then suggested that we switch up his bed--location/position of the bed, head on the opposite end, etc....to try to break those connections in his mind.

    He also listened to the Sleep With Me podcast to distract his mind. (Plus mindful body scan/progressive relaxation, medication, exercise, light exposure control, and careful sleep hygeine--all the things). 

    I don't know if there is a way to sleep with your husband but change the bed in some way or to have both of you sleep in a different place (elevated air mattress even). It might be worth trying.  

    I see lots of podcasts have been recommended. It feels like that, if you can find the right thing (engaging enough to distract your mind, not so engaging that it keeps you awake) it might help you. 



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  9. I got a cortisone shot in my neuroma impacted foot this afternoon, then went on a 2 mile walk with my parents (conversational pace, but it felt like sauna level heat!). (Yes, Junie, some better than none. I really need to take that to heart.)

    The podiatrist recommended surgery to remove the nerve that has the neuroma. I was surprised. Taken aback really. I've seen 4-5 podiatrists over the past 16 years, and no one said that before.

    I hope conservative measures (orthotics, some movement limits, this shot) will get me back to ok. It seems like I would be better served exhausting less invasive options first. I said that. He said "If you want to keep limiting your movement, you can. Otherwise, I think you need surgery."

    It was discouraging to put it mildly. I probably should get other podiatrist opinions. My head is spinning. 


  10. Jenny, I wish I could advise. I can empathize.

    I'm struggling right now too (doing less than planned really often, shoving minimal things in at the very end of the day, and sometimes missing altogether recently).

     I know  the busy crowding out my movement only going to get worse over the next few weeks for me. In the past, with the exception of last year due to COVID canceling everything, the end of June to mid-July has been my downfall in regular movement. I would often come out of it discouraged and disappointed in myself--stopping my regular movement altogether. Eventually, months later, I would restart from what felt like zero again. I don't want that to happen this year. 

    So, I'm trying to be gentle with myself. I'm going to count continuing my movement in some way while I'm this busy, even if it's not what I think is ideal, as a win for me. If I come out of the next few weeks getting movement when and how I can and then get back into my routine afterward, I may give myself some reward. 


    Today is a less than planned day, but I did get a boosted walk at home in (again, way too late tonight). 

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  11. I had fun movement plans, but it looks like it is going to pour all weekend. We'll see. 

    I tried my Walk at Home again tonight, with orthotics and extra tall metarsal pads. I think I'm ok. I feel encouraged by that. 

    I did my exercise bike earlier in the evening, so I had that base movement already in case the Walk at Home was too much for my feet. So I got 2 cardio sessions in today, which makes me feel better about missing altogether yesterday.

    I also did back and arms strengthening routines. 


  12. Well, I like my progressives and I have a really high prescription--higher than many optometrists I've had have seen--plus astigmatism.

    I did use Zenni for my current glasses, a replacement pair. I have been just as happy with them as I was with the expensive ones from my optometrist. I suggested hubby order from Zenni as well. Maybe I should rethink that, reading this thread! 


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  13. 8 hours ago, Junie said:

    I started out tonight with the intention of *maybe* walking 3 miles.  I got to the end of the video and felt pretty good and thought maybe I could do one more.  So I started the walking video over and finished another 3 miles.  Six miles!  🙂

    !! Yay !! 

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