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Are You a Homeschool Curriculum Junkie?

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I guess I'm a Curriculum Junkie wannabe. I love looking at catalogs and browse online without buying anything - we're on a budget.


I had to put myself on a budget. My children have to eat. They can't live off of books (bread) alone.:001_smile:

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How many on this forum will admit to being a Homeschool Curriculum Junkie?





I buy everything.


I buy stuff I won't need for years, and by the time I need it, I either forget where I put it, or forget I ever had it and buy it again (only to find the original stuff a month or two later.)


I already have several (yes, several) potential complete curriculum choices, some purchased a long time ago, and others more recently, yet I keep looking at more options.


I honestly don't think it's healthy. I was probably better off last year, when I convinced myself that the BJU DVDs were working for us, and that I shouldn't shop for anything else. (Now, I've changed my mind about using BJU for everything and have already bought 5 different writing programs, three spelling programs, Tapestry of Grace Year 1 Redesigned, and two years' worth of Oak Meadow.


And I am completely and utterly confused about what to use. :confused:






Worse, I have found things that definitely work for us; yet, I'm still continually looking. . .

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the moms at your monthly homeschool meeting mention either a new, an old, or unheard of (by most) curriculum and all turn to you for a full report. Not to mention the fact that you probably own it and therefore they can get a hands on look at it.


:lol: Having been in a group with you, I can totally affirm the above! ;)


When I first started homeschooling, I was a total junkie! I bought anything and everything it seemed. I've tapered off over the years, partly from necessity and mostly for lack of space! :D

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YES! YES! I admit it!!! I scour the used curriculum web pages for cool stuff! I buy stuff sometimes just because it looks like something we might like and it's a great price! I am hooked! I don't know what I'll do when I am done HS'ing! I am going to have to find another hobby! lol!


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