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Posts posted by CHSgirl

  1. I am a complete newbie to homeschooling looking for some input from you veterans on how you track your lesson plans, attendance, what you've accomplished each day, etc., for both yourself and your accountability group. Basically all of the logistical type busy work. 


    I would love to hear what works for you all, e.g. do you track all of these things separately or in one place? Do you use some kind of template on your computer? Is there a crazy good planner out there where you write everything down? Do your children look at YOUR lesson plan each day/week to know what's expected of them, or do you create a separate one for them?


    If you don't accomplish everything you've planned to accomplish on a given day/week, how to you keep track of what you actually HAVE accomplished? And how do you manage your plan so it's easily modified?


    I'm a little type A and LOVE to have things organized, but I don't want to spend a lot of time maintaining all of this stuff. I'm more than happy to spend time up front to get it right, but I'm trying to avoid having to redo everything when our week doesn't go as planned. Basically trying to set things up to give myself a little grace this first year and not stress myself out! 


    Any input is appreciated!

  2. I cannot thank you all enough! This is so helpful.


    I gave my upcoming 3rd grader the Singapore assessment tests and she got 77% on the 2B - and there were some things she should have gotten right, but just forgot. So I plan to start with 3A. My upcoming 1st grader got 65% on the 1A test, so we'll start with 1A.


    Need to digest all of your input and will decide. Thank you!

  3. Hi everyone -

    I would really appreciate your input on which version of Singapore to use. 


    We have pulled my upcoming 3rd and 1st graders out of public school and will homeschool them this year. They will be in a hybrid-type program where they will take humanities one day a week, a science class another morning, and the rest of the week will be home with me. I have decided to do math on my own and I feel like I have been overanalyzing my options! 


    After researching and looking at various options, I've decided to use Singapore. What I can't decide is which version to use. The Common Core option is appealing to me because I still plan to have my kids take yearly standardized testing - but maybe this shouldn't matter? We live in SC where the public schools used Common Core, but apparently have phased it out.  I have read through the forums here and there seem to be split opinions on US vs Standards and no opinions on the Common Core version? Any feedback for a rookie homeschooler? 


    My kids are both strong in math. The lack of a Home Teacher Guide for Common Core is a bit scary to me, which draws be somewhat to US and Standard. I know there is a lot of hatred out there for Common Core, but some of the Common Core examples I've seen I actually like. Anecdotally, I've heard the Standards has slightly more than US and also some review built in, which I like. All that said, when you look at this this chart comparing the three options, there really isn't a significant difference in what is taught, which makes me wonder why there are three options to begin with. 




    I emailed Jenny at Singapore and was told there are NO plans to create a Home Teacher Guide for Common Core, nor are there are no plans to phase out the Standards version (which I read somewhere, can't remember where.) So here I am over analyzing which option to use, yet feeling like it's 6 of one and a 1/2 dozen of another... 


    Which option do you think would be best for a rookie homeschooler  who is daunted by lesson planning?


    Any input is so appreciated!  

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