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What is WWE???

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I read a post today where someone recommended mastering WWE before beginning CW. WWE isn't listed in the abreviations - what is it? And must it be completed prior to CW? Even before the CW Primer?


I had a look at the CW Primer sample pages today, and it looks like something my oldest could do once he's a little more proficient with a pencil. Narration is pretty new to me. How exactly does one go about doing it? How long should narrations be?


My oldest has blasted along learning to read this year (5yo, reads at the 3rd and 4th grade levels), but is still grade level with a pencil. When reading aloud he tends to be embarassed, and prefers to read very, very fast in a quiet monotone with little expression. So this is our current area of work.


How would narration best be used in this scenario? Should it be introduced yet, or wait until read-aloud issues are resolved?

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