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  • Public Club

    <p>A place for good books and great conversation.</p>
  • Public Club

    <p>A group for military homeschoolers. We all have special troubles like pcs, deployments, multiple tdys, always being new, etc. Let's join together and help each other out</p>
  • Public Club

    <p>Here's a good place to ask for prayers. If you need a prayer, list it here; and, if you do list one, when things are resolved or come to fruition, would you be so kind to update.</p>
  • Public Club

    <p>Follow the Nourishing Traditions/Eat Fat Lose Fat type of eating/diet.</p>
  • Public Club

    <p>This is a group of us who share 1-3 accomplishments that we've had a hard time getting to... whether it's 5 minutes cleaning around the washer and dryer, filing a stack of papers, or cleaning under a bed or in a closet.</p> <p> </p> <p> Post here and encourage one another. Give a high-five. We are busy people. Life gets hard. Sometimes we keep putting off a task that desperately needs our attention. </p> <p> </p> <p> So, let's try to do 1-3 things that we keep putting off for a "bit of time" each day and share about it.</p>
  • Public Club

    <p>This group to support professionals, amateurs, music lovers, parents, and students of all ages.</p>
  • Public Club

    <p>Whether we call them crockpots or slow cookers, whether we use them them for soups or desserts, we are united in our loathing of cream of cr*p soup as an ingredient.</p> <p> </p> <p> So, post about your crockpot or slow cooker here. Post your tried and true, or tried and goo recipes. But most of all share your abilities to cook a great meal in an electric device without having to resort to cream of cr*p soup.</p>
  • Public Club

    <p>Are you a pastor's wife, a ministry wife, or in "professional ministry" yourself? This group is here to provide a safe place to discuss issues related to "life in the fishbowl."</p>
  • Public Club

    <p>Open to all ladies (and gentlemen!) who are looking to lose weight! Looking to form a cheering section and recipes, ideas, etc.</p>
  • Public Club

    <p>For everyone interested in food storage. Old pros, newbies, and the mildly curious are welcome.</p>
  • Public Club

    <p>"The word of God is alive and exerts power and is sharper than any two-edged sword and pierces even to the dividing of soul and spirit, and of joints and their marrow, and is able to discern thoughts and intentions of the heart." (Heb. 4:12) I want to keep this group for Christians to feel free to quote scripture, etc. as it applies to their parenting. Any techniques or books that speak to you are welcome. I am currently very impressed with Boundaries for Kids. Raising Godly Tomatoes was the first parenting book I read with a Biblical view, but other views are more than welcome. I actually disagree with the emphasis on spanking. Disagreeing with aspects of the book as it applies to your individual children is acceptable. ie: (That does not work for us, but it is okay if it works for you.)</p>
  • Closed Club  ·  17 members

    PUBLIC GROUP - DO NOT JOIN OR POST personal information. This is a place to post resources for women's healthcare. It is PUBLIC so please do not post anything other than links. It is not safe.
  • Public Club

    <p>This is supposed to be a support network for those who have cub scouts/webelos. Do any of you have ideas to share for projects, den meetings. What things did you like or not like? How can we become better Akelas?</p>
  • Public Club

    <p>For WoW players to game talk, come for help, compare notes, discuss their characters, and be as geeky as they want. :)</p>
  • Public Club

    <p>This is a support, encouragement and informational group for WTM board participants who use positive discipline as the main approach to family life with their kids. Punitive, adversarial, or harsh parenting styles and authors will not be supported.</p>
  • Public Club

    <p>Countdown to NaNoWriMo 2012!</p>
  • Public Club

    <p>Role-playing, board/war/strategy, heck, even computer games...who out there loves to game? And do any of you incorporate gaming into your homeschooling?</p>
  • Public Club

    <p>Here we can talk about bread and baking, share tips and recipes, grains and tools.</p>
  • Public Club

    <p>Anyone interested in discussing this show. Lets remember to be kind and not spoil anyone's viewing.</p>
  • Public Club

    <p>What are you doing with your 3 to 5 year olds?</p>
  • Public Club

    <p>Come in and let's share our knitting!</p>
  • Public Club

    <p>Do the words "Here I stand. I cannot do otherwise," still give you a chill? Do you love the Sola's? Does "By grace, through faith, and that not of yourselves; it is the gift of God; not of works--lest any man should boast" epitomize your Faith? And are you homeschooling your child as a Lutheran WTMer? Then please join us here! No attacks, please--we want to get all cozy here.</p>
  • Public Club

    "Creativity is Intelligence having Fun." by Albert Einstein He is one of my favorite people. He was a genius with a funny side. I'm starting this club to discuss art in the homeschool environment. What are your thoughts? Is visual art really that important to the homeschool curriculum? Is homeschool art just about making crafts? I hope that we can discuss these questions with each other.
  • Public Club

    <p>Mac users unite! Here's a group for you!</p>
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