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Ada Lovelace Day is Oct. 11....


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On the offhand chance someone else is interested, I did some brainstorming and came up with a few ideas....


We can read the biography and do a narration (to get a little language arts in the day).

Play Robot Turtles, a game that introduces basic programming

Play Trionimoes or Yahtzee!, because dd likes them

I found this nifty paper doll of Ada

There are some printable math puzzles at math-salamanders.com

Playdough to Plato has a rainbow addition snack game. If I am really lazy, I will use Froot Loops, which would be a real treat in this house.

There's always tangrams.

And for an afternoon matinée, we can watch Phantom Tollbooth. It's the only movie I can think of that has any math in it.


I am not math-phobic, but coming from a set of parent-artists, it is not my thing. Personally, I hate math and logic puzzles, and riddles in general, but realize this is a thing I should try to avoid passing on to my children. This seems like a good excuse to explore math in a fun way. Also, it's nice to have a day off from the same-old, same-old.


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