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I have something I just HAVE to say about this board.

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The women (and men) here amaze me.


I was reading the post about the child in the wheelchair...and all the posts that followed...and thinking back over the thousands of posts I've read here over the years....


What an amazingly strong, intelligent, diverse group of people we have here! Each of us has a struggle we face or something we do that another person on this board thinks "How does he/she do that?"


I think of the parents here who are dealing with severe disabilities in their kids (sometimes multiple kids) and I think "how does she do it?" because I am not sure I could.


And the parents who have 10 kids and homeschool them all with all of the responsibilities of being a wife and mother and I'm like ??????


And the families who have been out of work for months and months and are still holding it together somehow.


And the moms like me who work full time outside the home but still manage to homeschool your children.


And the parents who are dealing with a spouse on deployment and being both parents to their child for extended periods of time. How do you do it?


And parents who willingly foster/adopt special needs children. God bless you.


And parents who are coping with serious illness and disease in their own lives and still homeschooling.


I could go on and on. Something about that post just really smacked me in the head and I thought "what an awesome bunch of MIGHTY parents are on this board...strong beyond measure." I applaud you all.


If I missed something feel free to add.... in terms of "what doesn't kill you makes you stronger"...what has made you a stronger parent?

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Happy Anniversary Sheri!


I was also thinking of all the single parents on this board who still manage to homeschool.


And those going through divorce who still manage to homeschool.


And those dealing with addiction in their kids or spouse or self...and still manage to homeschool.


Do you all realize how amazing that is? Anyone of those issues could make someone curl up in a corner and refuse to cope but you all homeschool through these issues and for some reason, today, I am just stunned by it all. :grouphug:

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