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Posts posted by Radish4ever

  1. We are enjoying MM1 with my 1st grader. We're going through it fairly slowly. We started 1A last year and got about half way through as Kinder math and we JUST finished 1A and are working into 1B right now. To keep it more "fun", I'm letting her do a page or two of the grouping and such and then a page or two about money. Once she's completed the money part, we'll probably do the clocks, so she'll be working on different skills concurrently (both the meaty part of the program, and the "fun" stuff that she perceives as easy and cool). I suspect we'll move through the curriculum much quicker this way and I love that she is getting great practice and really grasping it!


    We use our own manipulatives (boring things like crayons or beads) and don't play a lot of the games. She is naturally mathy (like me!).


    I am not sure if we will use MM with my son when the time comes. I have actually been considering something different for him because he has a totally different approach to learning... but he's only in Pre-K now, so I have time to think on it. :)

  2. I ended up with one clone - the difference is that I am a MUCH better parent than my parents were (it's not that hard - particularly considering that my hubby is actually ON BOARD with helping me out and participating in the parenting as well!). I also provided her with younger siblings, another thing I never had. We have clear boundaries and rules. Hubby doesn't mind that he got a kid just like me as a kid because he's not the one at home most of the time to deal with the issues. :-P

  3. Oh I was tooooooooooootally done after #3. TOTALLY. His pregnancy was absolutely MISERABLE, I felt awful, my hormones were RIDICULOUS and I cried and had the most awful, secluded pregnancy possible because I knew that if I hated being around me that much, so would everyone else!


    His birth was pretty traumatic, I lost a lot of blood and he got stuck, and it was yuck.... Then it took me about 12-18 months to really heal postpartum and feel normal again.


    Then I got a wild hair about the time my periods returned (AS USUAL. DARN IT!) and after 2 cycles (which were long and irregular), I got pregnant again.... which I found out the week after I decided we were officially done.


    SO now we've had to upgrade vehicles AGAIN (this time to a van - right after we'd found the PERFECT vehicle to accommodate the 3 kids in carseats last year), I JUST moved away from all of my family and friends in August, and I'm starting over with no baby supplies or anything besides my natural baby feeders. Geez!


    All in all, though? I am soooooo happy we decided to have another one - or at least not prevent it for a little while. :-P This pregnancy has been ENTIRELY different and my family is way less chaotic than I ever imagined at this point. We have lots of new friends and activities, homeschooling is going well, and somehow we've been able to afford everything we've needed.


    I have no idea when I'll feel done. I hope it's after this one, but I don't know... Even with my HORRIBLE pregnancy and birth....he was over 18 months when I changed my mind!

  4. We're going to try and be as frugal as possible. I'm due in April with child #4, and my son will be beginning K... My daughter will hopefully finish up her 1st grade stuff over the summer and will be doing 2nd grade work.


    I already have Math Mammoth for her (I will probably have this printed and bound at Staples or somewhere, though), and I will probably purchase the next year's materials from Growing With Grammar (all 3 of their resources for writing/spelling/grammar). I'm hoping to have finished OPGTR with her by then (we've been going through it VERY slowly and are almost done...), so no reading lessons. We will probably still have some WWE for her to finish. We purchased BFSU and I have SOTW and MOH to thumb through and decide on. We have Mark Kistler lessons for art, and I drop them off at a gymnastics homeschool day at least once a week. There are online resources we can use, too, that are free for supplementing...


    For my K-er, I plan on continuing with OPGTR and using workbooks I already have for other subjects. He loves "doing school". I have his handwriting workbook somewhere that we should really get back into and I could always print out more practice. He's working on Reading Eggs and I plan on getting him back into Starfall. I may gently begin Math Mammoth 1 with him like I did with my DD - VERY low pressure, just a few problems every few days to work on upcoming concepts. MEP would be another thought.


    We have lots of learning games that I should be utilizing (and it may be easier as my 2yo DS gets a little older - he'll be 3 in Sept.) and we are involved with a homeschool playgroup. I'm thinking about NOT joining a co-op next year. We never did it this year and I kind of like the flexibility and loose schedule of just doing instruction at home!

  5. Yes, I'll take DD with me along on errands quite often. She seems to require a lot more Girl Time than my boys require one on one with Mom. She has Girl Scouts, which I co-lead, and then runs at least one errand a week with me on a week night (like picking up pizza earlier this week). We also have girl afternoons sometimes or nights - she loves to go out to eat with me and we'll go to Chili's and split something or IHOP and get hot chocolates.


    My youngest son gets one on one time with me while my older 2 are at a drop off gymnastics thing for ages 3+. He usually goes grocery shopping with me during that 2 hour period. He also has a harder time sleeping, so he gets snuggle time every night that the others don't get.


    My middle son doesn't seem to need so much focused time with me - he prefers to spend his time with my DH when it's special time... playing video games together, usually. ;) DH plays with him several hours a week (usually on the weekends) and they can bond over that.

  6. My kids all share a room. In fact, most nights, at least 2 of them sleep together. My older 2 will put themselves to sleep if I absolutely can't or won't go in there to put them to sleep, but my 2 year old still needs to be tucked in and I lay with him for a good 5 or so minutes. I love to hug and kiss and sometimes read stories to my older 2 before the lights go out. Sometimes I steal an extra hug or kiss before leaving the room if one or both are still awake when the little one falls asleep.

    I think it's a special time and will keep it up until they no longer want me to. :)

  7. Breakfast was apple juice with cinnamon-sugar toast, eggs (with cheese for DD), and sausage links for the kids (cereal and a huge glass of water for me).

    Lunch will likely be fast food today because the kids want to go to homeschool open gymnastics and I won't have enough time to go grocery shopping beforehand and we are out of bread. Otherwise, we'd probably have sandwiches. I think I'll be shopping while they are in gymnastics to save some time in our day!


    Our week has been, and will continue to be, very busy. So far we've spent a ton of time trying out new (to us) vehicles and last night finally purchased one... 3 hours with 3 kids under 7 later and we now have a used Honda Odyssey. I've also been to the chiropractor twice this week, have had to pick up paperwork from my OB since I apparently failed my 1 hour glucose screening, and I've had to schedule a bunch of stuff. Up for the rest of the week is the gymnastics, grocery shopping, a huge Girl Scout event tomorrow night that will probably keep me busy for at least 8 hours tomorrow afternoon/night, family pictures Saturday morning, and a girl's night Saturday night.... A jewelry party Sunday afternoon and picking up, sorting, and distributing our troop's Girl Scout Cookies Sunday night. I AM TIRED JUST THINKING ABOUT IT!! AHHHH! School-wise, school has been okay.


    Last new thing I tried... prenatal chiropractic care. So far, so good! It's been working out well and I've only been twice.

  8. My kids did Reading Eggs about a year and a half ago and LOVED IT. They STILL talk about it! Well now I got the extended free trial with all the codes and they are just plowing through. I believe there's a place where you can change your child's placement because DD is way past map 8 even though that is where they placed her, but I know that she loves it too much to simply be done or close to done... So I'm letting her continue on through the lessons anyway. :)


    My 2 year old has shown some interest, but I honestly doubt he's retaining anything. I'm just letting him do it because the other kids get to. ;)

  9. That's about the time I feel done for a while, too. Usually I change our routines up a bit to give me more ME time and LO doesn't suffer and I feel more refreshed.

    I have DH put the kid to bed for a while instead of me (since it's nursing to sleep that annoys me first) and go out on girls' nights and such. ;-P I also put the little one off a little bit - when asking to nurse, I say, "Not right now," and then get the little one to do something else via distractions. After a few weeks, I start missing it again and get back into a new groove with it and feel better about it. Also, since I never QUIT, it's easy to continue on whenever since my supply is still there.

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