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What is the difference between these two programs?


What are the advantages to using one over the other?


How well has your child retained what they have learned?


Thank you.

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I have used both, although the EPGY was years ago, and ALEKS is current. EPGY can be accessed far more cheaply at elementary levels than was true when I used it before with ds12.


ALEKS provides less direct teaching. What there is is in the form of full solutions for the problem type, at higher levels multiple methods of solution are often supplied. Increments in ALEKS are small, my math bright kids can often figure out new problems based on what they already know and almost always at least attempt to solve them before checking explain. This engagement with the math has, for them, improved retention. For other kids the presentation of a problem before a method of solution might frustrate. Khan academy can fill in for much direct teaching if desired. I am also comfortable providing on the spot math tutorials for my kids with nothing more than a pencil and paper. That said, I do also insist my kids read math texts. Its just not synchronized with their work in ALEKS beyond same basic subject (algebra, geometry, etc.) and I do not check their work in that, just provide them solutions manuals. ALEKS is my tool for ensuring mastery of math while they are free to some extent to educate themselves or request tutorials from me as they desire so long as I see progress. My kids like this. They found EPGY more controlling than they wanted in a computer program. It may be different know, I don't know. I also like that ALEKS reassesses frequently, and I can request assessment at any time. So If I doubt their mastery, I just request reassessment so that they are essentially re-placed within the course and have to go back over whatever they missed on assessment. If I am wrong in suspecting they have gotten ahead of themselves, then the place at or above where they were, no harm done. I found getting ahead of oneself a bigger problem in EPGY, and when we used it had no real way to recalibrate placement within the course.


I hope some EPGY people chime in with their take on the current EPGY program. :)


I suspect this might be one of those individual things that depends on you and your dc to determine what will be best.

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